Break Through from a movie..!!!

7 am movie (7 sense) was a breakthrough for me of knowing something that was forgotten. We at times do not what value what is ours and regret for not appreciating it. Bodhidharma was not totally forgotten in India, after watching the film, I started researching, why Indians did not remember him, why we lost him, is everything true told in the film? Was the film projecting on correct direction? Am not against the movie it was breakthrough for those who didn’t know about him. But the way it was projected as if we have neglected and forgotten what was left by our fore fathers and ancestors. The Tamizh’s discovered and spread a lot of finding to the world but though it’s all our skills and knowledge are all slowly dissolving and slowly lost in this modern world.

Not everyone are forgetting our roots but still finding the truth and revealing to those who are left behind and this movie took a step ahead to bring something back from the past.

Everyone would have a different view of this movie and some might not even understand the simple fact in this movie. Don't blame others for stealing what is yours but think, if it was with yours, you would have just forgotten about it or it might be lying in the dungeon forever.

Who is Bodhi dharma? No one knew him even myself. From watching this movie, I researched in the most reliable tool Google and discovered history about him.

And am proud of him and some part of the world was ruled and traces of Tamizh's are left behind. But no one knows till you start from the base root all through to the fruit. We tamizh's have travelled to most part of the world before any other discoveries.

Who are we? There were more for us to considered legends that lived than lost.Thiruvalluvar (between 2nd-8th century) and Bharathiyar(1882-1921) we Tamizh but contributed to the Tamizh's on culture and language.

Barathiyar who taught radical thinking dies as popper at the end the day. What did people do for him, they still remembered him and all his poems were valued.

China or Chinese were not at fault based on this movie or some may think. Why blaming them just because Bodhi Dharma taught them the secrets. Be proud at least a Tamizhan is well known in China. But at least they preserved it for the world to know there is something as Zen. Imagine if it was in India what would have happen to it. More likely any practices and teachings of Bodhi dharma would have died like all others preserved histories or writings or else dumped under temple dungeon sealed for no use at all for centuries. 
These are not secrets but findings that those ancient fore father of us have found and would like to share.

What I realized in this movie was that the Tamizh’s never knew who he was and nor me knew about him. Is it our fault or the history was not passed on properly to say there was this Tamizh monk/prince called Bodhidharma who travelled to China to spread Buddhism teachings?

Why was he forgotten is the first place?

We did not forget him indeed, there are many references about him but the truth fact he was less known in India and to the Indians expecially the Tamizh.Just like another Tamizhan from the history list.Bodhi Dharma did not contribute us but understand that he should not have been forgotten if does exist on different scripts.

Siddhar boganthar has also contributed out from India and is also well known as as, "Bo-Yang", "Lao-Tzu", founder of Taoism, he is frequent traveller to China to teach and spread his knowledge. But did we forget him, No we did not as he had contributed to the Indians.The Murugan statue in palani was made by him.
Contrary to this who was Buddha ? An Indian Prince who also least contributed to Indian or India.

I guess after this film, Bodhi Dharma will have a came back to the history and also in everyone Indian’s memory.He will known as Pallava prince from Kanchipuram and travelled to China. He won’t another reason to be proud of another Tamizhan as we Indians(Tamizhan’s) are already proud of yourselves in many aspect of contributing to this world.


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