
Showing posts from 2010

Goodbye 2010

2010 a year triumph and severities.....will never forget  !!

Mulled WINE...!!!

Mulled wine is the speciality during Christmas in Europe.I tried a mulled wine in London.I never knew what it was till I tried it.Awesome hot wine for a cold chilly weather. I found myself trying an unusually drink of the season. "Ooh, mulled wine!" said my friend, "brilliant! lets have some" And weI ended up clutching a plastic cup of warm sweet wine.  A short history of mulled wine below. Such is the time of year. Despite its high sugar content, mulled wine is not a drink that's aged well. The thin, oddly sour broth on tap at most pubs during the festive season is a sad comedown for a tipple originally designed to show off the wealth and generosity of a medieval household. Mulling is not just an excuse to serve laughably cheap wine to your unfortunate guests, although it does have that as a fringe benefit – there's a real art to it Recipe of it : Perfect mulled wine Makes about 12 servings 2 unwaxed oranges 1 lemon, peel only 150g caster sugar 5 cloves, p

U n Mind!

When others tend to take control over your mind , its better you take charge to control your mind as it  only listens to you...!!! ~ myself~

Circle of Life

It's just a circle of life. Self confidence is the secret of life.As they say always , what goes aorund comes back to you again is proven. Do know your line and where you stand.If you can reach from where you are you will success. If you take one step out of you line to reach something, everything around you is the enemy that has been waiting for you to come out of your line. Your line is your guide to your life.Know your limits. Your dream only you know not others. When hear something , just absorb or take note of what your need and want. Not everything is required. Example : If 10 things are told to you , take/listen to what is good for you , don't bother to listen to what is not relevant to you or your life. My uncle told this... " I guess its quite confusing statement, but I'm still re-phrasing it for better understanding . "

Secret and Enemy

"Never tell your secret of life to other people who are not in your life , they will become your enemy." -~Renganthan Loganathan~ This what my uncle Segar told once on a Diwali day as all of us gathered and we talking about facts of life. His point was , if you have a secret of your life in business or anything that your have succeeded , don't prade it or tell your secret to anyone ( other than those who really care for you and your life ). They will soon become your own enemy by knowing your secrets and using it against you.

Life, Love, Men n babies

There has been too many new borns popping into this world in my office. Mostly are the excited new dad's. I was also happy to see some of my collegues who are very proud to be a father and going to be soon.I shared their happiness giving them the support of happiness. There are all excited to welcome their new borns and prepared to teach them everything with love and care. This is life and love , men and babies. Amazing fact of life.

Deepavali Ad by TNB

Some lights are not simply switched on, Even with all our power, we realise that some lights are simply more meaningful than others. Especially during the "Festival of lights" when the light brings a far deeper meaning to us than just the ability to make thing brighter. It is the realisation of inner happiness. And it is at times like these when we need to take a step back to experience joy the natural way. Deepavali newspaper advertistmnet by Tenaga Nasional ( Malaysian Electricity Company )

Interesting Ad

For Deepavali , Petronas always has a specialand meaningful advertistment. This time its was : Big , small , tall , short, ...we are all special in our own way.Lets celebrate the light that makes us special. Even the video clip is is very interesting will try to upload it here if possible.

Festival of lights

         Today is just the eve of the Festival of Lights for the Hindu's and everyone are in the great mood to enjoy and be with family.

Halloween 2010

Dumb !!! Dummies

Working as an IT Service Desk - I come across alot of stupid people.Really dumb you can get crazy at times. Am sharing somehere .... People used to say , BLONDE's are really dumb , proven one user accpeted she is a BLONDE. User was working on Microsoft Excel spreadsheet , she minimized the page and was unable to locate it.She called the service desk and one of my collegue assisted her remotely.Actually the minimized page was just at the bottom of the main page and she could not find it. My collegue just pointed where it was and she just mentioned, " I'm a BLONDE". LOL! all the while I guess she didn't realize was one though..!!! Another user .... User was damn stupid never even realize the particular application was saved on a different name. User was looking for the one that he remembeedr which named as "Dialer" instead of "VPN Client". The application is the same but the name is saved differently.The stupid user has been claiming that they ha

