Still a kid in eyes of your parents...!!!

Indian parents are always very protective over their kids despite when you’re even 60 years old. (If they are alive).But there is some limit where you could make your own decision and not them.
Why is that so you don’t make the move?
Are you not confident with yourself or do they don’t allow you?
As I know they would prefer you to make your decision and maybe seek some advice if you require their help. I don’t think so parents should control much of their older children as they know they are old enough to stand on their own feet.If they still spoon feed them for everything where will this end.
Am not saying to follow the western lifestyle, that is worst and misleading!In western countries children above 18 year do not get much of parents attention and support.They are considered adult and need to survive the wild world out there by their own.
But in the eastern part of the world is different, they protect their children till they are alive and still care for them.
But indeed you really behave like a kid that needs to be fed even though you are a professional or a CEO.
Why is that so?
I was chatting with one of my long time friend. He works in an ICT company and well to do in life. He stays with his parents and not married yet.At times, while we were chatting he goes missing, later he would message me saying, that dad came in and scolded him as it was late.
I was amazed; it was like 11 pm his time and his a working adult. Sometimes, he is a wake late night to attend some conference calls so what is the matter.I understand his dad was concern about his health and lack of sleep but controlling your time.
Hmmm!!! ***sighs***
I asked him and he just said to me this, "They have the rights to control and scold me even though I am 60 years old".My eyes nearly popped out and I got froze for a moment.
I do respect my parents and other older people in family for their guidance and support. As I'm concern I prefer them to be a support to me. Am not saying they don’t have control over you, they always have those rights but also they would need to consider you and treat you as an adult not a kid.
They should understand we are capable and able to make our own decisions and planning.They should allow us to make our own decision and handle problem faced.They should know that we know what are our limits and we would not cross those boundaries.
Even my parents share their opinion or suggestion’s. I would listen to them as it’s my duty being their child and try to implement what I feel. Sometime they might be right it will help us but not always we need to depend on them.
We are an adult, so we are to be independent. We can't stay with our parents forever. I feel like we are making excuses and just being too "comfortable" with where we are at.
Parents basically take care of us still and we are letting them of course we don't want to hurt them, they are our parents and their only crime is to love us too much and too intensely. It seems that they have got too used to having this control over us and bearing in mind we are the only child all they know.We may be an adult in age, but we haven't grown up, we remain as a child for them. We're still living under our parent's extended roof.
They should not control us always.We need to build our self esteem to a point of time where we have the rights to live our own life.No matter how many mistakes we make,we still need to wake up and face the reality.
We have to make at least our 80 years lving on this earth and not them.


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