Speak of bOOks..!!!
Do you believe books have their own journey to make?
Sometimes books do travel a long distance to be with us. They are also touched by so many other hands and read by all readers and also been enjoyed by so many eyes.
The feelings of the having these old books are like it is as though it has travelled with different readers of different ages as if the authors mind travelled for a long distance to reach its destinations.
Books are so important to this world and everyone likes to read them.
The pleasure one gets from reading a book and also the quality of the writing written in it.
The authors are sharing their thoughts and imagination with us.
We never read or seen some books again unless we re-read or kept them in our collections.
This is because new interesting books are published every time and we intend to get newer ones. If you are a book worm who likes to read books, then you intend to buy books every time you come across a new title that fascinates you.
Some of us buy books based on its beautiful cover than its contents.
But, it’s the nature of our impression towards the book.
I believe as a book is past on from generation to generation or friends to friends a dozen of times.It is so valuable to have them and read them again and again. It’s the value of the content than the value of the life span.
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