Pen EPL-1 - Night FunFair


Beauty at the seaside



Special date of the year


My uncle Shan gave a talk on this topic which was very interesting indeed. Ho’Oponopono is actually an ancient Hawaiian method of healing which the “Kahuna” priests practicing it. Similarly to mention it’s a method of forgiveness. What my uncle explained was really good and applying Ho’Oponopono is very beneficial. As what he had mentioned, “It’s a way of solving a problem. It’s not a magic but it requires some consist and consistency of practices to be applied daily. He also said, “It all means that we get aligned to the existence with a little help from the Universe. It may sound ridiculous and complicated or “out there, Universe how? “or “Maybe it is…! “. But the truth is applying this practice in both simple and complex and it is also a very big help. Do you realize it’s all about you and only yourself? He says a term that he uses most of the time in his talk, “You and only you is responsible of yourself”. That’s true indeed. I am responsible for myself. You have know that every pr


Why does Appearances matter in a Traditional Indian Wedding proposals? The physical appearances has become the main thing for the most Indian community looking for a bride or a groom for their kids. Why is it so important ? Since your appearance is the main thing that most people look for, it will only last until you get to know each other well enough to decide that their appearance was not enough. This is not enough proof that physical appearance is not what life is really about so you look for the same thing again. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or at least that's what they tell us. Unfortunately that doesn't exactly hold true when it comes to proposals. With proposals that firstphysical impression means everything. Attraction plays another major role in life because that's the thing that draws you in first. Once you feel the attraction, you begin to notice other things about that person, which keep the relationship going and moving forward. There are even times wh

Same GOD different Argument!

If you meet someone from a different religion and the argument of GOD differs. You can fight with your words but maybe listen what that person has to say. Never argue about with them as GOD is one. But you know who you are and what is your faith and pray to whom you wish to follow. Be yourself because you’re the GOD. "We don't realize that, somewhere within us all, there does exist a supreme self who is eternally at peace." — Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)

You and your words!

We tend to swallow our own words when we are unable to spit it out. Our life of pain is destroyed caused by the words we hear. We create the word but without knowing that it actually bounces back to us instead. We tend to listen to our own words of mantra’s “I’m useless, I’m not worth, I’m lonely, I’m a failure, etc” and we become the absorbing material. We should stop choking with these words that will affect us mentally and physically. If you point one finger towards another person and curse them, watch what you say as the rest of the four fingers are actually pointing at you instead. The words that you spat were for you not for them. Next time think before you say something nasty and otherwise it hits you back hard.

I am I!

There is so much about me and my life. I control my life not the life is controlling me. ? There is so much about my fate that I have no control off but just that other things do fall under that jurisdiction. I can decide what is good and bad for me, how should I spend precious time, energy, money. Whom I should fall in love, interact with, share my soul and body. I can choose what I want to read, write and do. I also can choose how I am going to overcome my unfortunate circumstances in my life I will see them as curses or opportunity. I can choose my words and the tone of my voice as I speak to others. Everything I can choose in my life, everything chooses me when I can choose my thought..!! "You are, after all, what you think. Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions." ~ Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)~


Do we need to payback for everything we have lived in this world to sustain our life’s? In the end, as human with our generosity we just keep saying thank you for everything and everyone we had come across in this life. Thank you for…. …the beautiful life …my soul …universe …the love …the happiness …the sadness …everything

Soulmates !

Who are they?  Have I found mine? As I know am still in search for the perfect soul mate. Will I really find the perfect one?  I also believe no one is born prefect. Maybe I should change my mind set and find a better way to choose the right soul mate. A lot of them thinkthat a soul mate is a perfect fit of our lives and that is what everyone are searching for. Don’t they know, that we tend to overlook at times not seeing where the actual perfection is stated. A true soul mate that I’m in search might be a mirror of me without me realizing it. The person who can holds me back and shows me everything about meaning of love and life. Soul mates come into our life to reveal the layer of you and then they vanish. They might also have purposes to take away your ego, show you the light of life and also transform you for better. So make the right choices ,follow what heart desires...!!!!

Happiness Where to Find it ?

