A newborn baby, the first flower in your garden, the feel of sunshine on your face in early morning breeze, unconditional love from your lover, when a fairy stops by and talks to you when your alone, looking at those you love and feeling the swelling of your heart, .These are the feelings of the heart smiling.This is what makes the heart tingle and smiles back? A warm fuzzy of tingled feeling inside you and the mind floats with excitement. Do you create with your heart? Do you allow your heart to guide your thoughts, beliefs and truths? Then you create with your heart as you acknowledge, learn, feel and believe what your heart says you are creating your reality and thus creating with your own heart. It’s really quite simple. Feeling and be involved with things that your heart desires.It makes you happy and gives a big smile on your face and also in your heart.I have had my heart smiling back at me when I went up the stage to receive my scroll when I graduated for my Degree, knowi...