
Showing posts from 2015

Retrospect of 2015

In a blink 2015 has come to an end. This year has been a year filled with fun and enlightments for me. Moving on in life from a different pespective from what I went through in the previous year. 2015 has been a wonderful year and I have done lots of travelling and holidays along with my photography. I have also esbalished my photography blog which am seriously looking into improving and sharing my talents of picture takings either on mobile or with my camera. Beside these, 2015 also thought me to keep distance away from unwanted people if they do not appreciate you in their life. A distance is better for a peace in life. Furhter to that I have a group of lovely friends that is like a family and we have close bonding together. We had few trips and I feel contented with life. Nothing the less, I have finally got myself a property - a house. I have fulfilled my life achievement by owning a house , already owned a car and career. What else do I need in life ? It's more of w

The Life Bucket List..!!!

Ha huh! , have watch the movie " Bucket List " , there are so many things to achieve in life rather than by just dreaming about it. I realize how much things we can do if we want to. Here is my list for the my whole life to achieve and would like to do. Get married to my soulmate before I turn 30 year old.  - got married after 31 but didn't last for 6 months, back to single life - happier and need to complete my Bucket List of Life and Places toVisit. Explore Europe - Italy , France , Germany , etc Love the the person I love to the maximum. Love my self , my soul and body. Do more of my art painting and EXHIBIT it one day. Visit 50 waterfalls in my life in total all around the world. Go vacation to Bali Islands A stay in an expensive hotel with breakfast in bed - maybe 7 Star. A movie marathon at home one whole night all alone. Get a tattoo somewhere on my body. Watch a shooting star and make a wish. Grow my own fruits and vegetables in my garden. Own a

Untold Chapter of the Story

Vimana Parva Missing untold story of the human civilization in Hindusm. For more please explore the link below. Ancient Indian Flying Machines - Vimana

Getting myself in here

It has been a year plus since I have fully dedicated my time into blogging as I used to do before that. Guess I have become a little lazy to type or maybe my mind is out of words and thoughts of what to write. But really not sure of my reasons but has been through bad time in life. I took up photography seriously and loved clicking away. Furthermore, I have been enjoying road trips and travelling. So now I have come up with another blog just to post on my travel stories and photography. Meanwhile I will also update this blog as usual with my thoughts shared with what ever I feel like when I want too. I am alive... :) 

What is best...

Thought of creating a new blog just for my photography and travels. First of all for blogging I needed to choose the right title or name for my blog. I have started to write my blog but haven't publish anything because I have not gotten any suitable names. Selecting a name is tedious as you need to be precise it has to be a very catching title that will attract readers. A few that came to my mind : Musing thoughts through my Lens Soul to Nature Wander Lust of  a Musing Soul Odyssey of a Travelling Soul Odyssey With Me Odyssey of a Soul Traveler Soul Traveller Travelling Soul Musing Soul Traveler Musing Soul by Lens Soul to Nature with my Lens D'WanderLust KD'WanderLust Journey of A WanderLust Odyssey of  A Soul Musing Soul Traveler through Lens where the world leads you Musing Soul Traveler through Lens the world takes you along .. Musing Soul Traveler through Lens the world reveals it's beauty Musing Soul Traveler through Lens

Question to the Universe...

Why are we the good people are always tested to the maximum either mentally by health related? Why do bad people get everything in life and enjoy everything in every way? Good people do service, honest, kind, generous, caring and helpful but we suffer the most in health, emotions and wealth. Why ? Bad people are bad is every possible way but still they get the best of life. Doesn't matter after when the bad people leave the earth they will be in Hell because they lived in Heaven on earth and Hell in God's world. Where else, good people live Hell on Earth and Heaven on God's world leaving behind all the loved ones. Still wondering why....questions in my mind never gets an answer.

Userful Srilanka Blogs for Travel

India's Secret of History and Hidden Epics

I am glad to be born as a Hindu. More than 2500 years ago dating back in BC's, there are many epic and scriptures describe what we have now in future was already existing in those past era's. Flying machines, destructive weapons, discovering the planet before even telescopes were invented so many more. India's Da Vinci Code  has some to reveal.

Truth behind the Love Mahal...

We all know as Taj Mahal is not what it is said to be. A symbol of Love. Every newly wedded couple or lover will surely head to Taj Mahal to capture their moments along with this famous love monument. But is it true of what Taj Mahal is said to be ? How true to know what is hiding behind every stones on the wall and floor if only they could ever spill the story that is hidden away. Did the King truly built this to embrace his love to his 4th wife ? Was it built to conquer the power of ruling ? You find more of  Taj Mahal  what is has to say and reveals itself from all the hidden truths and secrets.

