
Showing posts from December, 2009

Whenyou are lost...

Happiness deep down within. Serenity with each sunrise . Success in each facet of your life . Family beside you. Close and caring friends . Health, inside you. Love that never ends

Taurus Outlook for 2010

Year 2010 Overview Taurus always gets tagged with things like "pleasure-seeking" and "materialistic." That's probably unfair, in most cases. You're just as good at dishing out the pleasure as you are at seeking it, and who doesn't like a few nice things around? Sadly, there's been just too much struggle in your life the last couple of years when it comes to those two very important parts of your life. Thankfully, 2010 marks the end of that long uphill struggle. Your pleasurable pursuits have been a little more restricted than you'd like over the course of the last two years or so. That's over with now, so ... game on! The big events this year will not so much be a matter of major happenings as they will be things that have been in the works and are slowly revealing themselves. In the last two years, you've put a lot of work into what makes you happy, while Saturn transited your solar Fifth House. Now that those pressures are finally being

Which Finger I am..!!!

You Are the Index Finger You are ambitious, driven, and capable. You aren't afraid to take responsibility for your actions - or place the blame on whoever deserves it. You are honest, free thinking, and objective. You see things in your own way - and you aren't afraid to let everyone know about it. You get along well with: The Thumb Stay away from: The Ring Finger

In you , you see yourself only...!!!

Everybody and everyone have problems daily. It can be any types of problems, personal, business or life. But most of us face problem with our image or ourselves. Image or ourselves, I think you don’t realize who you are first of all. Typically, your image is based on how did you grew up and opinions from other people around you. You are normally branded or named with nicknames which mostly based from your weakness and failures. These would have been said to you; “You’re useless”, “Good for nothing”, “You never learn your lessons “and etc. Not only would these words but there would be far more nasty words used against you. This word sometimes affects and as shaped your lives. It also includes your past mistakes which has broken your self images. You actually become your own worst critics and place yourself down more than anyone. Look at yourself in the mirror. What do you see? Its only you, yourself. Admire yourself, your weakness or  failure does not determine as end of the world nor d

Silence of Silent

Nothing is better than a silence, Silence is where life starts, Nature grows in silence, The universe moves in silence, As we too breathe in silence And our life ends in silence We need the silence to touch our silent heart. In silence we learn who we really are, Silence is your best friend that's always there for you, Silence of you mind to calm the soul, Silence in thoughts, As thoughts a complicated, Ideas are unacceptable, Broken conversation that can’t be amended, Calls that are not attended, Some messages are incomplete to be completed, When we foresee the divide of life, Reactions are hindered, Silence is as calm as the lighted candles, Silences of all the silence in you, The silence of the silences in your own unspoken silent song, Within you, Above your thoughts, ( Enjoy the silence ) The silence of another word, Silence world in you is revealed.

Mirror of Me n Myself

As I see myself in the mirror.I love myself as what I am seeing. As I look into the mirror.I see myself, myself and only myself. I actually see my physical and emotional reflection rather than myself.Seeing the accurate of me is what portraits of me in the mirror.What I don’t have on myself, I have the beautiful cute looks, the wonderful smile that melts everyone’s heart and except for the weight. I love myself with my chubby looks.But it does not deprive me to admire and love myself. I have all the capabilities and qualities that can be admired at every angle of me. I’m loveable and can be loved. There is no doubt about that as I can notice it. People do brand me of what I am, but that does not deprive me from believing what I can do and who I am. I have the confidence and also the capabilities to prove my strength. Mirrors do lie, so I don’t trust them beyond myself. I see myself within me as am so beautiful for who can appreciate me. If one eye is closed, still the other eye is open

Me and "Bagel"

You Are a Whole Wheat Bagel what was the result on a quiz I took on "Bagel" on blogthings site..!!! You are confident, hard-working, and successful. You are status conscious and a bit of a perfectionist. Of all the types, you're the most likely to be quite particular about what you eat - yes very chosy on my foods. You tend to make yourself a very healthy breakfast. You would never reach for a donut! - this is not true , I love donuts though lolz..!!!

What type of a poem I am...?

You Are Free Verse Inspired, devoted to the pure expression of yourself without any constrictions. Rhymes bind. Grammar kills Of course , that true about me and poems..!!!

What colour IDEAs do I have.

Today , I took a quiz on this "blogthings" on IDEA and ; RESULTED : Your Ideas Are Blue When you think, you tend to have very detailed, well thought out ideas. You take your time with your thoughts. You are a deep thinker who likes to explore every possibility. Your ideas tend to be very innovative and perceptive. It's amazing what your mind can come up with. Your mind is energetic and alert. You are "always on" and thinking of new things. It's hard for you to relax. Sounds really true as you can notice my works on my blog.My idea's are beyond imagination at times...!!! Accuracy is perfect..LOLz

Speak of bOOks..!!!

