
Showing posts from April, 2012

Upgraded version 31

Here I am still living in this world for past 31 years. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to myself .

Release 0.01 version

Can't imagine how it would have been on this very day am waiting in my mother's womb to be released soon into this world I am now. The day where everyone were much tensed and eagerly waiting for me.


All of us feel the need to be loved, to be cared for, either being it a human or an animal. Humans express their feelings, not all animals do, but even they have their own ways of expressing their feelings, maybe they just answer to your call when you call them or talk to them. It’s all about the feelings for animals and how they look forward for it from us as they think they will feel safer with us with the feeling of being wanted or needed. But it doesn’t seem likely we are giving them the assurance of being safe and being loved with kindness and care. Animal’s being abused and we human are being the animals to ourselves. Did we plan to take over the changes to be in an animal’s shoe? I am referring to the human that are living without any heart, kindness or care. The beast we call them, the real animals out there. The killers, rapist, robber, insane souls that are aggressive towards their own kind. Where else they also abuse and torture the animals for their own fun. Why is that so

Not again !

Whatever is pondering in me it’s lifeless! I can’t explain to anyone nor figure out myself. I feel upset and broken at times, but to certain times I feel the freedom from everything. I am happy with what I have rather than wondering what else I need in life. Beautiful family that is always there for me and what else do I need more. Marriage??? Why is everyone pestering (that’s what I feel like saying) me into marriage.  Why marriage?  Does it bring any extra happiness? Why is that so in Indian culture a girl as to get married off?  What does do as extraordinary?  Why can’t a girl live her life a little longer then getting into this married life? 12 years ever since she is born, just like other children with sweet childhood memories. Then goes into her teen hood with a lots of learning and studies and schooling ,Then at the 20’s comes to youngster hood, where she gets into college and decides her career path, after that adult hood in her mid-20’s and then working life. Beforehand, pare

Movies I Enjoyed Watching.....Part 1

Illusionist Bucket List Green Mile City of Angel Prestige Avatar A Beautiful Mind A Walk to Remember A Walk in the Clouds The Book of Eli Golden Compass Harry Potter - all The Lake house Love Happens Masterminds 21 Marley n Me P.S I love you Passenger


Knowing or unknowingly I get super good blessings and darshans in every temple I visit. I was going through one of my India trip photographs which I went on a tour with my mom . We indeed travelled in a tour package visiting certain and important temples in Tamilnadu for my marriage. The whole trip was very interesting and I had incredibles experiences. Some of it are unspeakable, undescribable but Once we get our tickets for the entrance at most of temples we would be greeted and escorted by unknown people straight into the main darshan area. The priest would usher us to sit right in front and have a peaceful darshan. I was not suprised as I do get great blessings in every temple. There was no local influential person to guide as it all happens unknowingly. Who are they and why are we greeted and guided? It all just happens like that. I thought maybe just in one temple but not, it happened in all temples. Most interesting ones were when unknown people would come and bless me or they g

Only Nights…

There is any moment or timing to get bonded with the person up there. The almighty who is watching our back all the time doesn’t need an appointment to communicate with him at certain hours. He is available to hear me any point of time or hours - 24hours 365 days. And I felt that it's so true. The best time I feel like pouring my heart of worries is during the night when I am myself. I get tensed of worrying about something that is going to happened, or happening or I need some answers for my questions. Sometimes, I want someone to listen to my sadness or cries. Since a child , I used to cries in night before sleeping if I’m upset of something, seeking for my answers of “Why’s”. As for me the night is the best time to get bonded with God. When all the lights are turned off, and everything goes silent and I can only hear my breathe, as I'm lying on my bed staring at the ceiling of my room. That is when I feel I am having a one to one meeting with God. At that moment isn’

Smile of giving....

Sometimes it is not easy or not everything will be easier for us. When we have it lets lend some hand to others too who needs it. I always had a policy of giving other not being selfish despite not giving importance to myself at the very moment. It not a habit but an intention of helping others when they need it. Doesn’t matter in what form ? Helping others can be anything even a “Hello” to let them know you care about them. I worked in an office full of educated people but not all are like me obviously. You might find a handful that would be very helpful when someone really needs some. At least some hands will try reaching you but when comes to volunteering there would very few hands that comes forward to lend some help. Example of gratitude from a person who needed the most at the crucial time, I felt proud of myself at that very moment as the little that I could contribute made her day and also helped her in many ways. She is one of my colleagues from a different team and she

Million Slaps …

A typical Kollywood scene, where the hero is riding a cool sports bike, the rain whipping down and the heroine sitting pillion. The most romantic of the scenes in the movie while you sit there, blinking blindly….WTF!! Welcome to the real world, where life is not a drama. It was a bright evening, sudden change in the weather, dark sky as it’s gonna pour like cats and dogs soon! Bright lightening glitters the sky along with the roaring thunders. I was driving, while had some thought that crossed my mind. Ah, the irony of life I guess! Now, I was watching a motorcycle rider trying hard to open his eyes against the million slaps on his face. It remaindered me the days when I rode my bike in the rain, and trying hard to keep my eyes opened has the rain slaps on my lids hard .So, I have to concentrate on the road, just when I realised I seem to be smiling all the while. My lips curved upwards and eyes squinting hard in an effort to fight that rain and a desperate attempt to see the road wat