
Showing posts from March, 2011


I have seen hot air balloon in movies, books and cartoons. This was my first time encountering such an event. I went for the Hot Air Balloon festival in Putrajaya over the weekend .It was amazing as you could see people from all walks of life cheering the day with their family and  kids as it was also the last weekend of school holidays . This year there were about 29 balloons participating from all over the world. It all started very early in the morning. It was really an amazing event as you could see different shapes of balloons rather than the normal classic ones. The colours were brilliant and the shapes were unique and amazing. The designs of some balloons were rather interesting. The crowds favorite were the Darth Vader   ,  the  Doraemon  a Japanese Icon , the Tree , the Upside down , the Clown and many more. The weather was brilliant, clear sky with lovely clouds hanging up high .The sun made day more beautiful. Setting up the balloon is not an easy task it really needs a te

Niche of great cooks..!!!

As I hail from a family of great cooks, I’m very lucky though! My grandmother and her daughters who include my mother and her sisters are great cooks of the family. They have inherited my grandmother’s renowned talent in flavours and also added a twist to every new creation. They are the world's best cooks I would declare! Whatever they could whip up from the kitchen is always delicious. It’s as though when they are in their kitchen and as they perform the art of cooking with some series of mysterious processes that would turn out the ingredients into delectable dishes. Each of them has their very own touch in cooking. It all depends how good you are with the spices! This actually reminds me of the movie “Mistress of spices “. To me they are always up to something new and delicious. The old tradition flavours are very well preserved. I myself still learning the art of the kitchen as it would be my last place and I love cooking but it all depends on my mood .I wouldn’t say it is a  

Age is just another Number …!!!

Where ever I go , some people tend to call me “Aunty “,it occurs to me do I look that old , where else that person wasn’t that much older to me or could be my age though! I feel horrified and also offended. I don’t mind a kid calling me that but not an adult or older person. I think sometimes I do forget my age! But then again who is to say that it’s wrong, right, good or bad when one forgets to keep track of one’s age. Age is just a number between 1 to 100.For that matter why should we allow age to dictate or limit what we can or should do? At this point of time, I can’t see myself acting my age though I’m clueless as to how someone my age is supposed to behave. And to be honest, I don’t think there are rules and regulation to that how I could be defined by age. At least , I just have to keep reminding myself how old I am today ?Hmm , though I’m old enough to be a mother I guess ! But still I forget my age when I’m with my sisters who are younger to me. Does that reflect something of

Seedan ...!!!I

I watched this tamil movie over the weekend , there was this good message said. " Yesterday it happened , it will not be solved today but it will not be the same tomorrow " Never sit and worried over something that happened long ago or even yesterday , it might not be over today but something might change it tomorrow. Time is unpredictable and also fate...!!!! It won't happen magically but you the one the only one could change it  though...GOD just watches from where ever he is but he makes us do everything thru our own conscious mind as we don't realize it...!!

Ways world could End?

We are already living happily on this world. Why do scientist and researchers have to study how world will end in future? We don’t want to know how it will end because we can’t escape from it if it happens. It’s all part of the creation and destruction. Yes, of course we could stop the world from ending such as the Global Warming, Wars and diseases. But looks like there is more to saving the world than destructing it with wars, killing forest, and pollutions. These are some of the main factors that the world is dying. Why not we be considered and be concern on how to fix these than finding how and what possible ways world would end. Arrgghh ..!!! I watch 'Armageddon' and 'Deep Impact'. Ok, fine giant pieces of these rocks falling from the sky actually wiped out the whole dinosaur world 65 millions years ago. That was natural disaster, was there anyone doing research than to find out how will the dinosaur be wipe off the earth one day?We never did existed at that time of

An Idiot I am for a second..!!!

As I was short messaging (SMS) my brother for the details of the credit card to book his flight ticket. He forgot to send me the name on the card. Later he did message me back. I was busy with a user on a call while trying resolving a technical issue. This message finally popped on my phone, I was looking at it for a long time and also my mind was blabbering, “Why is this name similar to my father’s name “. Gosh! Then I hit my head, what an idiot could I be for that second not realizing it is my father’s name as we are using his credit card. Why didn’t this reflect to me earlier but it manipulated after sometime. Damn, I laughed to myself and had a good joke that I could never imagine I couldn’t recognize it at the first glance.