
Showing posts from December, 2012

Bubye 2012..!!!

Dear 2012 You started well and came along challenges mentally and physically. But you never neglect my wishes and my visions. Some of your months helped with very giving me good happiness and wealth along with easy challenges, though some months were real challenge of life and soul in family, mental strenght challenges. i never gave up on your challenges but it all went well though. being in a big family is a big challenge but this is how the relationship gets stronger.We as one made it through this year and we will in all coming year with more happier moments. prosperty, good health and lotss of happiness will flow into this family next. 2012 has revived back , it was not end of the world but re-born of new year.

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Life to Live....

Some of us may be lucky to find people who seem to be at the similar situations or mental state as I am though it never happens always. It is good to talk about what your thoughts are and made off, with people in whose company you know you are not being judged. And that comfort level you and I would have with perhaps one or two people otherwise with no one at all. There might be times that we would have to learn some lessons on our lives in our own ways. As we have to make some decisions without looking beyond us or behind us. But the answers are everywhere but we need a specific answer to answer our own questions. How well do we know ourselves first? Judging own self? Or judging another person to know more about ourselves? Why are we afraid to know ourselves we'd be better off knowing someone else than ourselves. We need to learn about ourselves by looking into our own eyes we will see our soul that lies between our mind and body. Let’s get to know the inner of us before we get t

Infinity Thoughts....

Thoughts are infinity between the space and time.  Mind expands to the level of unknown lenght of thoughts.

Computer Geek Jokes


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  Sometimes I feel I want sleep for a long time never to wake up. Rest my mind and soul and my complete body in a relaxed state. Looking at this picture above, it is so amazing as the baby Orang utan is fast a sleep nothing to worry, no commitments, no debts, no stress and no fear. I wish I also could get such a peaceful sleep one day no worries of anything and nothing.

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Ta Prohm - Tomb Raider

Any one has arrived in Ta Prohm will find out by themselves with a feeling of mysterious, amazed and romantic . Because Ta Prohm comprises the special characteristic of a nature take over the ancient temple by the giant trees, and have no any idea to restore too much, despite Indian government has a restoration and preservation project on the site. There are many big trees still allow to grow on the temple building for making the visitors to understand how the temples in the Angkor area liked after four to five hundred years had been abandoned then comes with a Garuda statue stepping on Nagas with holding Naga's tails in order to show off his power to protect lord Lokesvara. however the floor of the causeway is uneven since the roots and vandalism challenge its position, but appreciation the nature of un-restoration temple competition with the giant trees altogether. the trees are 600 years old... I was astonished with the Ta Prohm temple when I was in Cambodia a week back.Th

Something in Me..

Suddenly I got this very feeling, As my mind draws a blank note, As my hands are shaking to hold anything, As my heart begins to race to the time, I feel like I'm losing control of myself to something, I'm nervous inside and out because of something, I have an unexplainable feeling of something, I wish I could figure this out something in something, I feel butterflies inside of me, They keep fluttering all throughout in me, Butterflies in my heart,  Butterflies in my eyes, Butterflies in my mind,  I didn't know they could come out in me, I feel the true meaning of butterflies in me, This must be the way of the feel of having butterflies in me, Finally I am feeling this after a long wait of my life, It's all because you, The moment you came into my life, Butterflies are in me, The way you make me feel the butterflies make me happier, I think of you the butterflies wake me up, The way I love you like I do...the butterflies flutter all throughout me. ~ kala ~ myself

believe your heart

Believe in your heart that something wonderful is about to happen. Love your life. Believe in your own powers, and your own potential, and in your own innate goodness. Wake every morning with the awe of just being alive. Discover each day the magnificent, awesome beauty in the world. Explore and embrace life in yourself and in everyone you see each day. Reach within to find your own specialness. Amaze yourself and rouse those around you to the potential of each new day. Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect; this is the essence of your humanity. Let those who love you help you. Trust enough to be able to take. Look with hope to the horizon of today, for today is all we truly have. Live this day well. Let a little sun out as well as in. Create your own rainbows. Be open to all your possibilities; all possibilities and Miracles.