We search for happiness everywhere but not knowing it’s only within you. The happiness has to be revealed by just entering the silence of your heart to know which knows you better. It’s just in your heart, unknowingly your searching the whole world rather than in yourself. Happiness is the consequences of your personal effort. You demand, you fight, you insist but you never found it where is should be. Maybe you’re looking at the wrong place after all. Search within you before you widen your options. The moment you find the happiness in you, you will tend to hold it tight toward yourself keep it floating. Your treasure, your precious is just within you

The Grand Design

"A great man and great deed - doesn't matter how you look but show the world what you are..!!! - Myself- I have heard about Stephan Hawking and admire his work and achievements.His a genious. His new book - "The Grand Design" is coming out soon ! "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist," - Stephen Hawking's - The Grand Design a new book by Stephen Hawking's describes about the creation of universe by physic theory and it's not GOD's creation. He explains, " God did not create the universe and the "Big Bang" was an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics". "It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going." He wrote in A Brief History ... "If we discover a complete theory, it would be the ultimat

More Quotes!!

"To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did." Just the thought of being with you tomorrow, is enough to get me thru today. I Love You: "It takes 3 seconds to say, 3 hours to explain but a lifetime to prove." Spread love! -Revrun Its funny how the only people who hurt you are the ones who promised they won't. -Sheri Roushdy Don't say you love me just to make me happy, but say it... because you mean it.

A note from my mind!

The way you see me into my eyes your gaze captures me , I feel the chill of your breath, but I also feel the pain you made me take , its unforgettable , You surprised me but I never felt it at that moment, Now I feel the real meaning of all your lies and you being yourself is a disgrace, What did I do , everything was my fault . What was yours , can you determine that. I defended myself  but you can't without any solid evidence to this relationship , you don't deserve anything at all. See where you stand and see where am I. I still have everything for me except you, but you don't have everything except yourself. You betrayed me and being a disgrace to yourself...!!! I'm still loved and taken care better than you expected.

Should you or Shouldn't you not read my Blog..!!!

I know you like to read,  YOU know you like to read, But I know you have no time to read, YOU know you have no time to read, I know you won't do anything as you don't want to do. YOU know you won't do anything as you don't want to do. We both know you're not going to read this blog posts as it's too long and time consuming when you have better more important things to do. But do ; ....You realize that the entire universe is an illusion ....You're out of your mind. ....You're out of excuses. ....It's none of my business. ....You are an acute case of blogitis ....You'd rather facebook ....You're thinking of starting your own blog. .....the Karma of you. ....You think blogging is a nonsense. ....Nostradamus didn't predict it. Just because. ....You're not as open to possibility as you think you are ....You figure that anyone who would bother writing a list of reasons why you wouldn't read the list written     is either insane.

Great minds Gets Idea In shower!

As the water falls on me, I image it as a string of precious drops as it penetrates my very soul.  I embrace it with deep satisfaction, I feel that every drop of the lovely crystals washes away all my worries and giving me a rise to a fresh positive feelings. Abundance of the water captivates my soul. It seems it’s just another day with a renewed refreshing moment. You might think that I’m enjoying the magic of the natural shower which might be the rain, maybe the beautiful waterfall cascading gently from its majestic form. Hey, come back to reality! I was just talking about being in the shower, taking a long shower every day. Sometimes it takes longer than expected till my skins on my fingers shrink. I just love water, I like the way it flows all over me. It doesn’t matter if it’s the rain, sea or just a small stream except gulping a glass of water into me. LOL! I do visit waterfalls at time during the weekends (it’s actually a part of my weekend activity) just because of i

Imperfections in Me!

How will that work in me? How can I do it? How will I change myself? So many questions prompted in my mind lately. I finally took my first step to attend my Uncle Shan’s talk “Wings to Wealth”. It really did help and will help me further in my life. I know I’m not prefect nor do anyone else in this world. In his talk, there was one exercise he asked us to do by listing what we like and dislikes about ourself. How will I ponder on this question to list all those, what I don’t like about myself was a BIG question? It took me more than a week just to THINK! THINK! AND THINK!. Once I was ready to pen it on the paper, I was still wondering what those things would be that I don’t like about myself . So here it was, the list had more than 20 things listed which actually made me realize of myself and how I can change it with some help from me myself only. I am responsible to myself and I'm the only one can help myslef. I have some good qualities but they are not enough, there is more to be

Famous for a Day!

I appeared on newspaper on the 12th August 2010 - News Straits Times. I was part of the WS Meteorite Shower , so there was an article related about that event and a photo of me on the paper. I felt happy that I was famous for a day. Some of my friends smsed me notifying me...!!!

