
Showing posts from August, 2014


During this whole month of August, also known as the Merdeka month, you will see most Malaysians express their patriotism and love towards their culturally unique country by raising the Malaysian flag on their vehicles, balcony of their homes and even along the streets! It is also during this time that government buildings all over Kuala Lumpur and most shopping malls are hoisted with the Malaysian flag, Jalur Gemilang. The whole build up towards Malaysia’s Independence Day is celebrated with pride and joy . Every year there is a specific theme for Independence Day. Previous years, the themes were “My Glorious Malaysia”, “1Malaysia: Transforming the Nation”, “55 Years of Independence: Promises Fulfilled” and etc. These themes will be reflected in the decorations and focus for Independence Day that year. This year is theme is " Disini lahirnya Cinta (it is from here the Love is born) In short, Independence Day serves as a reminder to all Malaysians to appreciate the toug


A new nation, a new country on the world's map, Malaysia.  You were ruled by many and at the end of the day you got your own Independence.  Today marks the day 57 years after you got your independence. We celeberate the day patriotically with much anticipated patrotism. Merdeka was the name, freedom from all.   You have come a long way amd achieved what you deserved to be now. A modern country in short span of time, developed and still developing to make your own identity in to the world. Your people with many faces,races,cultures and languages held hands together to develop you further to be recognized all over world. You made the best out of yourself , best food paradise is in Malaysia, best summer holidays is in Malaysia, multicultural and multicoloured themed country Malaysia, Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

Encounter with The Supreme...Krsna (Krishna)

It was late evening as I was still walking up and down the Little India street in Brickfields, KL. I was looking for a calling card which no one seems to be selling at any of those phone shops. As I walked, I crosseed passed this "Hare-Krishna" followers who eventually stopped me. I was hesitated to stop first as knowing nowadays there are bogus followers and devotees who are on the street selling things to make money. Ok, one way of easy earning tactics. Because I myself have come across few like this especially Chinese monks.The would give you a Buddha or Quan Yee picture, and ask for some money. If you don't give they would say soemthings in a language you wouldn't even understand. But at this moment, I knew these Krsna followers were genuine, so I stop as this young man spoke with me humbly and kindly. He address me as "Mataji", I was stunned for a second.Me "Mataji"! He was sharing that they are building a Krishna temple in Penang, so they

Ganesha Chaturthi..

As we all know, Ganesha is one of the most beloved and favourite of Gods and seems to reside in every Hindu home and it’s his birthday today!, "Ganesh Chaturthi". Ganesh Chaturthi also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi is one of the important Hindu festivals celebrated throughout India with a great devotion. This day is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Ganesh, the elephant-headed son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Lord Ganesh is the symbol of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune. Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the major festivals celebrated in India with great enthusiasm and devotion. The festival marks the birthday of Lord Ganesha; the Lord of knowledge, wisdom, prosperity and good fortune. The festival is also known as Vinayak Chaturthi or Vinayak Chavithi. This day, observed as one of the most auspicious in the Hindu religion, is widely celebrated As per Hindu mythology Lord Ganesh is considered as “Vigana Harta” (one who removes obstacles) and “Buddhi Pradaayaka” (one w

Long Away from Home, She did It

Different to Write

I thought why should my blog just be about myself and my thoughts. Let me add some spices and delicous recipies direct from my Kitchen; and my grandmother to mother recipies Even my other interest and hobby through my lens that has preserved and capture moments of nature beautifully. Revamping my blog page by adding more pages and links so I could display my work of hobby and interest all in one side. Good start for me, not sure when it would be ready but soon. Look for the difference soon. Adios..!!

