
Showing posts from February, 2010

Car Wash

Haha , spend my day taking my car for a wash. What a lucky car, gets a wash clean and neatly. From its bonnet to the back , tyres polish as we polish our nails.Vaccummed inside without any dust. Spotless shine and beautiful ,clean look. Sometimes I admire how does a car feels when it gets a wash and being clean.But unfortunately a car does not have feelings to feel dirty nor clean. Thank god. Otherwise , it might be bugging us the owners to clean or give a wash everyday as how we take a bath daily.

Smokers less IQ....!!!

I came across of this article on a newpapers pretty interesting though, I thought I will would like to share with other also. Be Smart and Stop Smoking : Cigratette smokers have lower IQs than the non smokers and the more a person smokes the lower the IQ . It actually based on a study of 20,000 Israeli military recruits.Found that young men who smoked a pack of cigrettes a day or more than tend to have lower IQs....... Not sure how true it can be , I think we need to test every smokers for a IQ test and see whats their minimum scores.Brains don't work when there is so much of smokes clogged in there....LOL

Tears of the sky

Everytime it rains , I really wonder why the sky crying and dropping all its sorrowness and unhappiness to us.Why can't we though let the sky take our burden by throwing it up towards it.Scientifically gravity on earth pulls everything towards it then going up. As time past by I started to realize that its not tears but happiness indeed.

Did I Know What's My Last Birth..!!!

What was I in my last birth..mhmmmm!!! That made me think for a while. Was... ...I rich and famous, I'm not now in this birth ...I a ruler of a country,...I'm just a citizen of a country, ...I a poet, I like to write poems, ...I a philospher,... I do alot of blogging, ...I an I do paintings, ...I lonely,...I have everyone today, ...I a inventor,...I did not invent anything this time, ...I a founder,...I discover nothing, Maybe... ...I was naughty, as I'm good now ...I was not a human , I'm a human today, ... Could Have Been... ...a delicious fruit, I'm sweet person, ...a beautiful flower, I'm a pretty girl, love, as I'm am in Love today...!!! Its all just a matter of knowing it maybe I'm just another simply homely girl with full of love and kindness same as in this very birth.Its alright I really do not want to know what I was in my last birth.I'm happy with my current birth. Its all full of happiness and s


Life is like the kite on a single string. The feel to think how a kite is so perfectly resembles to the balance of life. You need a lot of string to hold the kite and also the wind to support the kite. If there is no wind the kite remains lifeless on the ground. As the wind is perfect for the day, it will guide the kite with enough stress to the string to make the kite dance in the sky. As you see as the kite is flying. It does fly high but you need to control its height and distance along with the strong wind with only the string .If there is suddenly too much wind controlling the kite and too much stress on the string, the kite dives straight for the ground? The only thing that can keep it from crashing at that point is to totally release all the stress on the kite, let out all string. Let everything go and the kite will naturally right itself. If you tend to control too hard and then the kite might get loose or break. The string is there in order to control the speed and the height


BE... ...generous to yourself, ...loyal to friends, ...faithful to your parents, ...believe in GOD and miracles, ...strong to face challenges around you, ...weak to know you cannot do everything alone, ...wise to know you don't know everything , ...understanding to everyone, ...helpful to anyone, ...generous to someone need help, ...kind when you need too, ...careful with everything around you, ...sure where is your destiny, ...sure what your next step will be, ...sure of your wrong path, ...sure to turn back when you are not sure, ...loving to those need your love, ...loving when you need give your love, ...loving to those who don't love you,they might change, ...loving to everything in you, ....YOURSELF.

Listen - don't Assume

*double click on the picture to read clearly

Lesson to be Learnt

*double click on the pciture to read clearly own !!

A walk back into my dreams..I have my guards guarding my dreams, which is only for me to see. My dreams , my place. Its the only place I own in this life without purchasing or taking a loan from bank. My very own dream , my beautiful place only for me.Its my private place , it might not be a heaven or may not be a hell but its my own.