Bye! I'm dying 2morrow

I was watching this Indian drama which I don't do normally because they don't make any sense other than playing the same fact of the Indian lifes. There was this scene where an old woman is death and there is a funeral held.A friend of the old woman comes by to pay respect and she starts to cry , instead she can say this .... so called dialogue  " Oh! you have left me , how come you didn't inform me that you're leaving , who do I have now....bla ! bla ! bla!" . The joke is , will anyone inform someone when they are going to die...!!! Does this make any sense ? What a crap ? That's the Indian drama's....and just for these soap opera's the Indian women get themselves available just to followup with these serial drama's everyday.It does not even teach them anything nor show them any positive lifestyle. Indian women will never change and does the indian drama's has they still make money though...!!! I'm a Malaysian Tamil but I'm not muc

Hindu Inception!

How is it possible for another person to know what idea or thought I have in my mind? Is it possible for me to make that idea come out of my mind and make it enter the mind of another person? To do that, I will have to summon the help of Mother Saraswati (Vak Devi) the goddess of speech (also known as the goddess of learning), or use the written word to communicate. This power or shakti when combined with the static thought, makes it possible for the thought or idea to travel. This is a miraculous power or shakti. If I am speaking to an audience of fifty people, this power becomes manifold or multiplies and with my each thought enters the minds of all fifty people. If my talk is broadcast via satellite and if there are a million listeners, this shakti becomes a million fold. Its capacity is unlimited. This combination of the product of human consciousness (thought) with Shakti makes manifestation of things possible. The clothes we wear, the chair on which we seat, the books we read, th

Aadi 18th - I missed this year..!!!

Sitting in office and was thinking back of the goodmomeries of Aadi 18th prayers. The day when Ammai was around and how we all get excited to get back to Kampung Guru for the prayers. It was one of my ever marked event in the calender. Mama's will buy all the types of fruits in season including durians. The excitement of having so many type of fruits in a day.Varieties for indian sweets and delicious meal . After the prayers , all will get the auspicious string tied on the hand.End of the day we all sit and eat together as a complete family. This year is the 1st year we are doing without ammai.I guess it will not be the same as she was around.The lonesome of the event.I really don't feel the excitement as I use to feel those days. It's all just a rememberance of the moment but the thrill of the feel is not there just a memory.

Perseids Shower

Perseid meteorites named after the Persus star displays a spectacular show every year in month of August. I have read about it and always wanting to watch them one day. I always had a dream of laying on the sea shore and watch the beautiful clear sky with a lots of stars twinkling away in a distance. It finally happened after a long time . Simply that I had the idea planted in my mind and my thought made it work this time, even though it is very late after a long time. It was the peak show of the Perseid this year. My WS team were organizing this event and I managed to plan my time for it. It was held at the Bagan Lalang seaside in Sepang. There were about 50 people joined and Selangor Tourism and Malaysia Astronomy team cherished the event with us. It started with a beautiful sunset. The sun and the sky in the evening were amazing. The sun light across the sky was so vibrant and bright displaying various shades of orange and red colours. The crescent moon as it shined brightly among t

Nice Quotes

One day someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else. -Lora Leigh Hell in hello and good in goodbye: "Don't be afraid of goodbye but careful with the hello!" You know it's love when all you want is that person to be happy; even if you're not part of their happiness! Simple mathematics: "Let no one be your number 1 while they make you their number 2 Everyday is a new day. A new day with new challenges, a new hope, new problems. Stay positive! Go forward! -@ It's okay to be scared of something, we all do. Just don't let it stop you from moving forward. When life gives you no choice, make one. Choice isn't what people give you, it's what you make for yourself! Don't say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it. -Melissa Marr You may not know your path, but you must know what you don't want in life. -@PauloCoelho Kill people with your kindne

Perseids Showers - Bagan Lalang 2010

Perseids meteorites named after the Persus star displays a spectacular show every year in month of August. I have read about it and always wanting to watch them one day. I always had a dream of laying on the sea shore and watch the beautiful clear sky with a lots of stars gazing away in a distance. It finally happened after a long time . Simply that I had the idea planted in my mind and my thought made it work this time, even though it is very late after a long time. It was the peak show of the Perseid this year. My WS team were organizing this event and I managed to plan my time for it. It was held at the Bagan Lalang seaside in Sepang. There were about 50 people joined and Selangor Tourism and Malaysia Astronomy team cherished the event with us. It started with a beautiful sunset. The sun and the sky in the evening were amazing. The sun light across the sky was so vibrant and bright. The crescent moon and the brightly shinning Venus added more beauty to the dusking sky.