
Why does Appearances matter in a Traditional Indian Wedding proposals?
The physical appearances has become the main thing for the most Indian community looking for a bride or a groom for their kids.
Why is it so important ?
Since your appearance is the main thing that most people look for, it will only last until you get to know each other well enough to decide that their appearance was not enough. This is not enough proof that physical appearance is not what life is really about so you look for the same thing again.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or at least that's what they tell us. Unfortunately that doesn't exactly hold true when it comes to proposals. With proposals that firstphysical impression means everything.
Attraction plays another major role in life because that's the thing that draws you in first. Once you feel the attraction, you begin to notice other things about that person, which keep the relationship going and moving forward. There are even times when you might start to feel more attracted to a person just based on their personality and how they make you feel. Attraction is only one part of a healthy relationship in ling someone.
Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of basing their relationships mainly upon the other person's physical appearance. This seems to be more common with women than men or vice versa
"The show "Dating In The Dark" is about men and women meeting each other without seeing what they look like. They can touch each other, talk, even make out, but the room is dark. After they decide they like someone then they are given a chance to see each other. Then at the end of the show they are given the chance to start dating." - I read this somewhere on the net.Pretty interesting but why does this happen , ATTRACTION!
When entering a relationship you need to keep in mind that this person you are interested in will not look this way their entire life. They will get old, they could end up becoming disfigured. You need to think about these things. Love will stand the test of time and appearance. If you are just in it for having a trophy on your arm your relationship will not last.
On the other hand, you can't be a complete and utter slob and expect people to want to be with you. You need to pay attention to your appearance and show others you care about your body and how you look. No one wants to be with someone that doesn't take care of themselves. Physical chemistry can draw you to another person but it's the soul that really bonds you.
If you find someone you enjoy spending time with and he or she makes you happy then it could be that you've found the right person. You will have to overcome the idea of being with a super model (man or woman) if you want a relationship with substance. Besides, even super models get old and have physical flaws.


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