
Showing posts from October, 2011

Water I am

M y name is Water, and I am symbol of evolution for life for this civilizations. I come from a long journey that never ended .I rise from the high mountains as a small stream and later fall to the land below as into glorious waterfalls. Flowing happily down through a roaring crescendo of the majestic green mountains on my back drops. Rushing and gushing through stones and pebbles, I become bigger and bigger, strength to strength then into a mighty magnificent rive r. I smoothly flow along with my own course, dancing, swinging and meandering with ease. Through hills, ravines and valley here I come sharing myself to other life’s who are living with me . I am the giver of life; I give life for others who need part of me to live. One of all creatures and creations do always look for me. I natured and nourish, clean and purify for unity and diversity of life and deat h. I am so important to all this life’s and through I become an object of worship, spiritual beliefs and symbolization in

A Journey Unknown..!!!

Ramalingam Swami or Vallalar Swami he is well  known in the Hindu spiritual world.I only got to know about him lately and more from the Autobiography of Yogi. My connection to him was a journey unknown.I never knew him.But it all started as strangers and I was taken a journey to him. Two years back,I had a dream that I never thought would be really.The dream was as though along one but indeed it was only 5 minutes. When I meet Vallalar Swamigal in my dream it was like a time tunnel travel experience. It was so real and I was not sure who he was at that time but got my answer later on. Yoga n asana's were connected to me via him in my dreams. Without me realizing joinned for yoga but i forgotten abt tht dream the other day. The whole puzzle only got completed whn I visited his ashram near Sithabaram. i felt to connected somehow, the signs were too obviously though not knowing who was n who he is now . Some thing to be explored. Interestingly i found most of my answers n

Food for Hunger !!!

  A fter few days as I posted my blog on "Food ends in Bin". I came across this article in the newspaper on a movement fighting on world hunger.One million food packs were delivered to crises areas all around the world. They were volunteers joining on this one day event and helped to pack millions of food  for the schools that is feeding these hungers.These volunteers are very lucky to be part of this worldwide moment to fight hunger. Not bad as this organization only expected about 1000 volunteers but 4000 turned up that morning to help them by contributing their precious Sunday resting day to help people that they don't even know but people out there needed their support to fill their hungers. Salutes to these people with great hearts who had filled every hunger in the world.

No Longer a men's Club!!!

  R eference to my previous "Woman In Lead". Women are leading internationally as leaders of 21st century.Isn't that cool! Not just a handful seen but two handfuls of women are already leading and holding majority shares in the market.

Safe Alive Being Generous..!!!

I make sure I do try to donate blood whereever there was a Blood drive that I would come across. Reasonly, I donated 3 pint for blood when my company organized a Blood drive. My very first drive was in college 1999 as I brought myself forward and gave my first pint of blood. I was so happy as my blood will save someone's life out there one day. This inspired be to donate blood as I could before it gets contaminated. I should make a habit of donating blood as it's good for my health and also I am doing a big favour for the human-kind.

Still a kid in eyes of your parents...!!!

I ndian parents are always very protective over their kids despite when you’re even 60 years old. (If they are alive). But there is some limit where you could make your own decision and not them. Why is that so you don’t make the move? Are you not confident with yourself or do they don’t allow you? As I know they would prefer you to make your decision and maybe seek some advice if you require their help. I don’t think so parents should control much of their older children as they know they are old enough to stand on their own feet.If they still spoon feed them for everything where will this end. Am not saying to follow the western lifestyle, that is worst and misleading!In western countries children above 18 year do not get much of parents attention and support.They are considered adult and need to survive the wild world out there by their own. But in the eastern part of the world is different, they protect their children till they are alive and still care for them. But indeed you r


L ife is like a complete woven web, it takes a long time and needs a lot of patience to build a perfect life and only takes a second to destroy it.Each strength of the web inter-connected and weaved together to hold the life stronger. Life is said to be pretty quirky.It can also be described as a puzzle.Every piece of a life should be fixed and built correctly with the matching pieces.These puzzle pieces could be everywhere and anywhere, sometimes they would be missing.We just need to find them and complete the puzzle with every pieces.As each of these pieces are connected, it's a wonderful magical ride of life that takes you on a beautiful journey.


