One Country Falls Silence for first time Ever

Today as the world watched after nearly one month, our brothers and sisters, grandmother, aunt and uncles, nephew and nieces have returned home for their final rest. MH17 was the unlucky flight that was shotwdown over Ukraine and we lost many innocent souls on board.The worst disaster in life time of Malaysian history.

Malaysia with multicultural races, religion and people, today made the history ever for this country has proved to hold strong with love and care.

As One Nation, One Country, One Malaysia we grieved for our lost of MH17, today we gathered here from all over the world and across the country, held hands together and welcomed them home by respecting one minute silence of prayers.In honour of the Malaysian victims of the MH17 tragedy. The national day of mourning was the first ever to be held by Malaysia for ordinary citizens. Such observances had previously been held on the deaths of some kings and other leaders.

Facebooks, Twitters, newspapers everything was filled with messages and don black out of respect for the victims.

Today also is the first time Malaysia has ever declared or observed "One Nation Mourning DAY " ,despite it being a Friday, everyone observed this day. Slow songs on TV and radio channels, people wore "Black" in respect.The observance was to be followed by a nationwide minute of silence expected to bring its busy streets, schools and businesses to a standstill across the country of 28 million, while flags nationwide flew at half-mast.

The moment was so quite, I felt everything around me is in stand still mode. Morning it self was so cloudy and gloomy, I felt as though the sky also wept for this day. Everywhere it seems to be very quite.

Finally some of them have returned home and will rest in peace even though it was only few have returned home.

Malaysia has proved to be "1Malaysia" has its tagline says.


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