
Showing posts from June, 2012

never to judge

Sometimes it’s irritating and I am tired of being judged by people around me. I don't like being judged by people who don't know me. I mean, it is highly unacceptable if they tend to say things about me, you know the kind of opinions people form about me, without even knowing me as a person. Apparently, they say I do not behave like a grown up. Huh? Excuse me? Oh! And there’s more to that, “Hey, wait a minute, anything specific to describe that I’m still childish????” and it is so obvious. Thank you so much. We all indeed went through the childhood life so doesn’t mean we can’t behave like one. Being childish does live within us just that it reveals itself at certain moment. And it is not to do only with me alone. Anyway long story short, I have decided to document all the interesting observations people have about me, and the resulting opinions they form about me, which they then lovingly convey to me. Because, I am pretty sure I will find some striking contradictions eventu

Hidden Talents

While I was in India past few days, nothing better to do other than watching their TV channels with better programmes than what I get in Malaysia. Interesting programmes I came across but most of it are singing and dancing competion programmes such as Super Singers for Junior, Dance like Prabu Deva, Maiyelada Manada, so on. Interestingy, India has being huge in film industry and also music and dance.Children as old as 3 years are well  confident and singing like a pro or famous singers.Of course some repeated cinema songs not any new creations. Its becoming their passion and interest and a lot of TV channels organises events for them to participate to show their talents in front of the camera andthese kids do have a small fan base too. Interestingly, India is so advance in so many things. never underestimate Indian's talents.


I read my friends status on facebook which says the following below : "Met my Fren dad in town-started on how I'm getting old n shud marry anyone literally coz I'm a woman.gimme a break will marry if at all ,I want too.aint gona marry just anyone! Aint desperate err " Come on , it doesn't mean just because we are born as women ,we should get married literally to anyone that comes by as we are getting old. Marriage is something need to be considered very well and decisions should be right. One mistake will screw the entire life . Anyways we are not so desperate and we also know time is running but it's not easy to choose and settle in life. Marriage is a huge commitment of life which has to be done wisely so in future we would be happy in our lives.Women are not the same now, we are not slaves to men. That has changed long time ago. Give us a break, we will need more time. When we were born we litterly grew up with parents till we completed school and college.

Go Green India

I heard that India is taking efforts to Go Green. Some places of Tamil nadu is banned from using Plastic bags. Certain places or shops are charging for each bags wheresome customers still do pay for it. These bags are not only polluting but are so hazardous to the animals that chew on the papers in the garbage are prone to these bags. Non proper drainage gets stuck with these plastic bags and makes it worst. Some local organization encourages people to use recycle bags. Not bad everyone are taking an effort now. Save our Mother Earth , we will live better future.

Unconcern parents

After so many children going missing these days,people still don't care about their children's safety . They are still being reckless. Today while I was at the petrol station , I saw this kid maybe at a age of 4-5 years old was sent by his mother to pay the money at the counter which is across the way that is filled with cars passing by and this parent of course was watching the kid from a distance for safety percautions. How can you do that and expect for your childs safety? Once the boy was back , the mom gives him a thumbs up for a good deed he has done. Come'on parents you're suppose to discourage these for your childrens safety rather than encouraging them. Petrol station is a dangerous and hazards place for kids to just roam. Please be more concern! Further more there are many kidnappers who are after little kids for so many reasons sex slavery, organ harvesting and begging, human traficking is the worst crime nowdays. The other day I was watching an English movie

Opari - Singers During Funeral

We had a visitor visiting us during our stay in India. While he was talking about his sister-in-law's wedding and people, how they behave. Suddeny the topic change and he was taking about a funeral. And how there is a special group that comes just to sing the "Opari" songs during the funerals. Not only that they have a group of fans who loves to listens to the "Opari" songs. This groups would remain in the funeral house for another couple of days just for this Opari's. Their work is to sing the mourning song. These are sung by a group of old ladies ( some are widows ). It's a form of poem created immediately in the deceased house based on the story they have heard about the deceased. Sometimes, even a visitor who isn't close to the deceased would have some tears at the corner of he/her eyes when these opari's do stir the funeral house deeper into sadness. They do really know how to make you cry. Though I have not listen or heard any , but I have

Love with Mangoesss...

The time I landed on this ancesterial land of mine ,mangoes attracted my attentions. As it was  was the mango season. I was so excited to see the mangoes along the road as the mango hawkers were selling. Beautiful yellow mangoes arranged nicely that caught my eyes at every corner of the street in the town. This is the most anticipated year for the start of mango season. Lovely mangoes, Indian mango, irressistable to have them. My aunt got me some mangoes and I plunged in  them for my lunch and dinner. The only Indian masterpieces that are burnished like jewels with oozing sweet and they have a very complex flavour acquired . There are many different mango varities indeed and Indian mangoes are the best mangoes ever I could eat as much as I can. To market , to market I went to buy mangoes. As I saw the range of mangoes , I was lost within the mangoes. Different sizes and different acquired flavours.Yummy! Yummy ! Mangoes.....

a tale of a Sunday....

First time ever a very boring Sunday just sitting at home by locking my eyes on the television as my fingers were changing between every Indian channels on the remote control. Weather is fair and good as the sun heatsthe earth which burns my skin. Not used to this burning weather. Further more with the often power cut problem adds on my boring day. What else could I do ? Everything seems to be to quite and lazy ? I hate shopping so I didn't plan to go out anywhere. In the evening , I went out for a sip of super duper tea at the tea stalls. You can find tea/coffee stalls at every corner or junction in India. Tea stalls are famous and it's always busy in the morning and evening. For the first time I tasted the tea ( normal I don't as it's not hygenic ) but the tea was super bustiling. I had few cups of it. It was splended ..!!!! that's how my sunday ended .....

Go Green In India

Happy to see some signs for Go Green in India ( in tamil :) ). I could see as there is some efforts taken to educate the future Indians to learn to Go Green. But I don't see them reducing the posters which are also papers.Every where poster of the politicians and others. Further more, plastic bags are widely used now compare to few years back, papers and banana leaves was the packaging materials for foods and take aways. But now it's all plastic bags and less use of papers. Papers and banana leave we environment friendly as the animals such as cows and goats were chewing them from the bins and walls. But now everywhere are plastic bags. Some modern supermakets are still charging for a plastic bags if required and it nice to see people say "No" to plastic bags but not all are participating on this Go Green effort. Lets see where does this take India , hope to see greener environment in India.