So many talents and so many knowledge that is in this world still hidden and unknown.Maybe it could to known to some unknown or known.Spirituality is common these day compare those ancient ages.Alot of people are going into spiritualism and moving forward in life looking for better life. But what is spirituality,finding yourself that is hidden within you? Yes, of course.But you should be also lucky you get to learn some special talents to know more depth of these.Spirituality was only know to the learned people and not many we following it.The saints the most learned people on this surface did managed to save guard the tools and were past on to them all these year till some wolf among the sheep's, learn all this secretive talents and revealed to everyone on this earth.not everyone maybe selective people and those lucky to learn them. Ok! fine, your lucky but why the reason it's used for negative purpose.Look at it positively,use the given talents wisely improvise life and h

Women In Lead!

W orld is changing. A recent study revealed that women are getting better looking through evolution; meanwhile, men are staying the same. More women than men are taking powers in their hands. Sorry men, “you’ll always looked down on women to serve your needs but we as women have better power and strength to fight our way out in to your world”. If we could handle a family and built a home you called better place to live. We could also build a nation or country for a better place to live too. We have the power to stand on our feet to hold the universe in our hand. We are not God nor we could compete with God, but we could at least change what God has created for women to be. Mother earth is a “she”; Why is that so? Where is the “he”? Guess many of you would say GOD, but they are female God’s in some religion so that can’t be defined as “he” still. Women in every part of the world are capable of something. Women are unique like men but stronger in mind better than men. That’s a fact! Wom

Food ends in Bin...!!!

W e all know that food waste is something to be avoided. Growing up, we were often encouraged to eat all our food as there were thousands of starving children elsewhere who would appreciate what was put in front of us. It seems these well intentioned encouragements have had little effect. Food waste is now on a scale that is absolutely mind-boggling. Do they realize they are being so selfish by wasting a lot of food? Food comes to us in a very long way and finally ends inside our stomach. It comes from poultry, farms, and gardens with a lot of hard work. Later it been cooked and served in a beautiful presentation. But have ever realized people tend to waste food. We will do what we can to buy only what we will need, reduce the waste of our food purchases and get appropriate food items to those who can use it. B efore you get all self-righteous about the waste of food by restaurants, think back to the last time you cleaned out your refrigerator. What did you throw out? How about th

Stupid Decision of Suicide

I have a friend on twitter that is a doctor and comes across these kinds of suicidal cases. I was thinking what the hell is wrong with these human who do not even value the life which took a mother a long 8 months to bring you into this world. You just wasted her sacrifices and the time bringing you up in life. My friend’s brother commits suicide just because for a love that was a fake. The person he loved just dumbs him one day and he could not take it and ended his life. He was young and earns quite well. Even this educated idiot could do a silly action to end his life in a short span of time. Didn’t he realize there are other loved ones around him who have been all the while there when he needs them? His eyes were blinded from his true loved ones and seek for the fake one. This was not a lesson for the woman who left him but for his parents indeed. God brought us to this world and gave us this life to live to the fullest. We should be appreciating every moments that we live. But I

Atos Dinner and Dance 2011

Last weekend was a hectic tiring yet enjoyable one. On Saturday my company organized our annual dinner and dance ald also a team building activity on the same day.The whole event was held in Rennaisance hotel KL. The Atos Race activity was pretty interesting just like the Amazing Race, instead we did not travel around the world but within KL.The whole event was organized in a way where it sound so myterious.As the game was known as Awakening (treasure hunt)with a council that manages the Tell Tale Signs(clues) and there is the tribunal also. The race started from the Hotel and all around KL without driving.We walked most.We saw the sides of KL which  I have no seen.The hidden secrets and also the other side of KL that never could be discovered if isn't for those walking. Night the dinner was wonderful with everyone dressed best in their attire and had a mask as it was a Masqured dinner


--> Have you ever thought of falling into a black hole that never ends? Just a fall of nowhere and nothing and never ends. My mind is blank , total blank at times.As though am staring at the world no sound and everything in stand still.Blank and Quiteness.Silent thoughts without thinking of anything and not worrying about anything either that does not concern me at all. Emptiness everywhere...dull feeling and blank feel..!!!