Every Word in Same Letter...that's ENGLISH

An aged anglophile ate algae and angora, and afterwards anticipated an aching abdomen, and, agreeing amicably about atheism, avoided answering angry Anglicans about Abrahamic advocacy, and, articulating antitheses, anwered an advanced argument against antidisestablishmentarianism. Seeing such stunning spoutings, someone should strive similarly stitching sounds skillfully stupefying several. Trying tensely to tout these terse tokens, terribly tortuous, tiring too! Torture? Every etymological entity exercised, euphemisms, even extremely elementary exhortations effective. Unbearable urge, ultimately, use upvotes, ululate, upset ubiquity, understood? Duke decreed, “Despite dumbfounded doubters, doors don’t detract devotees dealing decks, demonstrating dastardly developments defying deities’ decrees dealt downstairs diligently”; Dale’s dysfunctional dystopia doesn’t deny desperate, diabolical demons didactically decrying Duke’s decree denying delegated dumbfounded doubters. Antel

Topsy-Turvy Year

Unspeakable and never to remember what happened year....

Weep of the Sky

Malaysia has been mourning for the doomed Flight MH17 for past few days. Even the nature feels the sadness of the nation and has been weeping since the day. Morning clouds gathered as they wept gently reminding us the lost souls from the MH17 are all back home and more are coming back to rest in peace. The sorrow and sadness is felt in the air and also in the heart of every Malaysians and also the world, we have lost some of our fellow Malaysian in a unfairly war between two countries. Justice for MH17 ! #MH17! #MH17Justice!

A Day A Nation, A Country, 1 Malaysia stood still ...!!!

UI6pwEDUMI/s640/blogger-image--476989715.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-; Sorrow is universal and the tears shed by Malaysians for the victims of the doomed flight MH17 showed our common bond to respect and honour the departed and the loved ones they left behind. TEARS FOR THE HOMECOMING OF THE DOOMED FLGHT MH17...the day One Nation, 1Malaysia stood still for a minute of silence.

One Country Falls Silence for first time Ever

Today as the world watched after nearly one month, our brothers and sisters, grandmother, aunt and uncles, nephew and nieces have returned home for their final rest. MH17 was the unlucky flight that was shotwdown over Ukraine and we lost many innocent souls on board.The worst disaster in life time of Malaysian history. Malaysia with multicultural races, religion and people, today made the history ever for this country has proved to hold strong with love and care. As One Nation, One Country, One Malaysia we grieved for our lost of MH17, today we gathered here from all over the world and across the country, held hands together and welcomed them home by respecting one minute silence of prayers.In honour of the Malaysian victims of the MH17 tragedy. The national day of mourning was the first ever to be held by Malaysia for ordinary citizens. Such observances had previously been held on the deaths of some kings and other leaders. Facebooks, Twitters, newspapers everythi

Need this for now...


Gems from sky..!!!

It was getting dark, clouds were gathering close to each another. Soft windy breezes, loud thunder roaming the sky to let everyone know that they are the leaders of the sky. Little blessed gems started to drop from the heaven door step. Every drop each blessing from the sky.I went out to receive them, as they came near me and touching my skin. Making me their best friend in the every drop that touches me. I feel the heaven's inviting me with the showers of blessing from the Gods. As it touches me , it purifies me , enlightens me with all the blessed little droplets.

Just a Thought

LIFE is a flower, of which LOVE is the honey

Begun and Ended

For the past few months had been tough for me, it's like the roller coaster ride that goes up and downs so fast that you are totally caught off guard. I am really tired, broken to speak anything.I never expected this much will happen and hoped for or even think of something better will happne. The more you tend to wish it happens, the more depressed you tend to become when you know it is just not meant for you at this moment or this life. It feels good at this moment I tell myself not to give up in life and to let go of those pains and struggles which now I know I am set to free. I don't want to know what's going on and what will happen but being so closely related to my life, I have to face it every now and then can I really be this strong to face it all? Can I walk away and laugh it off? I am uncertain of it, it going to be more difficult but I have to accept it and be as strong as I could to the fate played in my life.Its matter of time and fate as I would say this l

GOD mould the earth...

