
Showing posts from September, 2016

I know what I have Learnt....

Sometimes when make a move in life either in career or life itself, we tend to have new things along the way and we need to learn them to know it well. In my situation same exact thing is happening. After my life incident I have become more bold and confident with myself. That very minute of the that turning point in my life taught me a lesson to stand up and fight as I need to survived in this whacky weird world which I would say as "WWW", not "World Wide Web". So these changes has mold me into a new person and given me the opportunity to develop myself to stand high along with all the others. I do feel confident with myself as I know I am a capable person. My capabilities are what I have learnt and learn to make myself a better person. I have learnt to be calm in heart and mind. I have learnt to be positive of everything. I have learnt to be quite. I have learnt to listen to my heart and mind. I have learnt to see straight and not the sides. I have learn

Paralympians Our Hero....

Sunday morning, we Malaysian woke up for the greatest news ever in Malaysians Paralympic history. Even though the Olympic for ordinary people ended 2 weeks ago, the Olympic fever hasn't finished yet.We still have the Paralympic going on for the extraordinary athletes. This very Sunday the 11/9 which is also the remembrance for 9/11 has made a new history for Malaysia in 24 hours. Our fellow Paralympians won 3 Golds and the National song was played 3 times in a day in Rio Olympic. They are extraordinary but they are the true hero Olympians. If they can achieved it , why not others. They have shown us, their fellow Malaysians their dedication and handwork in wining big. It is not easy to win gold even by the able bodied athletes but these para-Olympians have proven it that they too can do it. Yes, I know there are many para-Olympians have won medals in the past Olympics, but this very special of this Rio Olympic, that our fellow para-Olympians have won Gold medals