woRLd bOOk oF mY kinDer rEcoRd…!!!


some oF u’ll would be wondering after reading mY pRofile….
dAmn..tHis gUrl..hw cAn sHe haVe goNe to 2 diFFerent kinDergarTen on tHe sAme Year ( 1985 - 1987 )…
Hmmm…sEcreT oF mY sUccEss gRaduating..actuaLLy went 3 sChools bUt gRaduateD frm 2 scHooLs…
mY dEarest Mom…iS a kindErgartEn tEacher…
sO sHe teAches 2 diFFerent seSSion iN 2 diFFerent sChools….

iN thE mOrninG , sHe goes to Tadika Bethany ( Simpany 4 ) , { which i went in middle of 1987 },
then laTer iN aFternOOn sHe goes to tHe pLayscHool kinderGarten in Jenderata Estate ( Teluk Intan ) nOw you can imagine…i fOllowEd her to scHooL eVeryDay …everYdAy…!!!

tHe oNly scHool witHouT hEr was in Tadika Methodist , Teluk Intan ( in d mornings…was there only frm 1986-mid of 1987 )…!!!
sAme " ABC’s " exTra knOwledGe puSh inTo mY tIny fResh bRain to leaRn which tOOK yeArs to aBsorb …. : )

hmm..sO tHis luCkY KID haD 2 cOncerT tO aTTend…2 gRaduatIon ( Oxford n Cambrigde …heheheh..!!! ) 2 diFFerent gRoup of fRiends….!!!

i wud b vEly…velY …hAppY ..iF oNly i coulD tRavel bCk to mY cHildhOOd Era…!!!

sO tHis iS hOw i mAnaGed to fiNd a bUndLe of " naughTy bRats " wHere sOme dO sTill kEEp in tOuch wif mE…!!!..n sOme lOst ones wErE fOund iN heRe..

mY kinder LiFe wAs aMaziNg…and fuLL of fUn……rEally tHe beSt..!!!

~ kiNder sTorY !

friendster blog 15th August 2006


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