Mind the greatest power of the Universe...!!!

Getting to know or want to know about these mind of the universe interests me a lot.
I have read about spiritualism, self conscious and mind related facts. We can materialize the energy that’s around us. What ever is felt is just the outer layer, what’s beyond and deeper is the question and answer to be discovered.
In fact astral travelling ( check my "All about ASTRAL travelling" for discreet details) is like something as going back to the past or move forward to the future or in other words “Back to the past or future”
Not only that, you may travel to the in between world that exist in our own world. We might not be able to see it but we can feel it.
We might think or imagine, we are the only beings living in this universe but that is not true. Facts are not proven scientifically but may be through astral travelling.
Astral travelling is like a “black hole”. As you fall into it ,its just a world that might be full of curiousness and mysteries yet to be discovered.
Why do we experience these abnormal things, as it’s all based to your mind.
The body is just an asset or a house that the soul is living which is managed by the mind. We rent this body for just a life time as it moves as time passes.
So our mind is the database that can’t be deleted or erased. The sub-conscious mind or in other words the storage data center where all these files and memories are stored can also function without the body.
The moment we are from another world and reborn into this world, the mind re-connects our mind signal back to the start of our soul.
But sometimes we might not realize these happenings as they come in as “dreams”. We get confused over it but that’s the truth. The mind is trying to show you the past without your expectation.
What ever we dream of doing or travelling is what was done in the past. Sometimes our great mind takes us back to where we stopped with unfinished or incomplete task that needs to be completed.
How does this happens?
That's where the trick is , you might not be able to accomplish the unfinished job just in your dream.Its unbelievable but that's truth.
The mind is so powerful that it can travel back centuries or 1000 years back.
But also without us realizing, once the job is accomplished, the memory never stays.
The mind is the greatest power that controls all these and guidesus to travel within the spiritual world.
Have you come across when something your remembered unknowingly.
“Hey, I’ve been here before, but not sure when”, “I have met you before but not sure where”.
All these are the questions from your past that you have been or met.
You would have travelled to this place or seen this person in last birth or dream. You soul the light of the body has travelled back trying to remind you.
This sort of mental curiosity always challenges you to understand, the curious of seeking the truth and the interest to discover all about it.
There is a certain time where the state of the consciousness that you feel that you’re in that condition with all the weight of the world lying heavy upon you and your mind.
Cosmic energy is the secret of this universal force. The higher is a secret , the more we play to know will of the cosmic forces as it always has a mixture of things that might adverse which might have faith in and must not expect to be able to understand is workings.
The mind wants this to be done but what the mind wants always is not determined and maintained.
The mind is the most powerful part of the human body...!!!


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