
Showing posts from November, 2012

Just a Quote - 11


never know it...

do you ever wonder ? why people gather when others die ? why people feel they should? yet, will not know that person who has departed.not a friend nor a family but why ??? it is because the human spirit knows , deep down, that all lives intersact. that death doesn't just take somone, it misses someone else,and in the small distance between being taken and being missed, lifes are change.we are souls being special feelings and souls that knows everything about another soul despite it's an animal or plants. birth and death are part of the whole life cycle of every living thing in this world as God created such. the souls came for a purpose and has to complete it's task and will have to leave. we will not know our task or may we don't have the checklist to complete our tasks. it's all HE controls from above. we came for a reason and we depart for a reason.


The other day I went to buy some vegetarian chinese mix rice as I was fasting. I stopped to get some "tau-fu-fa"-bean curd jelly (organic home-made) just near that shop. I bought 3 of the bean curds and paid. It the first time am buying from that chinese lady. As I paid and as she gave me back the balance, she just says something that touched my heart in suprised. She said, " Thank you. Wish you happy good life, May god bless you". I was petrified for that moment and also never realized I had this big smile across my face. I told my aunt about it and she said good things are getting better. That morning I was confused and got worried about marriage. I told my aunt I have found someone and lets proceed further as I like this person. So my aunt to we wilk do what is needed and get this worked the soonest. But when that lady told what I didn't expect the most from a stranger, I felt that was a message for my confused mind to be calm as all will be good. Keeping

Excursions !!!

I was in Tesco and bumped into these little kids on their excursion to the supermarket. Then I wondered where did I go for my excursions during my kinder days. ***blinking repetitively*** as my thoughts were blank. Couldn't remember much but one came up as we visited my Teluk Intan town and also went on a train ride to Tapah from Teluk Intan. Those day that I could remember there we train service but now it has been disconnected. Not many excursion I have gone during my kinder days. Sometime if I look back in to those year , I missed so many things to be cherished. Hope I could get a flip back into my life and enjoy every moment  that I have missed.

Just a Quote - 1


Festive of Lights

new set of mind and thoughts, new member in family big fireworks full of fun , love and kindness but not much "angpau" collected this year ..!!!

A click

Click! Click ! Click! Expressing Interest and also rejecting unwanted profiles. But never knew one click in accepting would lead me to the future. Found my soulmate, a long ever waited years of my life and his. We are perfectly perfect for each another. My right kind of a soulmate to share my life forever. Sometimes a long wait is worth of waiting. This is it I guess as they would say,"there is a person born for you in this world, as you will find yours". It took me a while but I have found him. Waiting for stage 2 to take place the soonest as I can't keep him waiting any longer.

Habit to helping

I have a habit to help others in a different way. What we see as trash is money in another persons view !! I mean those people who collect plastic bottles, cans, boxes, old news papers. We buy , use them and throw them into trash cans and bins. We don't see the value after using or emptying them. But another person sees something in those waste. Re-cycling value. That one can they find in a trash or bin means so much for to feed a child or family or themselves. I normally keep or collect my bottles or cans and will pass it to those who ransack the bins to find some re cycleble items. They get excited and I know I filled happiness in them so that they could their hungry child. We can help each another in all ways and means it doesn't has to be the same old ways. Donating or donation can be anything. What we sees and do is not what is seen by another person. We all have different views and perceptions towards what we see. See good and help those need :)

Blog Anniversary

Wow! Unbelievable blog-anniversary, it has been 4 years since I started blogging. I had been writing journals at the age of 12. My mother’s diaries inspired me to start writing so since than I have been writing journals daily and occasionally and for the last 4 years I have been blogging, which is easier for me though. Recently people have been asking me what do I exactly blog about? The question rather seems to be easier to be asked than looking for the correct answer. I felt at times it is important to revisit the purpose of this blog and perhaps even to redefine it. So, what started as an experimental tool to vent bottled thoughts and feelings ended up in this platform where I could express the deepest emotion and at times even create outbursts. Starting endless cribbing about my life and pursuing my dreams witnessing them ending in reality one day. Anyways somewhere amidst of all this I am glad that I had this blog to write my life chronicles. Reading older posts mostly leaves me e