
Showing posts from September, 2010

Same GOD different Argument!

If you meet someone from a different religion and the argument of GOD differs. You can fight with your words but maybe listen what that person has to say. Never argue about with them as GOD is one. But you know who you are and what is your faith and pray to whom you wish to follow. Be yourself because you’re the GOD. "We don't realize that, somewhere within us all, there does exist a supreme self who is eternally at peace." — Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)

You and your words!

We tend to swallow our own words when we are unable to spit it out. Our life of pain is destroyed caused by the words we hear. We create the word but without knowing that it actually bounces back to us instead. We tend to listen to our own words of mantra’s “I’m useless, I’m not worth, I’m lonely, I’m a failure, etc” and we become the absorbing material. We should stop choking with these words that will affect us mentally and physically. If you point one finger towards another person and curse them, watch what you say as the rest of the four fingers are actually pointing at you instead. The words that you spat were for you not for them. Next time think before you say something nasty and otherwise it hits you back hard.

I am I!

There is so much about me and my life. I control my life not the life is controlling me. ? There is so much about my fate that I have no control off but just that other things do fall under that jurisdiction. I can decide what is good and bad for me, how should I spend precious time, energy, money. Whom I should fall in love, interact with, share my soul and body. I can choose what I want to read, write and do. I also can choose how I am going to overcome my unfortunate circumstances in my life I will see them as curses or opportunity. I can choose my words and the tone of my voice as I speak to others. Everything I can choose in my life, everything chooses me when I can choose my thought..!! "You are, after all, what you think. Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions." ~ Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)~


Do we need to payback for everything we have lived in this world to sustain our life’s? In the end, as human with our generosity we just keep saying thank you for everything and everyone we had come across in this life. Thank you for…. …the beautiful life …my soul …universe …the love …the happiness …the sadness …everything

Soulmates !

Who are they?  Have I found mine? As I know am still in search for the perfect soul mate. Will I really find the perfect one?  I also believe no one is born prefect. Maybe I should change my mind set and find a better way to choose the right soul mate. A lot of them thinkthat a soul mate is a perfect fit of our lives and that is what everyone are searching for. Don’t they know, that we tend to overlook at times not seeing where the actual perfection is stated. A true soul mate that I’m in search might be a mirror of me without me realizing it. The person who can holds me back and shows me everything about meaning of love and life. Soul mates come into our life to reveal the layer of you and then they vanish. They might also have purposes to take away your ego, show you the light of life and also transform you for better. So make the right choices ,follow what heart desires...!!!!

Happiness Where to Find it ?

We search for happiness everywhere but not knowing it’s only within you. The happiness has to be revealed by just entering the silence of your heart to know which knows you better. It’s just in your heart, unknowingly your searching the whole world rather than in yourself. Happiness is the consequences of your personal effort. You demand, you fight, you insist but you never found it where is should be. Maybe you’re looking at the wrong place after all. Search within you before you widen your options. The moment you find the happiness in you, you will tend to hold it tight toward yourself keep it floating. Your treasure, your precious is just within you

The Grand Design

"A great man and great deed - doesn't matter how you look but show the world what you are..!!! - Myself- I have heard about Stephan Hawking and admire his work and achievements.His a genious. His new book - "The Grand Design" is coming out soon ! "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist," - Stephen Hawking's - The Grand Design a new book by Stephen Hawking's describes about the creation of universe by physic theory and it's not GOD's creation. He explains, " God did not create the universe and the "Big Bang" was an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics". "It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going." He wrote in A Brief History ... "If we discover a complete theory, it would be the ultimat