Loneliness vs Waiting

"Human can survive a week without water, two weeks without food , many years of homelessness but not loneliness.It is the worst thing you can ever want to be and the worst suffering in a human life " Loneliness what ever its said. I hate it... Hate the feeling of it... Hate this emptiness... The emptiness and hollowness... Hating the wait... ...for someone ...for the life ...for something ...and nothing ...of calmness ...for the love ...for comfort ...of the very touch and feel of love ...of silence ...of peace The hate of waiting and feel the emptiness and loneliness . "Waiting is the most difficult one and I'm used to the feeling and learn to be patience" Wait for .... ...time ...someone ...somebody ...nobody ...anything ...nothing ...future ...some more ...and more ...for more.!!!!

Begun...some love

He was sitting waiting for her. She had reached late for the first time and had found him already there, waiting. waiting and waiting. He had been waiting for her for so long. In what sense and for what? Her? Love? New life ? What was it about her that he had waited that long ? He asked himself for a couple of times. The moment she came and apologizing to him for the lateness. As she looked at him, her eyes never left his eyes. He got his eyes locked into her’s. That was what he liked about her – direct honesty. She was silent and then she said, her gaze never left his. Something flickered in her eyes as she spoke, but he wasn't sure. And again, more questions were born in him. "Why?" “What she has in her ?” “Why I had to wait for this long” “Why didn’t I just leave” “What if…….I missed this chance” He was quiet for a long time. "If she was the woman he wanted her to be, he would not be intimidated by her silence." And then, she spoke very gently like a chant or

Question me...!!!

Ask me how is life ? I will say "perhaps"..... perhaps not much... perhaps okey... perhaps it's not... perhaps nothing... perhaps anything... perhaps maybe... perhaps which ever... perhaps what ever... perhaps any how... perhaps what to do... perhaps , perhaps , perhaps....may be not...!!!

Worry , Worried and Worrying

"Forget the past and focus on the future. Stop obsessing on what you have lost and get what you need now." This was one of my prediction on Facebook by Anita Psychic..!! Every time being worried is not healthy. Worrying about something that has happened is like digging the grave again. There are people who always keep worrying about thing that has happened long time ago in their life’s, it’s as though they are caught up in their past.More than these consequences of our past actions, we just allow these memories to drain us dry. It’s has though we rewind our past back again and let it take over.As we re-open the past memories again, it will flood with all the unpleasant and painfulness that we went through.But, why! Why do you have to do this again and go through it all again? Is it worth it? Ask yourself…!!! And yet again down the spiral we go. We actually spend and waste a lot of our precious time solving these bitterness, painfulness and disappointments of yesterdays. As we


"Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal." - E. Joseph Cossman

Life > Love > Life

A relationships are like special plants. you need to give your constant attention, water them and take good care .This is how they bloom but sadly we learn everything the hard way and re-learn in harder ways thats human nature!As long as we learn from our mistakes, we are great and doing good. but we dont usually and we always need a jolt it constantly.Not everyone are born perfect.Nothing is perfect neither do anything.You are not perfect and also I'm not perfect. Its better not to expect perfection in life or with someone.Perfection in life doesn't keep your life stable for sure it will have its up's and down's. But yeah, the worst thing we do is take the love we get for granted and expect for better.Why not we see in different aspect or view ,like someone said " relationships are like special plants. you need to give your constant attention, water them and take good care only then will they bloom". Love blooms and that's how the relationship starts isn&

Love as a Flower

Love is like a flower , what makes a life beautiful as the flower.A flower can be beautiful but what makes it special is the creepers around it.The creepers are the people around the beautiful flower in a field.That's what makes it very special.Flower is beautiful the very moment it is a bud till it bloom.But the very last part of its life cycle it becomes ugly and wades off.That one flower will only live for a short moment enjoying the every light of the sun ,the drops of water from the rain and the morning dew that rests on its petals.Its green leaves just adds the beauty to it.The lovers that are the bees will hum to the morning rhytm and pick their best flower for the honey hidden in them. In the other hand ,Love is also as beautiful as the flower.The love comes in a special way and stays forever in your heart.Love can be enjoyed in every age and in every thing.The moment of love is precious and is a treasure to be valued in life.Love also has something hidden within it which c


The firework display during the Chinese New Year is amazing and the chinese are always up to something interesting.The colourful lighted fire all over the sky.Beautiful and stunting show across the dark clear night. Everywhere different sizes and sounds of the crackers.Nothing like this you can watch a firework display right at your door step.I just love fireworks and watch them from a distance. Not only that ,the paper air laterns which flies up in the sky . I was counting each of the laterns that are already in the sky floating away as far as they can ,which are still lighted.Unfortunately some get burned too soon as they are made of papers.There are also some lucky ones which reaches very high above the sky and the clouds.They are every where in the sky as the stars hanging at the heaven's door step. You can count them . What a beautiful night of lights with temporary stars and colourful fireworks.Wait for next year to catch them again the stunting performance which goes on till