--> God sat one day and had a dream. His one eye showed him a circle. He painted the circle on his canvas with some blue, green and brown. It displayed a colourful ball. Using his painted sketch it took some fire, covered with mud and more earth made it into a mud ball. He added some water and shaped the ball with high mountains and terrains. There it goes the final touch of the ball called earth. He blew some air and stored more in layers to protect his treasure. Still wondering something is missing, he created living cells and life. Revolution of the earth and its living.

Uploaded my old Blog..

I somehow managed to upload my old blog writings. I was afraid I would have lost my years of thoughts written into words. But somehow, I managed to import those frm the previous before I deleted. All my work is perfectly maintained intactly. Happy to be back writing my thoughts as the words keep over flowing...

Live everyday as if it's the first day Losing weight is one thing,” she tells us, “but maintaining it is hard. It’s so easy to have a slip up at any time that can really throw you off. “The way I deal with it is to think ‘I will start today and I will live every day as if it’s the first day’. When I lost all that weight I started afresh every day." erself motivated and juggles a healthy diet with a xtras and snacks I always drink six pints of water through the day, and eating like this means you’re never actually hungry. This was the diet I did leading up to the weight loss for my DVD. Plus no alcohol at all, lots of green tea and I’d have an Americano rather than a Latte. “When it comes to snacks, I’d avoid fruit as it’s full of sugar. I only have that first thing in the morning.  If I start waning before lunchtime, I make sure I always have snacks with me or I have a coffee and that’s a really good way to curb y

Prophecy of Astral Encounters..!!! - Part 1

Astral travelling is more like a " out of body dream ". In such situation these dreams in which the dreamer becomes conscious while the dream is taking place. In other instances its believed that you leave your body for few seconds. Having such abilility to project consciouness can open up many interesting oppurtunities to the dreamer .Even some claims they are able to travel to remote location and also past or future lifes. I have had many of these experiences myself but have found in most instances that it is hard to maintain consciousness for a long time.I have had my own experiences from these travelling , nonetheless on occasions I have looked down at my sleeping body from above and have woken up when feel that I dropped from the ceiling on my bed. At first , I thought of being out of your body is frightenning if you had never heard about asrtal travelling. It is more natural to assume that you'll look dead , motionless during this period . In result , is usua

Look at you, Who you are..??

Every masterpiece requires efforts, endless efforts though to make things very much perfect. However, some situations despite with all sincere efforts the art simply remains as an art; it does not become a masterpiece. This leads to frustration, low self-esteem and reduced self-confidence. The path to success or achieving a goal is never was an easy way. Every task or goods has it’s unique challenges and lots of roadblocks to pass thru. See everyone have their own burden in all ways but only thing matters that how do we carry it? There are many quotes of people that used as a guide of life to follow. These quotes are of those people who have achieved monumental success in different walks of life to serve as a source of inspirations and motivation to help keeping all of us in a good stead. Despite repeated failures and all sorts of adversities, they never gave up hope and continued to work hard with the “never say die” spirit, which showed a positive attitude during stressful times

A Good Deed is Remembered...

One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water! . She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it so slowly, and then asked, How much do I owe you?” You don’t owe me anything,” she replied. “Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness.” He said … “Then I thank you from my heart.” As Arvind left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit. Many year’s later that same young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr. Arvind was called in for the consultation. When h

Shit Facts..!!!

A joke my uncle shared: A man was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned to her and said, “Do you want to talk, it going to be a long journey it will be quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.” The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, “What would you want to talk about?” “Oh, I don’t know,” said the man. “How about why there is no God, or no Heaven or Hell, or no life after death?” smiling “Okay,” she said. “Those could be interesting topics but let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff – grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?” The man was visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence, thinks about it and says, “Hmmm, I have no idea.” To which the little girl replies, “Do you really feel qualified to discuss God, Heaven and Hell, or l

the day God gave me an answer...!!

