In you , you see yourself only...!!!

Everybody and everyone have problems daily. It can be any types of problems, personal, business or life.

But most of us face problem with our image or ourselves. Image or ourselves, I think you don’t realize who you are first of all. Typically, your image is based on how did you grew up and opinions from other people around you.
You are normally branded or named with nicknames which mostly based from your weakness and failures.
These would have been said to you; “You’re useless”, “Good for nothing”, “You never learn your lessons “and etc.
Not only would these words but there would be far more nasty words used against you. This word sometimes affects and as shaped your lives.
It also includes your past mistakes which has broken your self images. You actually become your own worst critics and place yourself down more than anyone.
Look at yourself in the mirror.

What do you see?
Its only you, yourself.
Admire yourself, your weakness or  failure does not determine as end of the world nor does it defines you in any matter.
Yourself definition comes from your own determination within yourself, depending how you develop your image to be recognized.
Each and every one of you is the seed of love and greatness. Doesn’t matter how broken you are but these greatness stays strong in you that would show your true self.
Who you are and where you stand is the greatness of yourself. The capacity of greatness within you needs to be revealed. Thus, this capacity comes from the very moment that you were born.
So you need to start defining yourself differently. You should not assume or judge of yourself by the opinion of the other people around you.
Start seeing yourself, go beyond your self, and try seeing the brighter side of you.
You are precious and you’re beautiful within you. You need to stop looking down at yourself and indeed start looking up.
As you start looking up at yourself, you would start looking at yourself a true one.
You yourself is awesome and no one can judge about you or yourself.
Its only you and you yourself can’t take it away from you.



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