The Circle is Round...
When I try to make some changes in and within myself, people around me feel awkward about me. Hmmm…!! The past 9 months or so was a difficult one for me. Life has put me to the maximum test that could ever take or face it. Having my self-confidence crushed, getting sucked into what I think is depression, nor that I got it diagnosed but I had to take the whole feeling of emptiness, hoping all this will end for me or maybe I was generally lack of enthusiasm. To add sum to all these was the biggest question to myself on life choices, I’ve made and not really having any idea of how I could make things better was not easy. So, as my birthday came in April, I thought I could make some changes and all went screwed up for me. I am 36 and I still don’t control my life. When everyone wants to be part of my life, I can’t move forward, I don’t have the freedom to move at my own choice. People want to make the choice for me or they take over my choice and make there is better than...