
Showing posts from November, 2009

Oh no, this wat PMS stands for..!!!

1. Pass My Shotgun 2. Psychotic Mood Swing 3. Perpetual Munching Spree 4. Puffy Mid-Section 5. People Make me Sick 6. Provide Me with Sweets 7. Pardon My Sobbing 8. Pimple May Surface 9. Pissy Mood Syndrome 10. Poor Man Suck 11. Pack My Stuff 12. Pas My Sweats Best of all 13. Potential Murder Suspect..!!!! Heheh , this all what happens when a woman has her PMS..!!! God grace..!! wost nightmare during this time.

Secrets the Teaching

If you want to receive everything and anything you are dreaming of for You, know that it is through your joy-your happy feeling inside. It is the fastest path. Your joy-your feeling good-is the shortcut to everything you want. When you choose to be happy now-no matter what is happening around you-you have unleashed the... magic of the Universe to pour unlimited happiness into your life.....

Goodbye !!...Ammai (grandma)

Time passed so fast , its already end of the year now.Lost of my grandma last December can't even  imagined that the time has ran to soon.But the memories of her still lingers in my mind. All the dearest time I have spent with her.Everything has happen so fast at a blink , neither it can be repeated nor reversed back again. Memories orf her will still remain forever deep in my mind.Lost of my grandma is a suprise to everyone in the family , unimaginable and unbelievable.The time was short and she kept all of us together at her side for the very last moments of her life. She took all of us by suprise.We all had the hope at least she would fight again but she had her reasons for this time. The r easons were strong as she had to save another life which is much more precious to her.Another new life has to live in this family, so she planned and made everything flow accordingly to make the possibilities possible.She gave up her life to exchange for anew born in the family. She knew all

The Divine Soul - Grandma

My poem for my dearest grandma. You're a soul , That's so divined, A soul in a billions, You are the one. The one with all specialities , A soul of divine heart , A soul that touched every heart in every path. A soul that is so divine , As divine as the universe or beyond it. A soul like you maybe once , But you'r still a beautiful soul out of billion other souls, The one soul that can't be made again. "wrote on 18/1/2009-2.30am"

..Its time…I'm getting OLD…

Its time to settle in life….3rd part of my life cycle has arrived. Lookin at some of my friends who are married and settled in their very own life's…makes me feel left out. Am I too late for this. But I know married life is full of challenges and its not easy , wat to do everyone has to go through this phase and it part of god creation….!!! Where is the man of my life….not sure which corner of the world he is born for me only …!!! Damn its so difficult to find a particular man of my choice n perceptions.Guys nowdays r so different. Hope I would find my Mr Right with all the qualities tht I’m looking at,you might think I'm demanding but I'm being  precise of my choice but wht to do..its my rights !!! My Mr right..should a be non-smoker nor drinker ( occasional drinker is acceptable ),family oriented ,spiritual n pious ( as all my family r like tht ),positive thinker , adapts to all environment ( not a fussy person ), understanding , adventureous, loves travelling ,music, art

HeY FinaLLy DiD mY nOsE tHingY..!!!

tHe dAy i gOt mY nOsE pierced as iTs d hIndu riTuals 4 yOunG gIrls to hAvE thEir nOse piErcEd. FinAllY i Had mIne dOne aT tHis age , Naaah , iT doeS noT lOOk tHat bAd…oN mE… It Has cHanGed thE lOOk oF mY faCe Now…i look much mOre prettier ( as ppl say , not assumptions )… ( : P CooL..!!! i waS tO rElaXed n sTronG…naaaH nO paIn aT aLL… Its Looks cool oN mE….!!! friendster blog 2nd February 2007

Future ” DOC ” in family..!!!.

Being born in this big , loving and caring family of mine ( not talking about my family of six but the whole family of TPLoganathan’s( tht’s my mum’s dad = my dearest late grandfather ) of 35 . The 3rd generation consist of we kids ( according to the family tree research ), proud to present one of our future doctor DR.Dhivya Darshini.All of us are very proud indeed that at least there was one from this generation has come to this level to obtain her dream of becoming a doc. We never had a doc in the 2nd generation group , most of them were businessmen,lawyers,teacher and engineer.But we welcomed one of our family member who was a doc married to this family boy some years back (thts whn my uncle got married and his wife was a doctor ). So here we are a second doc in the family , about much to say. Comes from a very small town called Teluk Intan ( as where I came from too ..!!!)…smart little baby ..learned to read story book at the age of 2 (silently)…best in her kinder….top stu

sOmEtHinG 2 dO wiF mY nAmE

Does your name starts wif " K " but mine does!! .Here is what it is meant though….!!! You are secretive, self-contained, and shy. You are very sexy, sensual, and passionate, but you do not let on to this ( not true I guess can’t confirm for now ). Only in intimate privacy will this part of your nature reveal itself ( may be though : P ) . When it gets down to the nitty-gritty, you are an expert. You know all the little tricks of the trade, can play any role or any game, and take your love life very seriously. You don’t fool around (thtz true ). You have the patience to wait for the right person to come along (tis is vely true…alots of patience ). You are very generous & giving, often selfless( comes to generosity ..I give as much as I can..but i don’t take back ). You are kind-natured & sweet, which is found to be attractive by many. You are a good friend. ( tis vely vely true…good secret keeper n lasting friendship relationship , ppl get to knw will love me

woRLd bOOk oF mY kinDer rEcoRd…!!!

