Worry , Worried and Worrying

"Forget the past and focus on the future. Stop obsessing on what you have lost and get what you need now." This was one of my prediction on Facebook by Anita Psychic..!!

Every time being worried is not healthy. Worrying about something that has happened is like digging the grave again. There are people who always keep worrying about thing that has happened long time ago in their life’s, it’s as though they are caught up in their past.More than these consequences of our past actions, we just allow these memories to drain us dry. It’s has though we rewind our past back again and let it take over.As we re-open the past memories again, it will flood with all the unpleasant and painfulness that we went through.But, why! Why do you have to do this again and go through it all again?
Is it worth it? Ask yourself…!!! And yet again down the spiral we go.
We actually spend and waste a lot of our precious time solving these bitterness, painfulness and disappointments of yesterdays.
As we waste more time dwelling back the past, and our present gets wasted forever..!!!
Realize this, “our today is ours tomorrow of yesterday”. If we are going to waste the present now its just to bad that we are adding to our wasted past.
If you could , it also happens the other way around. There are some people so would be so anxious about the future. While our mind reside in the present moment but it also travels years ahead from now.
Why is this?
We spend too much time being worried about our future that has not happened yet.
Our presents gets affected to our future.We need to lead a better tomorrow is to have a better today. In order to that , our action today will be greatly affected in our future.So to waste your time today by being so anxious of tomorrow is more to waste the opportunity to improve your today.
It best of not worrying about tomorrow as tomorrow will be worrying about itself.


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