a tale of a Sunday....

First time ever a very boring Sunday just sitting at home by locking my eyes on the television as my fingers were changing between every Indian channels on the remote control.
Weather is fair and good as the sun heatsthe earth which burns my skin. Not used to this burning weather. Further more with the often power cut problem adds on my boring day. What else could I do ? Everything seems to be to quite and lazy ? I hate shopping so I didn't plan to go out anywhere.

In the evening , I went out for a sip of super duper tea at the tea stalls. You can find tea/coffee stalls at every corner or junction in India. Tea stalls are famous and it's always busy in the morning and evening. For the first time I tasted the tea ( normal I don't as it's not hygenic ) but the tea was super bustiling. I had few cups of it. It was splended ..!!!!

that's how my sunday ended .....


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