hEy,.. some oF u’ll would be wondering after reading mY pRofile…. dAmn..tHis gUrl..hw cAn sHe haVe goNe to 2 diFFerent kinDergarTen on tHe sAme Year ( 1985 - 1987 )… Hmmm…sEcreT oF mY sUccEss gRaduating..actuaLLy went 3 sChools bUt gRaduateD frm 2 scHooLs… mY dEarest Mom…iS a kindErgartEn tEacher… sO sHe teAches 2 diFFerent seSSion iN 2 diFFerent sChools…. iN thE mOrninG , sHe goes to Tadika Bethany ( Simpany 4 ) , { which i went in middle of 1987 }, then laTer iN aFternOOn sHe goes to tHe pLayscHool kinderGarten in Jenderata Estate ( Teluk Intan ) nOw you can imagine…i fOllowEd her to scHooL eVeryDay …everYdAy…!!! tHe oNly scHool witHouT hEr was in Tadika Methodist , Teluk Intan ( in d mornings…was there only frm 1986-mid of 1987 )…!!! sAme " ABC’s " exTra knOwledGe puSh inTo mY tIny fResh bRain to leaRn which tOOK yeArs to aBsorb …. : ) hmm..sO tHis luCkY KID haD 2 cOncerT tO aTTend…2 gRaduatIon ( Oxford n Cambrigde …heheheh..!!! ) 2 diFFerent gRoup of fRiends….!!! i wu

wHaT mY sTaR sAyz….!!!

Taurus :- During the early part of the year — say, from January through March — you may be bitten by the travel bug. This isn’t customary for you, and you don’t often have an irrepressible urge to leave everyone and everything you love . Once you’ve got the fever, though, chances are good you won’t want to settle for anything less than a major tour, featuring every spot you’ve always wanted to visit. Don’t deprive yourself. This is your moment to pack lightly (yes, really — you can do it if you try) and go shopping for experiences rather than objects. Go get ‘em! If you’re attached, you’ll take your partner along for the adventure, of course. And not just because you’ll have lots more fun with your beloved by your side. You ’ll also want to travel as a pair because you’re big on seeing the results of your investments — and that goes double for the investment of your time. This will be another experience to add to the collection you two have already amassed, and it stands to bring you

Today is SUNDAY..!!!

Damn..!!! sunday is back again…lazy sunday.. Hmmm…boring sunday…reaaalllyyy boring sunday…not sure what to do…the weekend is over ..2mrw back to work again..!!!! cleaned my aquariam…my little buddies needed wash.I have 5 little gold fish..and one of them doesn’t have a eye .And I call him "one eye jack" . Went online..but no one was there….surf the net..updated by blogs in here and yahoo….!!! Feel like going crazy..sunday damn boring..>!!! Hmmm will think of going out later..mayB to Giant get some fooooooooood..!!! ~ bOriNg suNdaY gUrl..~ - friendster blog 6th August 2006 @ 2.32am -

Thank GOD , as Grandma got well..!!!

Was upset past few days….grandma wasn’t feelings too well . It upset-ed  me more. Thought this would be the end of her life….which made me more scared…my mind wondered more with unwanted thoughts ….!!! I love her so much,being the eldest grandchild I have spent the most time together with my grandparents . They were my world.I have beautiful memories of them and I value the time that I have cherished with them . But now , she is getting old; I can’t let time take its place…no its not her time yet though!…she has much more to see and spend time with us or ( other grandchildren). Today is Friday , I just wondered ,not sure with whom to talk..everyone at home are also upset and too worried about her condition . As its an auspicious day for Indian's today…so I sat in front of the prayer alter and prayed to GOD….asked them to recover her soon, my prayers were answered and I was very happy that she is better and fine now. I thanked GOD, You made us , You lead us on this WORLD of yours,

daMn cOOL fRiendSteR..!!!

Hmmm , manage to locate some of my school mates in friendster … hope they are more out there… its nice to hear from them and happy to see them too …!!!! Friendster was my first networking site . In there, I found some of my dearest schoolmates and kinder friends.Its either they find me or I found them. This is the can find your lost contacts. Yahhhhooooo ..> !!!!! too excited n happy…to find some of my long lost friends. - friendster blog 1st August 2006 @ 7.32am -

LiFezzz bOrinG..>!!!

… work … lifEzzz boRing no fun ….. stressed out.. hmmm need to chill out…!!! - friendster blog 4th August 2006 @ 1.47am -