Forgotten History: Lost city believed found in Johor

After my visit to Cambodia to Angkor Wat, I got interested to look up for more lost or forgotten Hindu sites in Asia other than India. My next visit is to Indonesia. Most of the details were retrieved form Google search. The Forgotten History: Lost city believed found in Johor We have 3 Hindu/Indianised civilisations in Malaya - Kadaram in Northern Malaya, Gangga Nagaram in Central Malaya and now Kota Gelanggi in South Malaya bordering Singapore. It is clear that the Chola Empire were invaders, colonisers and imperialists, and that Rajaraja was an emperor. When Tamil histrorians talk about King Raja Rajendra Chola's exploits in South East Asia, we hear only the name of Kadaram that goes by the modern name of Kedah, a state in Malaysia today. Kedah has a wealth of ancient temple structures in the world famous Bujang Valley. Apart from Kadaram, there was also the Kingdom of Gangga Nagaram that lies in ruins today further down south after destruction by King Raja Rajendra. There is y

Love as I feel

Words of Love bear the fruit of passion in a beautiful manner. Love is a complexity of feelings that has various shades of human emotions involved. It has its own high tide, which may then ebb into a phase of low tide. Relationships that can overcome these storms and come back in full strength and vigor are the ones that lead to lifetime of loyalty, compassion and companionship – a love so strong that does not make me hesitate to share my whole life with someone. Such love requires celebration. At times, waiting for all your life for the best is worth waiting. Poems on love are the means of professing your affection making your other half feel your desire, longing and need to be in each other’s company. Well, we all know Love is intangible it cannot be seen or touched, it has to be feel deep in you near heart and mind. But it is the small acts of reaching out, the cute demonstrations of affection, that make your loved one realize the depth of your feelings for her/him with just some wo

Visit to Angkor Wat

Every Hindu should visit Angkor Wat once in a life time to complete the history of Hinduism.Ramayana and Mahabharata were Hindu's folk stories. These stories are well revised to every Hindu born in India and outside. But never knew it was well preserved outside India and the mythical mythology is brought to live and still living. My reason visit to Cambodia, Siem Reap made a miracle to my thoughts. being a Hindu it made me more stronger to believe the wonders of world left behind by our rulers centuries ago. I was surprised to see, one part of a story from Mahabharata everywhere is Siam Reap am not sure of others parts. The ocean churning story. There are statues of that at every Hindu temple entrance especially at the Angkor Wat temple too.The Asura's (demons) and the God's got to together at this one point time. I was fascinated to see the sights in huge statues and the whole place captured my heart closer being part of the story. Not only that Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and

Love and 2012

it all started on the day I heard that voice, the voice that would be mine for ever, the voice that will be at my side always , that voice , the voice of my love. waited my life long till I wanted to give up, he came into my life in short span of time. Sometimes, I myself wonder what actually God has planned for us despite we asking God so many times. But I knewed one thing God always hears. God never gives up on us,God gives us the best to be happy. My happiness arrived, at this age it all starts. My missing puzzles are found now am fixing them in the right place. My soul, My heart, My mind , My breathe, My eyes, My innervoice, My life, My happiness ;is here. i have found him. it's 2012, world is going to end but I found mine and am going to live now onwards. The world will not end my love is stronger and it will start living on next year. 2013 you are the new era for me and my life. Waiting to be in you soon....!! 2012 you are the greatest year of memories and forth you will brin

know who you are...

Turn and look behind you. There is trail left behind by youself. If you could trace that trail you will find your root.  Never forget who we are . Am proud of who I am about myself as Only I know who I am and  how much I'm worth for those who really care about me :) I'm a proud homo-sapien to be lucky living species on this earth. I'm a proud human for this human race ruling the world. I'm a proud girl/woman to a proud parents. I'm a proud Hindu by religion and a proud Tamizhan by my race. That's my root of this lifein this birth. Why am saying this is people judge us wrongly and most of us out there were or never were proud of who we are and appreciate it.They never knew their root. Hindu is the oldest religion and Tamizh is oldest language in the world. All this existed far before Greek and. Egyption. We Tamizh or Tamilan(tamizhan) have made alot of discoveries for the world. The alphabets and numbers derived from us. Music and notes etc to research and write