
Showing posts from September, 2014

Meant differently.....

"Be with me always" or "Be mine always". These two strong statements that means a lot to the feelings. But these two have differences hidden within these words that has a deep meaning to it. Which means the truth ? And which means the possessiveness? In a relationship, these words are to be said frequently and it does give a deep feelings to the meanings. But those spoken never realize that each means differently and one of it doesn't stay long has it's said. Be careful to what you mean at times. "Be with me always" is more assuring the partner to stay in life forever. But "Be mine always" means more to you want to own that person in life forever. If you say the first one make sure you assure your partner the true meaning as your partner's expectation is high sometimes you will fail to fulfil it and all crashes down. As for the second statement, it sounds more to possessiveness and this leads to more expectation beyond

the Quotes will Tell the Story

I was thinking how will it be if quotes could tell and explain the feelings that is in my thoughts that my mind wants to speak out. Following are the quotes from Facebook shared here as what my thoughts wants to say the exacts....        

9 Days of Navarathiri

Navarathri  Day 1 Devi : Maaheswari Flower :Malligai Neivedhyam :Ven pongal Thithi  : Pradhamai Kolam :Arisi maavaal (rice flour) pottu kolam poda vendum.(Draw rangoli by using rice flour.) Raagam  : Thodi Raagam Slokam   : Om swethavarnaayai                    vidhmahe                  soola hasthaayai dheemahi                  thanno Maaheshwari                    Prachodayaath Navarathri  Day 2 Devi: Kowmaari Flower:Sevvarali Neivedhyam: Puliyodharai Thithi: Dwitheeyai Kolam:maavinal kolam . (Draw rangoli by using wet flour.) Raagam:kalyaani Slokam: Om Siki vaahanaaya vidhmahe               Sakthi Hasthaayai Dheemahi               Thanno kowmaari               Prachodayaath Navarathri  Day 3 Devi: Vaaraahi Flower:Champangi Neivedhyam:Sakkarai pongal Thithi:thrutheeyai Kolam:malar  kolam poda vendum . (Draw rangoli by using flowers-pookolam.) Raagam:kaambhodhi Slokam: Om Magishathvajaaya vidhmahe               Thanda Hasthaaya Dheemahi               Thanno Vaaraahi Prachodayaath Nava

Disturbed Mind

I get disturbed in my sleeps, not the nightmare disturbs. It's more of my sleeps are disturbed by my restful thoughts that still looking for some answers. It's weird that to say I get answers to my questions prompted to the Universe at the wee early morning hours. That is from 3am- 6am. The Hindu's believe these are the Brahmamurtham hours very auspicious and they would conduct prayers at this hours. Even nowadays Indian weddings are held at these hours for better relationship.  I will research and share on these facts on next Blog. Coming back to my disturbed sleep, is there are connection of my subconscious mind that works better at these hours to seek for answers that my questions in my mind is seeking.  When we sleep we are dragged into the alpha level of the mind before it takes you deeper into the subconscious level of the sleep.  When there is wanting for an answer in my mind, my thoughts will send messages to my mind and the mind gets active

Mahabratha in Twitter..

Here is the interesting part of all. Mahabharata story comprises of 100,000 verses contained in 18 chapters. But what is more interesting of all is that Author Dr Devdutt Pattanaik just created a record of Jaya - An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata. I also have this book in my reading collection which I reasonly bought in India.I was planning to get a Mahabharata book when I came across of this orange book which was attractive with it's vibrant orange coloured cover. I also read this article from a site which seems to be very interesting and maybe it made a history in Internet and tweeting world. I have shared it here. You can also view the original site from here Mahabhrata in Twitter " On March 27, 2014, Dr Pattanaik appeared on Twitter and retold the hundred thousand verses of the Hindu epic in just 36 tweets - that is - 2 tweets per chapter in about 40 min. Considering that each tweet cannot be more than 140 characters, this quick retelling of the worl