Vision of Droplets

In the eye of the water droplets , you see the world.It captures the world around you just inside a small vision.It can be a small thing but the vision is big and full of memories. Every water droplets have different character,images and sizes which captures every aspect of world which is big outside and small inside.Look carefully into a water droplet , what you see infront of you in a small picture inside the droplet.Amazing nature and God's creations.You can also see yourself in that little droplet.

Glued in ur chair..!!!

Sometimes as weekend comes, I feel like escaping from home.Its damn boring.How long can you last by just watching the TV,imagine your butt is glued to a comfortable chair and your fingers just clicking on the tv remote on every channel until you find an interesting program to watch.At times its just a war of channels with your active fingers, while your lazy mind and tired body just wants relaxation. Couch potatoes , how can people describe themselves as this?It is terrible to just fixed yourself so comfortably in a chair for the whole day while hooked and addicted to the tv.Amazingly some people are very interesting in achieving it. My mind just goes bizzare and wanna blast after few hours do this.Sometimes you get fed up as its the same repeating program that you watched last month. Why! why! and why! ...watching tv nowdays are boring indeed.

6 Easy Slim-Down Strategies

Losing weight is about a series of small steps--one less dessert here, an extra 10 minutes on the elliptical there--plus smart lifestyle moves that continually inch you closer to your goals. But like any change, try to do everything at once and you could wind up feeling deprived and deflated (and not in the good way). So instead of vowing to cut calories AND exercise 7 days a week AND forsake ice cream and pizza for the rest of your life, start out with a few of these research-proven tricks that can help you drop pounds. Once you've mastered one, add in another; before you know it you'll see results on the scale--no drastic changes required. 1) Weigh yourself daily Why It Works: Weekly weigh-ins are a staple of many popular weight loss programs, but some studies show that daily weighing can be key to lasting weight loss. When researchers at the University of Minnesota monitored the scale habits of 1,800 dieting adults, they found that those who stepped on every day lost an aver


This means you have to get to a point in life when you really do not expect others to react or behave in a certain way. You can only control how you react or behave. You cannot control how others react or behave. What often makes life difficult is when we expect others to jump for joy or be happy and they are not. If we expect them to take us to dinner or buy us something and they don't - this leads to our disappointment. When we expect someone to do something and they don't, we have set ourselves up for disappointment. There is another aspect to expectations. If you expect something to happen and it does, you will be bored. Living without expectations is also accepting others as they are. You might as well, as they are not likely to change unless they want too. This does not mean that we cannot honestly tell others how we feel and even what we don't like about them and hope they change. You can live without expectations and still hope, desire, love, want and have all the n

10 things GOD won't ask..!!!

1 ... God won't ask what kind of car you drove;       He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation. 2 ... God won't ask the square footage of your house,       He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home. 3 ... God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet,       He'll ask how many you helped to clothe. 4... God won't ask what your highest salary was,       He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it. 5.... God won't ask what your job title was,        He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability. 6... God won't ask how many friends you had,       He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend. 7... God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived,       He'll ask how you treated your neighbors. 8 ... God won't ask about the color of your skin,       He'll ask about the content of your character. 9 .... God won't ask why it took you so l

7 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

7 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Without Starving or Breaking a Sweat Weight loss requires two things: burning calories through exercise and cutting them through smart food choices and portion control. In theory, you could create a calorie deficit by spending hours at the gym, but that's not realistic-or much fun. And who wants to live on lettuce leaves? Instead, try these seven everyday moves to drop pounds effortlessly. 1. Fidget James Levine, MD, of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, has spent a decade studying the role that everyday movement, or NEAT (nonexercise activity thermogenesis), plays in metabolism. His discovery: People who tap their feet, prefer standing to sitting, and generally move around a lot burn up to 350 more calories a day than those who sit still. That adds up to nearly 37 pounds a year! 2. Keep most meals under 400 calories Study after study recommends spacing out your meals at regular intervals and keeping them all about the same size. Eating meals at regular in