The Mahabharata Secrets.....start of the book

Dan Brown I thought was a fabulous writer who brought Vatican And London in every avid reader's mind.

The hidden tunnels linking one end to another. Hidden messages in stones, scripts that needs needed to be deciphered and statues that holds a messages. Hidden secret paths in Vaticana  and London from Victorian era. Even though it was based on Christianity but the book took every reader on a ride around Europe in words.

Loved Da Vince Code and Angles&Demons.

Now Christopher Doyle has done magnificient writing on Mahabharata Secrets based on Hindu's epic story.

Mahabharatis  an old Indian or Hindu epic that revolves life about Darma.

It also has so much of hidden stories within it which are being explored and revealed to us. The secrets hidden and So the famous Bhagavat Geethai, Lord Krishna's advice on the way of living of  Hindu and dharma.

Christopher Doyle has pen'ned his similiarity to Dan Brown's style.

Taking the reader on a tour right into Asoka's Dynasty an ancient ruler in India some 2000 years ago. The cities once concured and ruled by Asoka the Great.

Old Scripts in temple walls, hidden chambers as it goes on from South India to North India by falling into Khansahar Afganistan, Pakistan; Tibet, Bhutan and Nepal.

India always had it's ancient secrets which has been kept away secretly which could reveal of everything of anything and being the oldest religion on this earth.

To continued.......


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