
Showing posts from November, 2011


Special date for this year!!!

Forgotten India..!!!

Coming soon....

KumariKandam (குமரிக்கண்டம்) D'Lost Continent Of Tamil Nadu

Kumari Kandam or Lemuria  (Tamil:குமரிக்கண்டம்) Did you'll know Kumari Kandam was the largest continent in this world? This huge continent of the Tamil people was called Kumari Kandam or the Lemuria continent that was swallowed by the seas, and eventually lost forever. The lost world of Tamil Nadu which submerged in Indian Ocean thousands of years ago.There are many lost cities in today’s world one of the famous is Atlantis. This Kumari kandam continient said to be ruled by the Pandya kings , and there are lots of scattered literary evidences to this lost land of the Tamils. As per Adiyarkunallar, a huge landmass extending from Kanyakumari to a distance of 700 kavatams (unknown, obsolete unit) got sunken in the sea. During this civilization, Kumari Kandam land was divided into 49 territories (nadu). It had mountain ranges, and also had two main rivers- Pahruli and Kumari. " Then we had everything and now we have the least.Atleast appreciate of what we had.Remember our

A Proud Tamizhan !!

People tend to believe in science then realistic of pre historic findings. Why these were not applied when research was done. There are many hidden clues within India as i believe all the while. What about the herbal statue of Murugan in Palani that was made by the saint Bogar which contained great medicinal values. But it was slowly being sold to the world who is researching the value of hidden secrets. We the tamizhan's are the owners of our culture, legends and language. If we start digging we would fine a lot of surprises that we would not be able to imagine as it all started from 20000 years ago by the Tamizhan and English only came 800 years ago and which stands the top. Similar to apes which were existing far before the human’s and apes are the oldest living beings. What is valued is neglection? Why letting strangers to take hold of what belongs to us. Why are we selling ourselves make our money. Not knowing the value of what we are holding. If you start to research eve

BodhiDarma (Damo)

Simple and short brief of this saint or monk.The biographical information of Bhodidarma branches into different paths and layers.Little contemporary biographical information on him is extant and account different layers of legend but most of it agrees to Tamizh prince from South India's Pallava Empire. Bodhidharma (Tamil: போதிதர்மன்) was a Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th/6th century and is traditionally credited as the leading patriarch and transmitter of Zen to China.  The Pallava prince leaves his native place in Tamizh Nadu Kanchipuram and ends in China 500AD.The third son of a Pallava king.His teacher Prajnatara changed his name from Bodhitara to Bodhidarma. After becoming a Buddhist monk,he traveled to China .The account differs on the dates of his arrival.According to Chinese legend, he also began the physical training of the Shaolin monks that led to the creation of Shaolinquan. More about him, please read at this site  -

Break Through from a movie..!!!

7 am movie (7 sense) was a breakthrough for me of knowing something that was forgotten. We at times do not what value what is ours and regret for not appreciating it. Bodhidharma was not totally forgotten in India, after watching the film, I started researching, why Indians did not remember him, why we lost him, is everything true told in the film? Was the film projecting on correct direction? Am not against the movie it was breakthrough for those who didn’t know about him. But the way it was projected as if we have neglected and forgotten what was left by our fore fathers and ancestors. The Tamizh’s discovered and spread a lot of finding to the world but though it’s all our skills and knowledge are all slowly dissolving and slowly lost in this modern world. Not everyone are forgetting our roots but still finding the truth and revealing to those who are left behind and this movie took a step ahead to bring something back from the past. Everyone would have a different view of this m

Don't forget your root...!!!

I have this friend at my workplace that converses in English with thick accent as though he was born bred in the US or UK.He proudly talks about the English songs and movies .It not that he has forgotten “Tamizh” but he behaves as Tamizh is alien language. A language unknown to him.The moment you say something he will ask for it’s meaning. To my surprises both his parents are well verse in Tamizh and where did they neglect him. During our talk he behaved as if he never knew ‘ Tamizh ’ and replies in English for every other question asked in Tamizh . If were born in a different country, where the mother tongue is not spoken and if they behave like this it makes sense. We can at least understand that they are not used to it. But I could not tolerate this. Let the mother tongue be any language. I could not believe that someone could forget his mother tongue after growing in adult hood. Neither listens to any Tamizh songs or watches any Tamizh movies. But proudly carries himself as a

Tamizh My Mother Tongue..!!!

How many of you’ll know your mother tongue? At least how many of you’ll use them in daily life ? Easy question to be asked, but difficult one to be answered. Why is that so? Let it be for our ethnic pride or our root. We do believe that our children’s future lies in the close embrace of English. It is the language that has allowed us to conquer the global market. English is language opportunity, the language that brings the world together. But also don’t forget your roots. One must be proud of his or her mother tongue. English educated us to face the Englishmen. In these situations, mother tongues are slowly disappearing from the new generation’s memory. Children nowadays are well verse in English and some do not know what their mother tongue is. Parents who neglect to preserve this and eloping into the world of English. Learn the value of our language, a language that is the oldest in this world. A language that existed far before the BC’s and AC’s that’s “Thamizh”.We should take the