
Showing posts from May, 2013

18 days

OMG !! I will be married in 18 days and it's happening to soon. Entirely I am stepping into a new life together with my new soul of love, affectionate and care...

The Leaf Addiction

The trend of chewing betel nut is dying. Though nothing to smile about.But it is good that many people are not having those ancient habits anymore after all the awareness shared on media's. As we know it's a kind of addiction and bad habit, though the old timers from village's were basically addicted to it. It also gets their teeth stainned in red as they chew for ages. Chewing on these betel leaves and betel nuts the pratice has been existing for a very long time into some centuries in India and Asia. It has also become one of the important part of cultural and religious rituals. I always thought betel leaf was a bad leaf but never knew the Hindu's use that leaf for sacred purpose in prayers and rituals. There is the good use and bad use of the betel leaf, it has good traditional medicinal substances. You can read more about it in detail if you can Google. I remember the days when some old ladies I knew from my neighbourhood used to chew on these nasty leaves.The

“I am a spirit living in a body. I am not the body"

“I am a spirit living in a body. I am not the body. The body will die, but I shall not die.” Here I stand, in this wide world, a living spirit in a body. I shut my eyes and try to conceive myself. Who am I? I! I! I! just an air in physical body. I read this somewhere which interested me and opened my mind wider to think more. The Vedas declare, "No". You are a spirit living in a body. You’re not the body. The body will die, but you shall not die. Here you are in this body; it will fall, but you shall go on living. Now this sets more curiosity for me, looking for answer of HOW? It is explained that a soul is not created, it exist on this world. It has a past life and also knows the future but how come we don’t remember either of it. It’s not found or retrieved from our database the MIND. I admit us a very powerful tool known as MIND. Powerful enough it controls us in every aspect. If the soul is not created there should be some elements or combination which means a f