Great minds Gets Idea In shower!

As the water falls on me, I image it as a string of precious drops as it penetrates my very soul.  I embrace it with deep satisfaction, I feel that every drop of the lovely crystals washes away all my worries and giving me a rise to a fresh positive feelings.

Abundance of the water captivates my soul. It seems it’s just another day with a renewed refreshing moment.

You might think that I’m enjoying the magic of the natural shower which might be the rain, maybe the beautiful waterfall cascading gently from its majestic form.

Hey, come back to reality!

I was just talking about being in the shower, taking a long shower every day. Sometimes it takes longer than expected till my skins on my fingers shrink. I just love water, I like the way it flows all over me. It doesn’t matter if it’s the rain, sea or just a small stream except gulping a glass of water into me. LOL!

I do visit waterfalls at time during the weekends (it’s actually a part of my weekend activity) just because of its hydraulic –natural water massage. You know, showering is a metaphor for "getting rid of the dirt" as the stuff that covers up what's beneath me. It wakes me up, gets my mind alert and active. M y soul feels rejuvenated as the water washes of all the stress and tiredness.

 I feel isolated from the entire outside world just for that moment with a limited time for myself only. I tend to forget the world out of my bathroom door. The world that is full of demands, maybe that’s the best when I’m alone, with time to reflect and rare interruptions.

It’s just the repetitive sensation, the white noise of the water as it’s indecipherable, it also creates the concentration easier, the temperature being at the comfortable level, increases the excitement in my soul, and it’s all just the sensation of relaxation as the water hits me.

Water is associated with "contemplation, it doesn’t matter what I feel and where I am it can be the waterfall, under the rain, near a lake or at the seaside.

Being in the shower is as though I’m in another world, a world to myself, a world that I can’t share with anyone.

Okay, I guess you might be wondering why I am talking about showers and being in a shower.
In fact while I’m in shower everything around me disappears, my mind relaxes and re-treats my soul. When my mind is stressed with daily grinds, it becomes heavy, so when the stresses are washed away, my mind feels lighter and free as it can roam widely. And at this stage, I really tend to think, see and feel about something new.

Alright more confusions now!

Actually at that stage my mind thinks about new ideas, solutions or even things to-do and even a creative idea of something.

 Now you will be more curious to know how I will remember those ideas that just popped in my mind what happens after I step out of the shower.

Will I still be able to remember?

”Now, that’s not going to be much of help, is it?

Greater curiousity!

 “Well you’re right, and you’re wrong too “.

Of course I will remember them. If I’m looking for a solution when I get them obviously I will remember it. But I also realized, good ideas and solutions will stay and last longer in your mind till you action it.

I wished I had a waterproof Dictaphone that records my ideas or my thoughts if I tend to forget. LOL!
Not only that, I might sound crazy getting ideas when I take showers but there are great mind who actually get ideas when they are in showers .

Let’s take a journey into the past and history the inventors, philosophers, writers, singers, musicians, businessmen or else wonderful dream came true, great art designed so on.

The shower is so conducive to new ideas. Maybe, I also get so many of my good ideas there.
Even Albert Einstein also did his best thinking while in a shower.

Water is associated with "flow." Being in the "flow state" is often a precursor to creative thinking. There is no deliverable expected of you. If you shower with a friend, and he/she happens to be in a brainstorming mode, lots of great ideas get sparked. Showering is easy. Not a lot of thinking is required to make it happen, which frees your mind to think about other things.

Everyone might have their very own place to get ideas or think for solution not necessary in a shower. So for those you have your own location or places, go and visit and reveal the creativity of the mind when its sets free.

“All life is an experiment. The new experiments you make the better”-Ralph Waldo Emerson.


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