KL Railway Past Story

Something to ponder about the past Kuala Lumpur station. An architecture is very important in the structure of a building because it affects the public image and reflects people’s opinions about a particular place. Architecture of a structures or buildings hold a past story within them. I only know that Kuala Lumpur as Malaysia’s capital and the fact that it has a great old buildings especially the Railway Station, built in an original style by Hubback Brothers. It looks more like a palace than a railway station and combines many architectural styles, resulting in a very original yet pleasant looking building.It was though opened to the public in 1886, rebuilt in 1910. In 1995 it was modernized. Of course it looks a lot different from what it was in the beginning as it has added some wings in time and suits to the today's modern world system. It was said that, it was primarily designed in a combination of European and American design from the beginning of the 19th cen

Kuala Lumpur Past Photo's

Interesting when you flip back into the past and finding some old photo's taking you into the past. Here I came across some Old Photo's of Past Kuala Lumpur from this website. So much of development ever since from a tin mine town into a Metropolitan city which Kuala Lumpur has developed its own identity for the world.

The Man Behind the Bricks...

Lately I am getting fond of exploring the old towns and heritage buildings in Malaysia. My interest on these ruins and old buildings came along with my photography exploration and interest in history and science. Let it be world history, Indian history or Malaysian history which are my main interest. So I have been sharing what ever I read about some interesting articles or websites anything something relating to history or spiritual or science or whatever in my blog. Now to my findings the old buildings and structures built long ago that still stands high in every part of Malayasia small towns, all the main attraction's and historical buildings all around wherever the British traces are found is been built by one man known as Arthur Benison Hubback as a draughtsman and architect built some of the famous icons of the country. So this is the man behind the story of those buildings. What are the BUILDINGS ? I have shared two links to the sites of these.


Durian..... Oh No..!! Wow..!!! Yucks..!!! OMG..!!! People may not like the smell of this fruit but it's known as the King of Fruits in Asia especially in Malaysia and Thailand. The caramel yellow flesh of this fruit that is creamy, buttery, sweet tasting as one could explain but for others it would be musky, smelling, stinking, strong odour. For me Durian is haven, the majectic fruit with it's aromatic strong indulging smell and also the caramel buttery taste of the fruit makes you a true Malaysian. Durian I know is a just a fruit with certain varieties that we normally get from the stalls, D12, D24, Musang king, local "kampung"(village) varieties from different states in Malaysia. But I came across of this website Year of The Durians . Amazingly all about durian, durian varieties, known and unknown specises. Not only that it has everything about durian from the health benefits and adding into your recipies.Obviously, durian has been part of Malaysia

Forgotten in China

I never knew our Thamizh(Tamil) forefathers who were traders have travelled all over the world and especially left some foot prints of our existence where these Tamil links are largely forgotten and no trails to track them in China. Temples and shrines exists and existed in many parts of Asia and Asean countries but now some findings proof of existence in China. Some of these remains has ruins and lost histories hidden within them. Discovery of these lost cities and temples, shrines, sculptures does make us proud to know that our Tamizh(Tamil) forefathers hailing from the South India have been travelling out, not only just being in India. I came across of this website which relates to many discoveries and histories. Forgotten Histories - Behind China's Hindu temples

"Beca" the cycle taxi

Beca is in Malay is known as "trishaw" still not many are alive in my city.  This picture reminded me of my rides on the beca. This is my mom and her grand-daughter, my niece.  They took a ride on this historical cycle ride in my hometown Teluk Intan. Those were days when I was young between age of 7-11 years, I and my cousin were the frequent ones who went on these rides along with our grandmother.  We used to follow her to the market and return back on one of these cycle taxi's known as "beca's". Those were the fond memories of the days when the time has preserve it to be remembered. The ride would take us from the market to my grand-parents house about 7km. I do remember as my grandmother comes out of the market, she will have some favourate riders waiting to give her a ride back home.  These riders, not many old-timers are left nowadays as the riders have disappeared. There seems not to be any successors to continue their jobs. As time goes by,



Blogspot Widgets

If you like my Minion widget that appears on my page, please visit to this blogspot for exciting new WIDGETS for 2014.

H.I.N.D.U - Who is Hindu?

