
Showing posts from December, 2011

Goodbye 2010

You were great and too many huddles to past through but you still gave some sweets memories.

A Click !

When amattached to my camera, I click away everything in my reach.It would be temptingto capture every moment that happens in front of me as I could refrain myselfwithout clicking every seconds. Both looking at a picture and taking a pictures are the best pastimes and I've been always inspired to photography whenever I come across the national geography magazines.I got myself my very first camera which did wonders and I was facinated taking more pictures. I used to take my camera with my everywhere and enjoy taking of views, buildings , people and anything that I my eyes could reach. There is this saying that says 'a picture tells a thousand words'. Well,I guess it's true! When a photo is captured it also captures the moment in time.So when you look at it, it takes you back on the journey of those memories, feelings and emotions of that very moment of that picture. Which is why some people always would say 'the camera never lies'as the picture would be acurate c

North Korea - KimJong-il

Who was he ? I never knew such a person existed till the day he passed.Every channels on news and every pages on newspapers talked about him. I was watching this Documentary on the TV History channel on the other day and was taken back on the story of confession by the refugees and asylums.I can't believe these are still happening in a country somewhere in this world and it's reality. The dramatic stories of North Koreans who are risking everything, including torture and execution, to escape the repression and hunger of their homeland and reach safety in the South. North Korea an isolated country for the world.The people of Korea never knew what is happening outside their country. They never had a chance to peep about outside world, they are controlled and no freedom.The government has been controlling all activities within the nation and also using brainwashing tactics to confuse them.Even the media such has radio, television , newspapers are all controlled and operated b

Twitter vs. Facebook

What are Twitter and Facebook ? Just a social networking site to make friends.Alright, not many of you'll really distinguish the difference between them. Some or many would have difference point of view. I would describe Twitter similar to Facebook status updates without anything else. On Facebook, I live for the “likes”. It’s not that I have this compulsive need to feel popular or whatever so; I just love to know the right thing to post to bring the most happiness to people's lives even if it as at my own though. The "Like" is just a manifestation of me bringing joy to someone who shares the same thought as I post. But it’s not the only reason I update my status on Facebook, I like to share my point of views and opinions about various current events in all type of events. Even am not into political but sometime it’s better to share some points of political blunders that goes by unnoticed by the public or misinterpreted by the media. The voice of people the most inf

Smiling Hearts...

A newborn baby, the first flower in your garden, the feel of sunshine on your face in early morning breeze, unconditional love from your lover, when a fairy stops by and talks to you when your alone, looking at those you love and feeling the swelling of your heart, .These are the feelings of the heart smiling.This is what makes the heart tingle and smiles back? A warm fuzzy of tingled feeling inside you and the mind floats with excitement. Do you create with your heart? Do you allow your heart to guide your thoughts, beliefs and truths? Then you create with your heart  as you acknowledge, learn, feel and believe what your heart says you are creating your reality and thus creating with your own heart. It’s really quite simple. Feeling and be involved with things that your heart desires.It makes you happy and gives a big smile on your face and also in your heart.I have had my heart smiling back at me when I went up the stage to receive my scroll when I graduated for my Degree, knowing t

Little Magic World

Have you ever thought of living in a fairyland? Have you ever got amused after reading all those fairy tales with pixies, fairies, glowing worms, and edible mushrooms? Trolls hiding behind the tress and little flower petals with that could fly.Little people in the same house with you. In the mouse holes and steal your foods from the kitchen such as the Burrowers. I was fascinated all about fairies and pixies, gnomes and trolls. Tales of fairies and fairy tales play a role in my childhood. I loved reading about them and love reading Enid Blyton’s series of collections with fairy worlds and wonderlands hidden within our own world. I used to believe that they existed but just that we can’t see them. We might need to believe in them so they could reveal themselves but I wish if I had a chance if they existed. I always believed that they lived just outside in our gardens. I always thought there was a world outside my house that all these existed. I used to play in my garden and also tried

World Outside Ours…

T oday’s world and universe that we see originated from the Big Bang, when the space and time came into existence and the laws of the universe were set to create something magnificent called we earthlings and various life formations. The laws of nature that just so happen to allow for the formation of stars, galaxies, planets, and ultimately life are all accidental properties forged during the Big Bang billions of years ago. What lies up there or further in there is not explainable or describable? Aliens? X-Files , Star trek can these explain what we can’t explain or materialize. Are there any other planetary system or Universe? Are there any dual world and a door to another world? Does black hole or worm hole exist? Are they time machine and worm hole to travel back to the past or future? . Data’s of the universe that is tumbling into our mental satellite reader (our brain) it becomes increasingly clear that we are being prepared for something or get to know the truth. We need to thin

