
Showing posts from 2013


It has been a year now since i knew my husband. We are so happy we found each another and got married in a short time. Now it's the date 25th October the first day we spoke and we chatted and introduced ourselves.  Time has flown to soon and here we are in each another's arm holding on tightly in every aspects of our life. We has best friends, good friends, soulmates, husband and wife will always be supportive and keep each another going strong with our presence beside us. As they would say ( mostly heard in Indian family) you will find your match, who is born for you in this world has come true for me. I found my life partner and we are so made for each another. My friends who are still seeking for their life partner should not give up. Age and years are just a fraction of numbers. Life does not live on these numbers. Your partners are out there somewhere waiting to be found. It takes time as faith plays it role quite well. Do not give up have faith and believe in God. You wil


Heard a very sad news of my one of  closest friend's health condition. Known him for 6 years, but God had decided a short life for him. His suffering with lung cancer and now his in his final stages.  I am in a shock. Can't overcome such a thing happening to good people. What is happening? Is God being unfair or God just loves him too much? 

facts of Indian Family once Married...

Comprimising and adjustments are the rules of a marriage life.When two people settle down with one another after wedding, adjustments become a necessity rather than a choice. They take time getting used to each other's family. For every girl, thanks to the age old beliefs and the daily soaps, the mother-in-law is likened to a monster of some sort even before she gets to know her. However, if you put in a bit of effort, your mom-in-law can become your best friend. Yes, the matter can be tricky. But put your best foot forward, be confident while you deal with the difficulties in getting used to a new life, and you can find a friend for life. It is only in the first few years that you need to make small compromises to make sure that your married life is comfortable. You must understand that your mother-in-law is also trying to get used to your regular way of life. Obviously, she has set the rules of the house and has been practising it for years. In case there is something that is b

It's my big day

Finally here it is my ever awaited Big day. I still can't imagine I am getting married. It all happened to soon and going great. Nervous, anxious, and excited. The butterfly feelings as they would say.


My big day has arrived. As they say a big fat indian wedding is truely a big fat wedding indeed. I am enjoying my last day being single today. Tomorrow is a brand new day starts with a brand new life along with my dearest love.

Saree Shopping Spree - part 1

As a bride ever awaited moment in my life , the shopping for the right choice of saree. Damn ! never thought it would be this difficult when you are spoilt with the colours. My mind went bizarre as we went up and down not one shop but few. I did my shopping in Chennai. It isn't a must to do shopping in India, but every Hindu bride would have a dream to get her best from India especially when you are not from India. Same goes to me, as a bride I wanted to get mine too from this land of my ancestor's. The land that spoils you with all its choices. Alright, shopping starts from the first shop. Few sarees picked, checked on the quality, the material for purity in silk, the design if it's odd or perfect. Randomly colours picked but not to the expectation. Disappointments..!!! We were not going to all the available shops to shop for the only ONE. We finalized the best 5 five and than checked them out, but this itself was making me go bonkers until I had a headache. Next shop, dam

18 days

OMG !! I will be married in 18 days and it's happening to soon. Entirely I am stepping into a new life together with my new soul of love, affectionate and care...

The Leaf Addiction

The trend of chewing betel nut is dying. Though nothing to smile about.But it is good that many people are not having those ancient habits anymore after all the awareness shared on media's. As we know it's a kind of addiction and bad habit, though the old timers from village's were basically addicted to it. It also gets their teeth stainned in red as they chew for ages. Chewing on these betel leaves and betel nuts the pratice has been existing for a very long time into some centuries in India and Asia. It has also become one of the important part of cultural and religious rituals. I always thought betel leaf was a bad leaf but never knew the Hindu's use that leaf for sacred purpose in prayers and rituals. There is the good use and bad use of the betel leaf, it has good traditional medicinal substances. You can read more about it in detail if you can Google. I remember the days when some old ladies I knew from my neighbourhood used to chew on these nasty leaves.The

“I am a spirit living in a body. I am not the body"

“I am a spirit living in a body. I am not the body. The body will die, but I shall not die.” Here I stand, in this wide world, a living spirit in a body. I shut my eyes and try to conceive myself. Who am I? I! I! I! just an air in physical body. I read this somewhere which interested me and opened my mind wider to think more. The Vedas declare, "No". You are a spirit living in a body. You’re not the body. The body will die, but you shall not die. Here you are in this body; it will fall, but you shall go on living. Now this sets more curiosity for me, looking for answer of HOW? It is explained that a soul is not created, it exist on this world. It has a past life and also knows the future but how come we don’t remember either of it. It’s not found or retrieved from our database the MIND. I admit us a very powerful tool known as MIND. Powerful enough it controls us in every aspect. If the soul is not created there should be some elements or combination which means a f

