
Showing posts from August, 2012

Day 0 : Replacements

Thinking of replacing the days that I miss my workouts. So the 90 days challenge will be extended for another  20 days. Replacing all those days I missed due to some reasons. But still coping up with my diet and controlling my oily intake. I have added a lot of fruits and vege to my daily diet now. Reducing my rice which is replace with Wheat germ bread though. So lets where it takes further....I haven't weighed my weight. I might not be happy with the kilo's but I could see inches lost on my hips. Good to fit into some old clothes witout any problems ;) . I still have more to go more to do, more discipline is needed.

Play of Thoughts

The worlds around me are both seen and unseen. It’s just my thoughts that sees what is seen and unseen. We are what our thought has made us, being myself with my thoughts. It happens when I am happy as I dwell within the happiness of my thoughts, when I feel miserable I too dwell within that misery of thoughts. It all depends whether one is serene, calm, fearless, troubled it all lies within our consciousness at our own state that our thought plays it's game.

Day 41 : Jungle Trekking

Special full body worked and trekking in a serene, virgin jungle ended with a refreshing treat in the waterfall. I would have burn at least 500 calories today. What a workout ...!!!

Day 40 : Houseworkout

Heavy house work - mopped thoroughly.

Exam Pressure !!!

I don't understand parents nowadays are so considered of their child's exam. OK , fine being concern is every parent's responsibility but why should they be so concern of what the world or the people around them as to do with their children exams or results. It's a competition among the parents especially the mothers. They spend their time beautifying in the spa , watching soap opera's that "opari-vekkaran" lifestyle of a typically Indian life. I can't tolerate these serial drama's these day, they never end till the main character gets old. Not only that gossips of the town whose kid is dating whom, who child scored in exams etc. Sometimes self pride as come more important to feelings and understandings. Back to my original topic of this blog. Kids are the victim of exam pressures. They are pressured at early stage and these kids get into depressions and stressed of studying. It's not the kids would want it but its the parents/ mothers competin

Day 39 : swimming

Went for swimming for an hour.

Day 38 : None

Not much productivity but some heavy house work.

A thought that makes a big difference

  In today’s world, we turn in to selfish human beings. That is what is happening; we get too worried about what people think rather we think for ourselves giving a thought for others. What this 10 years old boy has done not even a mature adult could think of. Kids at times have thoughts to share something that would touch millions of heart across the world. I read this new and would like to share with everyone. Something we all have to learn from kids.

Day 37 : Why

Still no progress might replace the days that I have missed

Beauty lies beyond

Being born as a woman we always feel conscious about our beauty. How we look matter more than anything? From the age we get to know about beauty and fashion, we look at the perspective on style and confidence, and how anyone can look good with a bit of some effort . Always think young, feel young and never to behave like one (young) though. I guess it’s okay not to be too conservative because age is just a number, well we all get old one day.   “ Old is gold, and bold too.” There’s no harm in going against the ‘norm and having a little fun when it comes to our choices because you should be the one who defines what looks good on you. We should know what suits us and how we feel about it. We need to be comfortable what we wear and not for the sake of others. My mom always grumbles when I don’t wear anything to her perception. Both of us would get into unnecessary argument. She always says, “When you are going out with me for any of my functions dress up like how I want you to dress up”.

Day 36 : -----------------

nothing done....PMS week .

Day 35: First Day

Bad mood swing with lots of pain. No workout !!!!

Day 34 : Mood swing

having my cramps, soon to have PMS. no workout for nxt 2 days I guess depends on my abs pain.

Tattoo-ing Story

Today is Friday, less workload at office and we were all perpectually talking some craps and some useful topics. One of it was about tattoos. My male colleagues were arguing that female’s have a tattoo but instead they would hide it from any views. Then what's the point of having one. I commented if there is no any significant towards having one as it’s just an art on the skin or body, what else could we do, it’s not to be showed off to all “tom,dick and harry “.   Then he asked us, did we ever know what it meant to have a tattoo on the lower hip at the back and on leg near the leg wrist. We were curious but we actually didn’t know there was a meaning of having one at those places. When he told us if anyone had a butterfly or fairy, it means you are a whore or a play-girl (opposite to play-boy). I was stunned though as I was thinking to get one at the back “if” my future husband would allow me to have one. But look like I have to scrape that idea off if it true those tattooing have

Day 33 : Genting Day Trip

Took my cousin sisters out for a day trip. Though had a good walk up and down the hill in the big theme park.But it was not a good work out .