Know it..!!!

--> When you know you can do it and when you also know you can’t do it. What is possible? My thought was filled with emptiness and I still stood there watching blankly.

Modern day Slavery

A global crisis of slavery is still has not been resolved. Human trafficking is perpetrated in every country doesn’t matter if is it a 3 rd world countries but eventually in all countries. It’s one the fastest growing crime in the world. People are promised with lucrative jobs in other countries but end up less paid and long hours of work. One of the slavery that to common is when young girls are lured into sexual slavery. School girls being coaxed into these by their so called boyfriends turn out to be pimps. Women and children kidnapped, trafficked and sold into brothels. This is a 21 st century global crime. Situation are becoming bad to worst. What is the precaution action to prevent these trafficking and also what is the solution towards all this ? Children are the most affected ones in this situation and their future is tarnished living in such hell.

Voice of a Song..!!!

T here should be instruments, a musician to align the cords for music to be tuned, a lyricist to express the words and a singer to bring the song to live.   A musical journey for a singer especially in an Indian music industry is journey of musical in a lifetime. Musicians and lyricists play a big role in music but nothing is better than the voice that brings a song to live. A journey of a singer is the path with so many routes. A journey of music never has been incomplete without a voice with it. An extra ordinary sub of the voice makes every cell in you and the soul to indulge into the songs. The voice can go to different levels of tone to suit the lyrics and music. Singers have extra ordinary talents with their voice can never be copied. Every voice has its own tune and tone and also the originality. That’s what makes every song an extra special because of them. All of us must be having a particular singer, musician or band that we are really fond off. Listening to their music may

Fortune most powerful Women Summit..

 It was grateful to watch the " Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit" virtually.No women were left out of this summit.Even you are living half across the world , you are connected in one single connection of technology to be there with all the other powerful women from around the world at the summit held reasonly in LA,US. The Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit is the world's premiere gathering of women leaders in business, government, academia, philanthropy, and the arts. I was watching the event Live from the virtual streaming. Great talks by CEO’s from leading companies who are meant to be women. Magnificent technology and were are knowing that more women are heading the world.  Our very own entrepreneur was also participating in this event, my dearest friend ,Chinmayi. I was watching a few One to One session talks with Glenn Close, Tyra Banks, Warren Buffet, The Powerful Sisters Denise Morrison and Maggie Wilderotter who are great achiever in Technology and F&B f

Women of this Era

I have not heard about her or even known about her before. But today onwards, I know who she is and someone to be recognized. I watched the Fortune Most Powerful Women conference live on the internet. As it was her turn to speak and Sherly Sandberg, COO of Facebook interviewed her. As Somaly spoke about her past, deriving from a poor family in Cambodia. Life has been such a traumatic despair for this woman as a little girl. Desperate for survival by her family leaded in destroying her future instead. A man so called her grandfather sold her into sexual slavery. Till this day, due to the passing of time and with a wounded memory, Somaly still does not know who this man was to her but yet his actions set her on an unimaginable path that fraught with danger, desperation, and unspeakable horrors. She grew up rest of her life in brothel and was caged with other children all the while. Her worst nightmare was to watch one of her friends was vicious murdered. Fearing that she might also mee

Questions to Myself...

Which topic could you talk about for days on end, if anyone would listen??  Myself and my talents and my family.  What is the one thing you CRAVE daily?  Sleep . If you could have dinner with someone, who would it be?   Youngest Indian Entrepreneur -Chinmayi Where does your sweet tooth take you in desperate times?  Chocolates What is your favourite treasured possession?  The memory of my grandparents. What is your greatest extravagance?  Family gathering in India 2011. What is your favourite  junk food?  Chocolates. Which vice could you NOT live without:  sugar or butter?    Neither as they contain high calories... Which vice could you NOT live without:  coffee or wine?     Coffee of course. Luv'em. Where is your favourite weekend hideaway within a 3 hour drive?    My grandparents place. What is the quality you most admire in a man?    Smart in dressing and the style. What is the quality you most admire in a woman ?   Capabilities and hard work. Describe your perfect menu…   Mutto