Food ends in Bin...!!!
We all know that food waste is something to be avoided. Growing up, we were often encouraged to eat all our food as there were thousands of starving children elsewhere who would appreciate what was put in front of us. It seems these well intentioned encouragements have had little effect.
Food waste is now on a scale that is absolutely mind-boggling.Do they realize they are being so selfish by wasting a lot of food?
But have ever realized people tend to waste food. We will do what we can to buy only what we will need, reduce the waste of our food purchases and get appropriate food items to those who can use it.
Before you get all self-righteous about the waste of foodby restaurants, think back to the last time you cleaned out your refrigerator. What did you throw out? How about the last time you ate in a restaurant? What did you leave on your plate?
Years have passed people are changing in their own world. Food is just a supplement for survival. But ever someone thought, we are lucky we are getting good food every day. Did you ever realize there is more out there who needs food? Some part of the world there is no access to just even one grain of wheat.
We thought we have outshone in technology, or advanced in food experiments but still people are starving without a single access to a grain. What are we losing ? Our gratitude...!!!
Start looking at your plate and don't waste any food.Think of those who are still waiting with an empty plate.
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