
Showing posts from February, 2011

Discovery the Last Journey

I read on news today as the most traveled space shuttle DISCOVERY will make its final destination for this era.It thundered into the orbit for the final time heading to the International Space Station. After its return its will be heading to the museum for its 39th journey and 133th shuttles missinon overall. Discovery is the oldest of NASA's three surviving space shuttles and first to be decommissioned this year. Discovery already has 143 million miles to its credit, beginning with its first flight in 1984. By the time this mission ends, the shuttle will have tacked on another 4.5 million miles. And it will have spent 363 days in space and circled Earth 5,800 times when it returns March 7. No other spacecraft has been launched so many times.Its also shuttled 180 people into space including the first female shuttle commander and the first African-American spacewalker. Discovery's list of achievements include delivering the Hubble Space Telescope to orbit, carrying the first Rus

Being Grandma’s Shoes…

Read a blog the other day, how would a grandma feel when she tries to speak the truth to her grand children as they just don't want to hear it? They just want you to be the nice person who always speaks nice sweet words. Yeah, I could understand the feelings of it being ignored .I could imagine if I put myself in her shoes, wondered how I myself have not listened to my grandmother when she did try to speak the truth and I would just brush her off. But I always liked when she is sweet and nice to me ;). Actually it’s annoying when the same thing is repeated but she is right. She is trying to tell you the fact that is not a fact in this generation that is applicable. It might have been useful in her time, so if I’m in her shoes I rather just speak the sweet words and make my grandchildren happy. Better way to be said, keep your mouth shut and the truth to yourself rather than being bullied by these rascals….LOL..!!! We will be old by then we might not be useful for them other than ju

Clouds above us...!!!

Every time, when I travel in the plane, I make sure my camera is fully charged for the whole journey. I will also make sure I travel in day so I could get a glimpse of the scene from above as a bird’s eye view. On every trip, I get different pictures of the sky and clouds from above. They are beautiful every time I see the different formations and shapes, shades and shadows. There were few times I missed the sunset but I managed it on one of the trips. It was so beautiful that the whole sky is orange to red and yellow shades. The transformation of colours from blue to bright shades were amazing. Not only this, clouds are so beautiful as though like floating cottons .If you’re creative enough to imagine them as “Cotton candies” in Candy world. Hahaha…!!! That would be interesting. Some formation was as though you are flying above some floating ice. It’s amazing at times to wonder what a beautiful creation it is. Some of my best pictures were when I flew to London. I got a good view of t

Daughter called Facebook..!!!

I read an interesting article on Yahoo news, a young Egyptian man has decided to call his first-born daughter Facebook in a tribute to the social media site’s role in his country’s political revolution. Proud father Jamal Ibrahim, who was swept up in enthusiasm over the revolt against President Hosni Mubarak, gave his daughter the unorthodox name to express his thanks for developments in Egypt since anti-government protests started on 25 January, according to Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram. The girl’s full name is Facebook Jamal Ibrahim, and family and friends have reportedly gathered around the newborn to express their continuing support for the revolution that started on Facebook. What else could the parents name their childre n?

Thought World of Vibrations…!!

The Universe is governed by one Law, with its manifestations is multiform but can be only viewed in one way as it’s the same. We are still learning what the Universe has in it and what more need to be revealed as we are still learning little more every day. We are familiar with that wonderful manifestation of Law which draws and holds together the atoms of which matter is composed. We recognize the power of the law that attracts bodies to the earth, that holds the circling worlds in their places--but we close our eyes to the mighty Law that draws to us the things we desire or fear--that makes or mars our lives. When we come to see that Thought is a force--a manifestation of energy, having a magnet-like power of attraction--we will begin to understand the why and wherefore of many things that have heretofore seemed dark to us. There is no study that will so well repay the student for his time and trouble as the study of the workings of this mighty law of the world of Thought--The Law of

Snow... in London



As today I was listening to a person talking about variation of vibrations in a human's life. Vibrations can be anything and any form but the actual fact is those around you. As a human we follow our instinct and vibration around us.If the vibration is peaceful and happy , we would be in a good mood and feel very happy or vice verse. In my own experience of feeling different kinds of vibrations not only affects your mood but also mind, soul and spirituality. Example of places the vibrations differs , hospital vibrations are more to sick , unhealthy and death.The vibration of sick people not recovering and soul of death.Have you ever felt your "goose bumps"standing if you pass by a mortuary. What about police station , negative energies of bad vibrations.You will the discomfort and your heart beat rising . Why is all this felt ? The energy around us , the energy that we do not need to absorb into ourselves.The negative vibrations. If you feel discomfort try not to discover