Disturbed Mind

I get disturbed in my sleeps, not the nightmare disturbs. It's more of my sleeps are disturbed by my restful thoughts that still looking for some answers.

It's weird that to say I get answers to my questions prompted to the Universe at the wee early morning hours. That is from 3am- 6am.

The Hindu's believe these are the Brahmamurtham hours very auspicious and they would conduct prayers at this hours. Even nowadays Indian weddings are held at these hours for better relationship. 

I will research and share on these facts on next Blog.

Coming back to my disturbed sleep, is there are connection of my subconscious mind that works better at these hours to seek for answers that my questions in my mind is seeking. 

When we sleep we are dragged into the alpha level of the mind before it takes you deeper into the subconscious level of the sleep. 

When there is wanting for an answer in my mind, my thoughts will send messages to my mind and the mind gets active at these odd hours to work for the answers.

Is there any connection or connectivity signal during that time ?

I need to research why it happens at only these hours. 

Is there a time-tunnel that opens at this hour and we travel to the other dimension to seek for our answers? 

Something to ponder, I will get back on this on the next blog.


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