Day 32 : No progress

I was busy on something and had to leave early.

53 !

You are 53 years old today but you are not here with us to celebrate your birthday Siva mama. I dearly miss you!!! I am still keeping all those sweet memories of you deep in my mind as I cherish every moment I have spent with you since I was born. Love you always my dear Mama ( uncle ). You are always in our hearts close by every day :))

BR ice cream

Free Baskin Ice cream nation wide on achieving the Silver medal by our best badminton player.. Long queues for hours just obtain a free scoop of it.

Day 31 : A sudden walk

Woke up actively went and did my walk. 1.9km 51 calories 26 minutes

Being Honest

Being honest in what is may be, honesty always is sided by the good things. Bringing oneself to be honest is very rare to overcome such a situation but bringing oneself forward, being brave and being honest puts on top of all being souls. In the reason Olympic Games, the African swimmer admitted to be using an illegal dolphin kick to push himself faster to win the game. It’s wrong in using that kick to cheat a game but he was honest to tell the world despite knowing the overall outcome. This is what was said by the swimmer to the news; ”I think only if you can bring in underwater footage that's when people will stop doing it. We will have peace of mind to say I don't need to do it because not everyone else is doing it and it's fair. "Everybody does it — well, if not everybody, 99 per cent of them. If you're not doing it you are falling behind and giving yourself a disadvantage. It's got to the point where if you're not doing it you are falling behind or

Craving & Tempatation

I need to control my temptation during my 90 days challenge. I'm finding it difficult to avoid but trying my best not to snack on junkies. I’m speaking for myself here of all those things that are cast into my daily life that cause me to struggle and stumble along my new mission. Temptation of food that has been a roadblock in my life .I loves food.  I enjoy it.  One of the biggest adjustments that I’ve had to make in this new journey is to change my mindset from “live to eat” rather “eat to live.” That’s sounds much better….hmmm!!! And that hasn’t been easy though! This past few weeks has been especially a struggle. Monday is not so much, but Tuesday all goes out of control and as weekend comes by everything is out of my mind control. I will have some food craze and temptation for a variety but I also know myself well enough to keep my distance away if needed too. I do try to keep away or avoid from these temptation that is spoiling my mission, but as my mind cheats me into tem

Day 30 : Recovery

Recovering from the massive swim, shoulder ached.

Day 29 : something

I did swimming , free style and was praticing frog style as my uncle taught me.

Day 27 : Sunday Snooze

Nothing productivity done today. Lazing at home.

Shots of Olympic

I came across these nice pictures from Facebook. Talented photography taken during Olympic event in London.

Day 26 : Weekend Swim

I had my cousin over and we had a swim, did my lapse with free style and waling in water. Good exercise for my shoulder, arms and legs.

Day 25 : Friday nothing

Lazy grazing Friday....its weekend mood and home alone :)

passing of time ...

Time flies, people leave and everything is gone in a second. Left alone to wonder, sometimes I do not notice this because I would be busy with something else. The time holds me back and my past are seldom revisit. Actually looking at the time passing faster around me, I’m put in situation for a quick decision or conclusion. The soonest I find my answer for a decision and conclude it , I found more time passes by unrealized. I have not come across many situations in life as other may think, but I was left to face life together with everything around me with the guidance I had from my family. I feel I have crossed many miles and I also feel I am matured enough to understand everything. Who am I?   Questions in me and many answer are found though not a specific one yet. Life goes on looking for the right answer but sometimes it overlooked many times.

Day 24 : Walk Mode on !!!

Did my walking but not long just sweated more. 1.5 km 49 calories 43 minutes

Day 23 : Lack of Sleep

needed more sleep woke up late for my walk though. Unproductivity today.