Since I am exploring, who am I? In my opinion and thoughts. I am a Hindu, how and what does it make up to be what I belong too. We are being born in this world need to an identity ourselves, classification of ourselves, divided into clans of recognization, and who we are in total. Hindu is just an identity of our soul. Tamil is my mother tongue.Ok, this what I have found about the first question I have asked myself of being one, HINDU ! When the question of who is a Hindu is discussed today, we get a multitude of confused and contradictory answers from both Hindu laypersons and from Hindu spiritual leaders. Since we all agree of having such a difficult time of understanding the answer to even of a simple fundamental question as "who is a Hindu?" is a starkly sad indicator of the lack of knowledge in the Hindu community today. The fundamental real answer to this question has already been conclusively answered by the ancient sages of Hinduism.It is actually much simple

Back to the Old News Paper

I wish I could read some old newspapers dating back long long time. Some how I managed to located one for Singapore paper dating back in 1927 . Am still looking out the Malaysian old papers before Independence.

Suites me..


Mix of Everything

My blog is becoming a "ROJAK" of everything. ROJAK means mix, it's a famous mix fruit snack in Malaysia. We Malaysian use this term "ROJAK" as a jargon to interpret MIX. So coming back to blog, it's gonna be everything about everything. I have just started back my photography hobby which I would say back on trail. So there will be lots of pictures coming up of my sharing. Other than that I am also exploring into spiritualism and some Malaysian heritages. See this what happens when so many thoughts and idea comes by and makes my blog more complicated but am enjoying it.
I came across of this picture while I was looking out for the heritage trails in Perak state. In this picture, as I can say I am proud I have met the lovely couple when I was 6 years old. (error in loading the picture) DYTM Raja Muda Musa and Raja Ahmad Hisham Raja Abdul Malik, posing with guests which include the Managing Director of United Plantations Ltd., Teluk Anson, Børge Bek-Nielsen (later Tan Sri Dato’ Seri), and his wife. My mother was a kindergarten teacher in the Jenderata Playschool from the 1985-1988 and then she was teaching again from 1994-1996. So whenever we had the play school concert every end of the year, our special guest would be Late Tan Sri Dato'Seri and Datin. They we humble and very friendly couple. I have received my pre-school graduation certificate from Datin Seri and am proud about it.Those were the day of memories unspeakable. (I will try to get the photo up here of me receiving the certificate) I got the previous picture from this sit

The Train and An Elephant Story

If you are hailing from the 3rd biggest town in Perak state known as Teluk Intan (Teluk Anson or Teluk Mak Intan, will surely know the story of this Train and the elephant. I remember growing in this town which has a train station which not there anymore. I do remember when the traffic is halted to the traffic when a train pass by. When I was 6 years (987), I went on the train ride up Tapah. Now the nearest train station would be either Tapah or Bidor. I guess it was closed down in 1989. The remains of the station buidling has been renovated and now being used by the driving school. The tracks are missing, but i doubt many are left. I remember the times when I cycled to school (1998) through a short route which crosses the old train tracks which are not jst covered with scrubs and bushes.But now I guess those tracks would be completly dismantled off by people as you can get good money from the metal or iron if you trade in at the junkyard. But the gate is still there, preserved t

Squid Ink Rice..

A weekend with my best buddies and ended up eating a "Squid Ink" Seafood rice. A blackish or charcoal black rice which is cooked with the squid ink. Looked odd and really nasty but tasted good. Best Advice " EAT IT WHILE IT'S STILL HOT". Otherwise you will not be able to take the smell of it.(those with sensitive nose will obviously puke....!) No second try for me...tasted and explored it.

Hindu and Rituals

Being a pure Hindu sometimes I myself have so many questions on the Rituals of this religion. Hindu compromises different ways of rituals and festival.I thought to myself, let me learn and also share with others through my Blog. Many are still being clueless of our own rituals and have many question prompted in their minds without much anticipated answers. What are the rituals and what do they mean. I had this idea when my friend suddenly prompted me with a question,"Why do we ring the bell in the temple and house while we pray?" Oops! I asked him why are you asking me, he just said," you are a stonge devotee and follow all auspicious rituals and days, so I thought you might be knowledgeable on all these. Then I asked him to Google to find the answer eventually he found the answer. But it was not a good idea for me to say that. Google only helps if we are connected to the technology world. But what about you knowing it in your finger tips. If one day, my children

Women in Achievements of Dance

Bharatham or Bharatanatyam is an Indian classical dance. I read about the Indian women achieved in this classical dance reowned and well-known from the east to the west. Their achievements has open the door to more to join their schools and expand the interest in these dance. These ladies have extended and preserved the awareness of the dance to the world. Follow the link to read more about them.