Do you believe books have their own journey to make? Books are so important to this world and everyone likes to read them. A book is brought to us and shares various knowledge about people, world and universe. The pleasure one gets from reading a book and also the quality of the writing written in it. The authors are sharing their thoughts and imagination with us. Sometimes books do travel a long distance to be with us. They are also touched by so many other hands and read by all readers and also been enjoyed by so many eyes. We never read or seen some books again unless we re-read or kept them in our collections. This is because new interesting books are published every time and we intend to get newer ones. If you are a book worm who likes to read books, then you intend to buy books every time you come across a new title that fascinates you. “Don’t judge a book by it cover “, as the proverb is said. Some of us buy books based on its beautiful cover than its contents. But, it’s the nat


The Secret - Every positive step that you take is transforming your being. With the consistent use of your will and steady determined practice of what you have learned, you will be amazed at how fast transformation takes place. Transformation of your being brings a peace and a joy that is indescribable. You have to experience it to know it, but once you do, you will never go back. (The Secret Daily Teachings)

The field..!!!

Today as I was at the traffic waiting for light to turn green. I watched a herd of goats grazing on a field with freshly grown green grasses. The weather was cool as it just stopped raining. It did not stop the goats from grazing on that field to feast their stomach. There were a few crows disturbing the goats. These crows actually are helping the goats in other way by picking on the fleas on them. As the crows peck on the goat’s back and the goats are getting annoyed. Their pecks might be painful, ‘I guess, so they wriggle their body to chase the crows off. These animals can’t realize that these crows are actually helping them in a way to get rid of the scratchy fleas. The goats should be thankful towards the crows “ When there is help needed, it is not appreciated “ - KD


Day has passed to soon, Time has gone in a blink, I can still feel that you’re not around us any more, Everywhere I look, Thought you’re near to me, I can feel your existence, But my mind says you’re not there, Not near to me, Not at my side, But you’re watching me from above It has been a year now, Since you left all of us, But it feels as if it all happenned yesterday.. Not realizing as it was just a year back. Your memories are still fresh, I still can hear your voice in my mind, This would not fade away, It’s a treasure for me to remember, That you were there once a upon a time, with us on this wide world. ------------------------------------------------------ As time passed by, The memories of you Still remains in my mind, Every moment that I have spent my life around you, Each time I have spent time with you, From my childhood to teen and now to adult, You cherished my life the most, The time we used to play, Do gardening; go to market in trishaw, You were a great grandma, Even t

Be happy and live with what you have..!!!

Read this short story and lesson learned very interesting though..!! " Be happy and live with what you have" and don't get yourself carried away too much when another opportunity is given. - KD A 54 year old woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she had a near death experience Seeing God she asked "Is my time up?" God said, "No, you have another 43 years, 2 months and 8 days to live.." Upon recovery, the woman decided to stay in the hospital and have a face-lift, liposuction, breast implants and a tummy tuck. She even had someone come in and change her hair color and brighten her teeth! Since she had so much more time to live, she figured she might as well make the most of it. After her last operation, she was released from the hospital. While crossing the street on her way home, she was killed by an ambulance. Arriving in front of God, she demanded, "I thought you said I had another 43 years. Why did

War of Life n Love..!!!

Experiencing the feelings of love that can't be expressed but needs to be felt.It has to be felt in a way that every heart is touch will eager for more of the love. It’s a feeling that is desired and gets addicted, sometimes this can’t be described. Each and every part of the sensational feeling of love has its own characteristics. It’s a feeling that’s full of love to the mind and soul. At this situation, one gets the love by giving and the other receives the love. This satisfies both and both are the winners of this war. Love of family , love of yourself and the special love. So many types of loves but ; It’s nothing more than the war of love, war of feeling and war of life...!!!

Chill my BLOG - prt 2

LOL , my blog is becoming more to a philosophical or self realization site. I know its more like " too much spices makes the food too spicy", hahaha But what to do ,  my mind only gets these kind of ideas to create something interesting or to write which is worth to share with others. No worries , in between I will try to post something other than these blogs. Keep checking , maybe you will come across something different which would be interesting to read too...!! : )

Mind the greatest power of the Universe...!!!

Getting to know or want to know about these mind of the universe interests me a lot. I have read about spiritualism, self conscious and mind related facts. We can materialize the energy that’s around us. What ever is felt is just the outer layer, what’s beyond and deeper is the question and answer to be discovered. In fact astral travelling ( check my "All about ASTRAL travelling" for discreet details ) is like something as going back to the past or move forward to the future or in other words “Back to the past or future” Not only that, you may travel to the in between world that exist in our own world. We might not be able to see it but we can feel it. We might think or imagine, we are the only beings living in this universe but that is not true. Facts are not proven scientifically but may be through astral travelling. Astral travelling is like a “black hole”. As you fall into it ,its just a world that might be full of curiousness and mysteries yet to be discovered. Why do w

Spread your Imagination..!!!