The Fern and the Bamboo - A god's Guide I read this from a site and wanted to share this on my blog as it inspired and motivated me at this moment of my crucial life. Indeed it made my thoughts to be stable and think from one point. It was as though as I was asking God the same questions.....!!! God what is happening to my life, why is all this happening to me despite me being honest, loyal , truthful and thoughtful to everyone I had in my life. I know I have earned more "Punniyam" (good deeds) than "Karma" (bad deeds) -------------------------- One day I decided to quit…I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality…I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God. “God”, I said. “Can you give me one good reason not to quit?” His answer surprised me. “Look around”, He said. “Do you see the fern and the bamboo?” “Yes”, I replied. “When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave t

Raksha Bandhan

Mythological Tales about Raksha Bandhan, what is actually pondered me for sometime though. I was at the Little India street in my city and came across of these cute bracelets in different colours and designs.So I started searching for the mythological tales behind this little cute strings.I googled, obvious the WORLD DICTIONARY..!!! Every of anything can be found here. Hindunism is big, so many traditions but different Hindu's. In India, Raksha Bandhan or Rakhi is a festival which is celebrated to symbolize the strong bond between the brothers and sisters and the love and affection shared between them. The day symbolizes re-unification of brother and sister and the respect for all women in the society. It gives every man the noble outlook to respect every woman. It is celebrated on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Shravana in India. The tradition of celebrating this festival started in the ancestral period and till date people consider it a must to ex

A Beautiful Love Story

I believe in Love. Love in all ways. Doesn't only mean Love is only for an opposite person. Love yourself to Love others, love the nature, love what you like to do and doings, love GOD, love the World, Love the time and so on. Love is one form that is well known is "falling in love", with your opposite person; couples or man and woman. Love is a so beuatiful if its appreciated in the way it is. I read this beautiful story of this old couples who had lived for 62 years together, they travelled, lived, did volunteering social works, everything they have done together and final they died just four hours apart at the end of their beautiful lovely life. I have read stories but this time it was a true love that has kept them both all these years together. It’s real-life Notebook stories,and their love stories are always the most beautiful.How much they have lived to love each another till the end of it? This is what I call "True Love". Everyone should le

Dream comes from our soul and our own thoughts..!!!

Dream never can sleep nor it does not sleep , instead makes us sleep to dream. We are the creator and the destroyer of our dreams. When we sleep , focus of our physical world and body consciousness is at a halt and during this period our soul gets very active and tries to communicate with our conscious mind the strongest part of our self and I guess that’s how the dream is reflected. It’s as though as we are watching a movie. We get into a dark theater and the movie starts. But the interesting part of it , do you realize the dream does not begin from the start. It actually takes your in middle of the dream and also it does not complete till the end. You never know when or how it started and when will it ends , how you went there , how you travelled ? It’s all the mind that tricks you to believe and takes you along the ride. How do you come out of the dream? If you sit and realize , if your memory is still fresh from a dream , you can investigate how did you get kicked from the

New Blog

I love writing and also had a blog previously shared my thoughts and understandings of the life around me and my life. Some things went wrong as also I had to remove my blog and completely lost some of my good words and stories. Anyways I have some taken a copy that I saved on my journals and those written in my journal not on my blog.I will try to get all of them up in here and start my writing once again. Words still run my thoughts and mind, but never found a peace to get them off my head. Decided to start blogging once again. I AM BACK, MY THOUGHTS ARE BACK AND MY WORDS ARE BACK...!!!

New Start.....

Life has been different for this year. Lots triumph and roller coaster rides which I had to hold on tightly. This year seems to be new in everything for me. Some things seems wrong comes right and others that is right goes wrong. I hoped for a wonderful year ahead, started my year with so much of expectations in life. But the life itself took me into its own journey. It was not easy for me in handling myself, my thoughts and my mind in this ride. As it all came across too many cross-junctions, many speed breaks and bend roads. Life is so unpredictable and at some circumstances it's dangerously denialable. Things that I imagined to live a life went upside down and was never the right ones. Anyways I am still trying to live with all this life triumphs to make my life a better living for my future ahead.