A Woman Who loves Technology

Being a woman who loves technology is something that makes everyone frown as so much questions would be prompted in their heads.Women and technology ? Why not women, why can't they be alittle different from being a true feminine always !! Sometimes I struggle with the feeling of being a true feminine.  I do not have a lot of the things in my life that many would associate with womanhood or feminism.  I am neither a mother nor a wife or dating anyone yet.I would like to have all of those things but it just hasn’t happened for me. Meanwhile on the flip side; I have some characteristics that are typically associated with male interest which anyone would conclude. I am not a “tomboy” just that  I am good with technology. I love video games, I work with Information Technology, computers and camera’s and not only that I am also able run chores on my own that not all men are good at.Managing a car and knowing it's functionality for maintenance,changing a tyre, fixing electronic faulti


November just ended in a glimpse with filled busy days and December came by and now it will be ending soon. The year is drawing to a close. I might think I still have time left to fulfil my unfinished resolution. It feels like the time to achieve my goals has already passed.  Or has it? is there another opportunity? I would say 2010 was good and ended well. And now year 2011 as overall it was a good year with a lots of up and downs. I wish the coming New Year 2012 would be another better year.Till towards the end of next year I would again say , "Overall it was just another great year ended". Same thing would be siad with better contructed sentences ;-p The last two weeks toward the end of the month has been really hectic.  I don’t want to live in crisis.  I don’t want to just survive. So given where I am at now, what can I do to enter the next year with a sense of optimism? Hesitate to post about my resolutions. Everyone was so supportive and even inspired. So to look at my

Not really lost but lost

I feel lost and lonely in this world. I don’t know what makes me feel that way. I have been pretty silent lately. That’s not because I didn’t really know what to say or what to do. Everyone was wondering what has been bothering me? But there isn’t anything that’s bothering me. If I have glimpse looking at my life, I really don’t know where it is heading. I lost my path, too many cross roads and death ends without ‘U’ turns. I feel totally lost and confused, all my guidance have given up on me. I need a turning point now; I just don’t know where I am heading from here. I have the paths in front of me and I will need to figure out where I am going to head later. Everyone says they are busy.  And yes they are busy, perhaps they lead a life at the pace I will over the next two weeks all the time.  I know I need to be kind to myself or I will crash and burn.  So yes I have excuses but excuses are not always a bad thing.  There are valid excuses and I am making a choice to try and cost on so

Back to the past...

I always wondered if only I could turn back the time. Where I can find a black hole ? A dual world inside my world or build a time machine, hmmmmm!!!! I could change alot of thing and everything would be different now. God, please give a chance for going back into time and fix everything that I could fix.My life something that I missed to do and missed not to do. It's not just changing the history of my life , instead making some perfections for smoother life now.

Smart phones Smarter ways..!!!

My blogging seems to be abandoned for some time as in many reasons. Firstly, I have little time to spend as my fingers are tired to type further after long hours from office. And I find it difficult to think as my brain is drained badly end of the day as I head home. Secondly, I could say that my dearest iPhone has put my computer on holidays, I can now spend weeks without opening it and I still spend millions of hours on the internet, while in queues anywhere. It has freed me from my computer and broadband issues, but because blogging from a phone is a bit more difficult but I will still blog as there is a lot to write. It’s easier to Facebook and Twitter which keeps me busy, having those on my iPhone and easy access at anytime and anywhere with everybody quicker and much easier. One of my resolution for next year is to blog often even from my iPhone ;P ! Trying my luck, heheheh!!

Childhood Memoirs !!!

There were just few childhood memories that I cherish. Those days were the day’s that will not repeat again and these are the days that I will not be able tell anyone.The feel and the memory of each fascinating moment was a little happiness in my life. We were not well to do those days and our mom slogged every hour of her time to give us the best. Our dad was based in oil palm estates to manage the factories and would not come back every fort nights. Every moment me and my brothers spent are the moment we look forward now. My time was wonderful with my three brothers. We use to have the great fun. Our childhood experiences thought us a lot on survival and we experimented those while got scolded from mom including some hard smacking’s ( hehehe !) But they were fun and we didn’t repeat those actions again. Everything was one time game with thrills. We were not hooked to the TV have they were limited children’s programs played only from 4-6pm only on one channel. We either didn’t have an