Have you ever watch "BARNEY" the pink dinosaur. It’s a children’s program and once upon a time I was a big fan of this television program. I liked something about this program that it tells you about your life of IMAGINATION. Why don't we apply some imagination into our daily life also? Let the imagination flow and take the lead in your life. Most of the great inventors have imagined of dreaming about their inventions. But look where did their imagination took them . It took them down the history lane forever to be remembered by human culture. Imagination, dreaming of your imagination and add spice to your mission of life. Imagination makes it possible to experience a whole world inside the mind. It gives the ability to look at any situation from a different aspect of life’s, and enables one to mentally explore the past and the future. One of which is daydreaming. Some may find it ridiculous, day dreaming how that work does. A developed and strong imagination does not mak

Need to chill my blog...!!!

I know my blog is becoming a little serious on spiritualism , mind , soul and astral travelling. Will make it interesting with more other write-up has time goes by. Its would be a mixture of everything spicy and cool in life..!!! More to come , more to write but time is too tight nowdays with other daily duties..!!! I will make sure at least 2 post a week ..!!! Thanks for those who read and are my followers. Cheers..!!!

wHAT mY biRth Day saYs ?

I was born on a Tuesday and all below are truely about me....!!! Charming and graceful > my smile, everyone of my friends have commented on my beautiful smile. Love to indulge in creative stuff > I love arts and I'm create thinker .. Joyful attitude towards life > patience and clamness Unpredictable at times > mood swings and act weird Peace lover > off cause A good motivator > maybe for myself Sympathetic > can be Trustworthy > always ( good secret keeper ) Very generous of course always there to help others...!!! All are mixed together and you will find me the sweet be loved..!!!

Light in U Begins...!!!

Discovering yourself is not a sin but it’s a beautiful thing to experience. Be the master of yourself, master of circumstances. An experience of cosmic power starts from your mind through your body. That is this power that you have already realized by your mind. When you have this habit of acquiring to listen to the inner self or voices, it’s your intuition, obey it, follow it and let it guide your way. By discovering these within yourself depends on your believe. It might sound awkward but it’s the attitude that makes you give an important to the circumstances. To face them , you need the great amount of principles to recognize the power of what’s in you You need the deeper and stronger strength to eliminate the weakness power throughout the journey. This sort of mental curiosity always challenges you to understand, the curiousity of seeking the truth and the interest to discover all about it. Standing before something that you’re not sure of always gives you an unpleasant feeling, fo

GOD in U..!!!!

At certain occasions, I believe and I understand why God gets frustrated ! People may wonder why god is not helping them, but the same people do not realize that God always helps them. It’s just that they don’t see the help shown to them. God is everywhere and can be anywhere as the light, the air that you breath, your friend, your dog and why not you yourself. He can be in any form to help you .All you have to be open your mind and use your eyes to see it for yourself. Here is a little story for an example to know how god tries to help you. One day, as I was in my room. There was this little moth flying all around the room frantically as it was having a panic attack. It’s frustrating as it was flying everywhere without knowing where it’s going or wants to go. And at some occasion it flew up to the window panel but it did not find its way out indeed kept doing the same thing all over again and again as it failed and missed its opportunity to fly out. I also understand that it’s getting

Mind of a flower bud..!!!

They say when there is a story it will lose something within each telling. How true can this be when the story is been told? It has nothing to lose if it’s said for the very first time. There are some people who values and also disbeliefs about stories. I don’t think it would happen to me as I would not be in that group of those people. Many of them struggle to believe it even though their minds are wide open to accept life as it is or unlock whatever kind of key cause’s people believe or to belief than disbelief. Actually their minds are like little buds; they are nurtured until their petals slowly open and prepare for the very nature of life to feed them. As the rain falls and the sun shines, they grow, grow, grow; minds do open….they go through life awareness and accepting, seeing light where there’s dark, seeing possibilities in dead ends, tasting victory as others spit out failure and questioning when others accept it. Just a little less to expectation, some people will have their

Irritating human's...!!!

Be yourself and be happy with what you have. I don't like people giving sarcastic comment's of others. Understand that you are also like that person , but watch what your saying too. The words from you reflects back to you.Not many people realize this ...!! "Its easy to talk, but not expressing the feelings." - KD If you don't like somebody , don't be sarcasitic about it. Every human have their own way of behaving or characteristic. You should not expect everyone to be like you or be has what you want them to be. Some people are well do to in their life , maybe lucky enough to find someone who provides them everything. Its their life and that's what they got for what they have done. Its not good for you or to comment about others.They are neither yours nor belong to you. Look at yourself first of all.  Are you better than them or do you have better capabilities than them ? Be proud of yourself with what you have , despite wasting your precious time for the