
Showing posts from January, 2010

My Dream Man , Mr Impossible..!!!

My problem with love is that I already know the type of man I want to love and settle in life.He is pictured in my great mind . Its not the matter of looks or money , but its all what he is of my dream.I want someone my heart chooses and mind sets for.It's not easy though , anyway its just a description of my Mr Right. Mr Right , my Impossible man , not Mr Prefect I would say as no one is prefect in this world.Everyone will have some flawness in life, which am willing to accept but not to the extend though.That's just a fact. What to tell about my Mr Right ? Firstly ,He should have some sense of humor to whack off with the world. A learned person and tends to see more then people realize. Polite to point out things that might embarrassing and being patience in everything he goes through to obtain a better result. He should be able to sit in silence, so long as it is a companionable one. Enjoys reading and enjoys learning more to keep me company. Kind and sincere without thinkin

Life as Passing Clouds

 Life is as a passing clouds in a clear blue sky on a sunny day.It will be there now ,later as the wind blows it moves on to other side of the huge open sky.It does not remain in the same shape as the winds blows it changes its shapes every time same as a human's character which changes towards everything in life. As these clouds are overloaded with stress, it becomes heavy and it pours all its stress like a rain to the earth which tend to hold the weight of the burden.As the sun shines back , clearing the dark sky it will glow with full happiness across the bright blue sky. Life is also in such a way as the clouds and the shapes of the clouds reminds the character of a human. - will there happily and one day a strong wind blow you off leaving you in start all again.

Look Back

Life is full of challenges and adventures. Life without these is not called a life at all. You have to take these challenges and adventures to get what you want in life and that one thing is also important that to be sensible and with a lot of meaningful. Sometimes, we do lose focus on our daily life routine that are bored. The environment and the people that are around us might look the same everyday. But don’t lose focus on something else within these that you can find useful too. So, if you need to slow down at certain momentum of life and take a few steps back to see what you have missed. In this case, you can get back and alter the direction of your life by re-directing the course of the life path to the correct track. In this manner, a lot of thing can be achieved. Most of us tend to forget this; even we wouldn’t want to do the self correction. But the longer you wait; you might create more troubles around you. And once we are in trouble and situation needs to be overcome, we ten

Destiny to Dream

I wondered by just dreaming we actually don’t achieve our dreams sometimes. There should be some kind of hard work and effort to that achievement dreamt to be granted. If you’re working towards a dream that might take ages to be achieved, don’t give up easily. Sometimes as you’re about to give up to the long dreamt dream, things will start to move and changes would take place but not to your realization though. Yes! We do sacrifice to obtain our dream or the destiny is not the same on return. You tend to be come angry and frustrated as the dream is not achieved despite a long time as been waited and passed. But those around us are achieving their dream better and in short term. Why is that? Am I missing something here that should be some extra “pay attention”. Look at me, have I worked hard towards achieving my dream, is that dream in my mind always or just a forgotten dream. Actually we need the mind to work harder to push us to achieve our dream. The dream should be embedded in our

FeeLing LosT

Thoughts are running wild but not sure how to fill the emptiness in these spaces. I was trying to collect each of them and weighing the value of it. As I lay on my bed, thinking of my future where would I be in next 10 years? Sometimes, it’s a thrilling moment and certain times it do frighten me. I can't judge nor predict my future.Hah! This is difficult though. Just as much as I want to ignore it the more it lingers.But, what I do I really want in life? I better know it soon; at least I could fill that emptiness in my life. I don't want my life like shallow pond with little water. I need to know what I am exactly looking forward in life.There is so much to be considered, this can be hard decision but if I continue like this, I would end up being like a clown by just putting up shows that does not mean anything to me and others. I will lose it and might fall back hard and this can be sickening.Arrrghhh, I can't imagine that! But this is the fact and it’s all up to me to mak

Pursuing emptiness...!!!

Moving fast is great, unless if you're heading the right way.But if you're heading the wrong way than your getting lost somewhere!Have you ever asked yourself where exactly, whether am I heading the right way? As I see many of us are usually caught in a zig-zag life style.No stability in what ever we want to pursue and we never run out of things to pursue, whether its our career,education, profession or personal lifes.At this point, we are always on the move trying to get things done the way we want. But do we,actually need these things we are trying to grab.Does this things we are pursuing would make us happy in the end?I asked myself few times ,we seldom think about these things to achieve in life.What is life all about ? All the things in this world does not guarantee anything to our lifes.To know your identity who you are is also yet to be known as what will make us really happy.If you fail to realize this, then you would waste your time and energy pursuing empty achievemen


Alot of people suffer from confusions.Confusions is the main problem all human go through.Sometimes, they get so confused that they don't have any clues why they are confused. Being confused too much is likely being lack of directions in life.Life seems to be blur , filled with mixed up of all kinds of things.Most of the confusions in life comes from what is not been seen.A clear picture of who we are and what our life suppose to be. Confusions are just a minor part of our lifes.At these moment of confusions ,the state of the mind where we have to make choice from limited alternatives or given life.There are choices that comes as either to do or not to do.Our mind is constantly confused or else thinking of what to do.Confusions have choices which comes in a package.The choice is always made by us with interest and likings.Most of the choices are short term,so its all based upon our mind state either the present or future mind control or decisions. We choose when we have confusions

Another Day..!!!

There were days when I felt like being on top of the world’s highest place and breath in the fresh air, looking at the sun and smiling at it by saying to myself, “What a day and how beautiful is it" Then there were also other days when I felt do being down and upset and worst to think that you need to survive another day to overcome this. I wonder what a life is this above the feels like .To have this evolved into a routine just to keep our self alive. Look at our self in the mirror and then heave another sigh of relief for having lived one more day. Wonder what we will evolve into some other day. If we survive long enough and that we could learn to walk without falling down but unless we fall we don’t realize that that's not the way to walk !!

Only yourself..!!

No matter how good or perfect we are, there will be people who think we are bad and not to their expectation. We may have done some achievements and still we are not valuedfor the effort .Do they realize that “Nobody is perfect in this wide world “. Everyone might have something different from others too. We do try to be nice always and being a good friend to everyone, but still we will surely have enemies or people who don’t like us.We search for happiness, yet remain sad and disappointed. We will have everything in life, yet we feel like we don’t belong or deserve to be here. We do try to please others with all our mighty, thinking that it will make us also happy. But we don’t realize that it will not be the same always. We might try our best, but still experience the failure. Ultimately you will realize that truth exists only within yourself. Your soul is the entire truth and mind is the controller. We can avoid our self away from our soul in our daily quest called life. But ultimat

Reasons , reasoning and more reason's

Meeting people and conversing to them is not too easy though. The people closest to me are the people that I know them instantly. I would be friendly to them the moment I meet them. Mutual understanding is so important when meeting people and as though it was all planned and meant-to-be. Our life’s are well programmed and preplanned accordingly as it goes on. Is this the destiny for real? It could also be, if we are part of a larger existence that controls us, as a mind in our body that functions for our larger self. Sometimes it really worries me what’s the purpose of life and why are we all living for? As we know, we wake up every day, do our routine jobs and go through all those feeling of up and downs or make people happy or sad, eat, sleep, and continue to do the same thing. And before we begin to wonder why, what, how, that one day cease to exist. So what is the meaning of all this? I thought life suppose to be more special and precious? But here the reasons are totally different