Comprimising and adjustments are the rules of a marriage life.When two people settle down with one another after wedding, adjustments become a necessity rather than a choice. They take time getting used to each other's family. For every girl, thanks to the age old beliefs and the daily soaps, the mother-in-law is likened to a monster of some sort even before she gets to know her. However, if you put in a bit of effort, your mom-in-law can become your best friend. Yes, the matter can be tricky. But put your best foot forward, be confident while you deal with the difficulties in getting used to a new life, and you can find a friend for life. It is only in the first few years that you need to make small compromises to make sure that your married life is comfortable. You must understand that your mother-in-law is also trying to get used to your regular way of life. Obviously, she has set the rules of the house and has been practising it for years. In case there is something that is b...