Yahoo ! - Ten creative ways to announce your pregnancy

 From - Go shopping : Ask your husband to take you out for shopping, but instead of going to your favourite shop, head to the children’s store instead and start picking out clothes for toddlers. If your husband asks you who are you shopping for, simply reply “For our baby”. Happy Father’s Day : If you can control your excitement for a day, then instead of just blurting out the news, send him a card wishing him “Happy Father’s Day”.   Recommended Read:  Say it with a sweet touch: Take a bowl and a permanent marker and simply write the words, “We are having a baby”. Fill the bowl with ice cream and wait for him to finish eating it. Get him puzzled: You can create your own crossword with clues such as 9 months, regular visit to the gynaecologist, first trimester, parents and so on. It might take him a while to link all these words together, but when he does you can rest assured that he woul


It's been a long time since I last wrote. My life is taking a new turn, and there is very little time for blogging. I have a few minutes here and there, but I rarely have time for thoughtful words to ponder.  It's true that Facebook has overtaken our lives, and instead of truly understanding someone's heart, we get those of micro-thought in the form of a "status," generally laced with good thoughts, dissatisfaction, shared experiences, sarcasm, complaint, or narcissistic opinions. Micro blogging has been keeping me little occupied with what is happening around me. What new channels and newspaper deliver, micro-blogging does better a job. Since we are trying to save our Earth with 60 hours campaign and paperless awareness, Micro-blogging actually saves far more trees.

The written list

Sometimes I thought everything around me was just a dream. I was a guest in my own dream. When I much younger maybe in my teens, my aunt told me once, look beyond now and see your future. Vision what you want to do in life, how you want to live a life, what kind of a man you want in your life, write it down have a look and try to achieve it. Of course I did follow what she said, but I did after few years. I did note it on my journal. It was about my future life, my choice of man and what kind of life I wanted. A simple thought with a simple pen has made that day to this day better. Sometimes the adults in the family would say, the right time will come and you will get the best. My time came fast and I have the best now. What was worth said is proven well now. I could see the effect of words and thoughts. Our mind our powerful tool and worked well but took sometime thought. A thought, a vision and an achievement. Maybe not for everything I could achieve successfully but as I always wan


A month since my engagement, life seems to be prefectly the same.

My Cake on a website...

I participated in a Wedding Cake competition in 2010 and I found this website reasonly which was refering to my work which I thought was not appreciated as they were many other experts with better cakes. But I was so happy to find in here and has a description of my colours. As for me I was a beginner and this competition was a real challenge, but it has paid me off in a recognization of appreciation. Indian Wedding Cake theme. I am Happy though !! You can view "My Cake" It had this description that says.... " The multi tier Peacock theme cake is beautiful with the blue, green and teal color creams. Signifying the strong pillars on which a lasting and loving relationship can flourish, the cake will set the onlookers spellbound". Cake by Kaladevi Murugesu

50 things to do in India

I came across of this article. A bucket list for Tamil Nadu and wanted to share this in here. Very Interesting..!!!! 1. Eat a meal on a banana leaf — there's a belief that it might cure Parkinson 's disease 2. Visit the Great Living Chola Temples, the UNESCO World Heritage Site dating back to the 10th century 3. Go to Ooty on the Nilgiri Mountain Railway — it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a legacy of remarkable British engineering 4. Get blessed by an elephant — how often can you get one? 5. Visit the Cholamandalam Artists' Village, the pride of modern Tamil Art 6. Take an auto ride in Chennai. Chennai auto-drivers even have their own websites. Plus, it is the luxury of the middle-class. 7. Taste idli and dosa and wonder how many types of chutneys exist in Tamil Nadu. We are really a bunch of choosy pickers when it comes to idli and dosa! 8. Watch a Rajanikanth film in a movie thea

On hold clock stop

Currently the entire gyming is on hold clock stop. I was held up with my engagememt as I was organizing it in India from here and working at the moment.Thank God we have these technologies nowadays that makes our life easier. Blogging , there was no time. But updates are taking place now :)