Smile of giving....

Sometimes it is not easy or not everything will be easier for us. When we have it lets lend some hand to others too who needs it.

I always had a policy of giving other not being selfish despite not giving importance to myself at the very moment. It not a habit but an intention of helping others when they need it. Doesn’t matter in what form ? Helping others can be anything even a “Hello” to let them know you care about them.

I worked in an office full of educated people but not all are like me obviously. You might find a handful that would be very helpful when someone really needs some. At least some hands will try reaching you but when comes to volunteering there would very few hands that comes forward to lend some help.

Example of gratitude from a person who needed the most at the crucial time, I felt proud of myself at that very moment as the little that I could contribute made her day and also helped her in many ways. She is one of my colleagues from a different team and she is suffering from leukaemia stage 3. She being a single parent and needs financial support for her treatments.

It was nice of my company to raise some fund to ease her burden. Below is the email from her thanking each and every one from her own working place.

Sometimes an ordinary thing can becomes extraordinary.

Life is tough and only those who wants and fight to live shall. I believed those words as I have promised my little boy and myself that I will never stop fighting. This is an obstacle in my journey and I am forever grateful and thankful that I am surrounded with people who truly cares.

My sincere apology for the delay of my gratitude as I was away for treatments and getting proper rest in between. Nevertheless, I wish to thank each and every one of you for the kind donations and well wishes that I have received ever since the news were made public. It was not an easy decision to make, asking for help from friends, let alone strangers, but when I was facing with what seems like a dead-end, no pun intended, somebody was kind enough to suggest an alternative assistance.

I am still unable to find the correct word on how I am truly blessed for all the help that have been given to me. I hope a simple thank you that comes from a sincere heart would suffice.

So, thank you to all and each one of you for giving me the chance to live.

This actually made me feel contented as I also played a small role contributing in it.


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