
Showing posts from June, 2013

It's my big day

Finally here it is my ever awaited Big day. I still can't imagine I am getting married. It all happened to soon and going great. Nervous, anxious, and excited. The butterfly feelings as they would say.


My big day has arrived. As they say a big fat indian wedding is truely a big fat wedding indeed. I am enjoying my last day being single today. Tomorrow is a brand new day starts with a brand new life along with my dearest love.

Saree Shopping Spree - part 1

As a bride ever awaited moment in my life , the shopping for the right choice of saree. Damn ! never thought it would be this difficult when you are spoilt with the colours. My mind went bizarre as we went up and down not one shop but few. I did my shopping in Chennai. It isn't a must to do shopping in India, but every Hindu bride would have a dream to get her best from India especially when you are not from India. Same goes to me, as a bride I wanted to get mine too from this land of my ancestor's. The land that spoils you with all its choices. Alright, shopping starts from the first shop. Few sarees picked, checked on the quality, the material for purity in silk, the design if it's odd or perfect. Randomly colours picked but not to the expectation. Disappointments..!!! We were not going to all the available shops to shop for the only ONE. We finalized the best 5 five and than checked them out, but this itself was making me go bonkers until I had a headache. Next shop, dam