never to judge
Sometimes it’s irritating and I am tired of being judged by people around me. I don't like being judged by people who don't know me. I mean, it is highly unacceptable if they tend to say things about me, you know the kind of opinions people form about me, without even knowing me as a person. Apparently, they say I do not behave like a grown up. Huh? Excuse me? Oh! And there’s more to that, “Hey, wait a minute, anything specific to describe that I’m still childish????” and it is so obvious. Thank you so much. We all indeed went through the childhood life so doesn’t mean we can’t behave like one. Being childish does live within us just that it reveals itself at certain moment. And it is not to do only with me alone. Anyway long story short, I have decided to document all the interesting observations people have about me, and the resulting opinions they form about me, which they then lovingly convey to me. Because, I am pretty sure I will find some striking contradictions eventu...