A heart like a dog


Just Another Quote


The Soul Is One

The soul is one. The soul is changeless, nameless, and formless. Until we understand the soul, we live in fear. Scholars may study the soul through words; but unless they know the soul within themselves, their scholarship merely emphasizes their ignorance, and increases their fear. Thus, the soul is the common vital entity in every living being. The soul is than all things  a living being could have. When people realize that only the soul is truly dear to them, then that which is very dear to them, will never ever perish. Soul lives on. Our body is just a home to our dearest soul. In Bhagavad Gita 2.20 Lord Krishna describes the atma in the following way : "na jayate mriyate va kadacin 'nayam bhutva bhavita va na bhuyah 'ajo nityah sasvato yam purano 'na hanyate hanyamane sarire " "For the atma there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal,

Beliefs and Believes

Meanwhile, the earthquake on Mount Kinabalu, Sabah, on June 5, which took 18 lives, had been attributed by locals to spirits angered or disturbed by several tourists who had stripped naked and indiscriminately urinated atop the mountain several days earlier. These beliefs may be more than just “legends” or “fairy tales” as those familiar with the jungles have had many strange encounters in the wild, especially after breaking traditional taboos. Do you believe? Do you have a choice? people should not dismiss the claims of those who believe in the existence of jungle spirits or the supernatural. Why do some believe people in God when they can’t see ‘proof’ of its existence?  So please don’t judge. If you think supernatural spirits don’t exist in this world and such beliefs are stupid, then you are also (indirectly) condemning those who believe in God too. Similarly to those who believe in jungle spirits, "Don’t you think this is hypocrisy?” I have done many jungle trekk

Unspoken means


A Tortoise and Me

A Journey of a Tortoise..... Little Sam was curious about the human world. He grew up in a man made lake for the past 10 years. He and his friends were curious of the human world outside their lake all this while. There is a greener world across the lake. Little Sam wanted some adventure to explore the world outside his world. He wanted to see what lies beyond the water and the mud. He took his challenge with his friends and wanted to swim further up the lake near where he could climb out of the lake without anyone noticing him. He successfully came out of the lake, took his slow steps up the small hill( in his view, in human's view its a slope). What he didn't know is that the danger that is waiting ahead for him and what is his faith for today?. God has been watching him and allowed him to explore his curiosity. Little Sam stepped above that hill and noticed a land beyond far ahead.He thought he has discovered a new land of nowhere land. He thought he could have place

Silent and Strong


The Mahabharata Secrets.....start of the book

Dan Brown I thought was a fabulous writer who brought Vatican And London in every avid reader's mind. The hidden tunnels linking one end to another. Hidden messages in stones, scripts that needs needed to be deciphered and statues that holds a messages. Hidden secret paths in Vaticana  and London from Victorian era. Even though it was based on Christianity but the book took every reader on a ride around Europe in words. Loved Da Vince Code and Angles&Demons. Now Christopher Doyle has done magnificient writing on Mahabharata Secrets based on Hindu's epic story. Mahabharatis  an old Indian or Hindu epic that revolves life about Darma. It also has so much of hidden stories within it which are being explored and revealed to us. The secrets hidden and So the famous Bhagavat Geethai, Lord Krishna's advice on the way of living of  Hindu and dharma. Christopher Doyle has pen'ned his similiarity to Dan Brown's style. Taking the reader on a tour right into Asoka

Just a Quote...


Something to Achieve this Year...


Nothing Better than this...

I was wondering as time goes by, ladies tend to do less house work though they are very conscious of their weight and plans for losing weights.  In Indian cultures, ever since the post years back dating incenturies, BC's and AD's, everything don't around the house was a kind of exercise. Sweeping, they use to bend and sweep as its was good for the hips and back. Strengthens the postures and keeps your back strong. Other than that, squatting down and washing clothes like the old times is much healthier as now we are using washing machines.It's not just about burning calories, just the squatting posture keeps your bowels, abdominal area, uterus healthy and prevents/cures numerous women and men specific health issues.  By stretching and using your arms and hands not only provides the same benefits as stretching and doing other exercises but also of acupressur and your joints. So people quit the gym and do not hire a maid to do your cores. Look at the


A day before "Ponggal" the "Bhogi" festival is celebrated in honor to Lord Indra, the supreme ruler of clouds that gives us rains.A homage is paid to Lord Indra for the abundance of the harvest thereby bringing plenty of rain fall to prospers the lands. The significant of "Bhogi" is having a bonfire in which is burnt the agricultural wastes to keep warm during the last lap of winter. Can also be said as, throws all our bad habits start fresh with new mind, let bygones be bygones. In a logical way of explaining. habits, mind, and soul all will have a new chance to kick start fresh. So let us just trash out whatever unwanted from our heart, soul and mind. Refresh with more positive and good things. It represents realization, transformation and purification of the soul by imbibing and inculcating various divine virtues. "Ponggal" is tomorrow and everything will be new and fresh.

Apple to Galaxy...

Finally a change over from Apple to Galaxy. The big change over has made a big differences in my daily telecommunication. I just love my Galaxy A5.

An hour in Ipoh

It was second day of New Year, was in my hometown Teluk Intan with my family. It was a good start of the year with my beloved family, life has been tough for mentally and emotionally So the new start has been amazing knowing family is always there for you. I tagged along with my brother when he had some work to do. I thought at least I could go on a food spree at Ipoh Old town at the old back lanes. I took my sister along, since I have explored those places earlier, wanted to show her some hidden place you can find in Ipoh. Just for an hour we had some fun at the old Ipoh town. #Bits&Bops #AisKapai #oldIpohtown

A New Year, A New Chapter...A New Story


the year ending...

A blister year 2014 that I wish not look back and remember anything from it. This year will be loop year in my life. All has gone whatever I dreamt of my life. Its just a lesson along the path of my life. How to love and how to feel the pain. " Love the wrong person is the biggest mistake I have done", love and marriage that never stayed long but went through a bad path.

New Life...New Spirit
