
Showing posts from September, 2011

My Thoughts, Your Thoughts

--> Expanding your horizons, really thinking out of the box... people keep saying about this but when it comes to doing it, thats when you realise, that you are generally wasting a lot of time. Keep growing, keep learning, keep evolving, continuously recognise and rectify one's flaws. And also that you learn from people both young and old.

Being Wise and getting more Wisdom

--> I am not perfect either , I have my flaws too. At times I really screw up things for myself and also others. Never made any intentions to correct myself . Indeed  --> And with things I do, I would never make a mistake. ESPECIALLY in my musical delivery. I would never sing a wrong note, make a slip, you know, the works.... I would know who is a right person and who is not. What is a good situation and what is not, without really getting into trial and error. ;) hee hee.. asking for a lot I am. I would always do the right thing. I think what I am asking for now is foresight. To be able to look into the future. And to know whether I will be making any mistakes, whether I would hurt anyone, inadvertantly or otherwise, or be hurt, or like whether I drive my car badly, or mess up a lunch or a dinner, or get somewhere late where I should be on time, I would know it all. And I would never get into the situation. And with foresight. I would have learned from my mistake that

Something to Share

Recipe For Inspiration. I read this article and got inspired.Pleas read it.

Kindness is Sharing!!

Do I used to live selfishly ?No, I wasn’t but all my decisions were made putting my own needs and wants as the first consideration. I honestly feel that it did have a huge impact on me though but still am a considerable and considered person. Come on guys those who knew me and known me could judge me better than myself. ***sighs***. I’m writing about something that actually meant so much to me or maybe changed a little part of my life for some realization, I would say,something that has touched my heart to let me know I have something in me that others should know. I’m not overstating though but the fact. I was at the petrol station re-filling my car and I noticed this guy walking up and down.Ok! Some of you’ll might think about the stories we hear about petrol station but this is something different. Don’t worry I was not harmed though. This guy came to me. This wasn’t something out of the ordinary but the approach was a little different. He said, “My motor bike had a flat tyre and h

Attachments !

--> Sometime I wonder I love so many people that come across my life such as my friends and family. The attachment with them is so strong at times I feel hurt when they hurt me. The love I have for is unconditional love that is so strong especially my family (I meant my maternal family ). I can't imagine life without any attachments to many things at most people around me.

Blog it from the thoughts..!!!

Blogging does not need correction in any aspect of English grammatically.It's all about what comes in your mind and as it's typed into words. There should not be any alignment or adjustment of words and grammar. Neither the spelling, of course otherwise we will not understand what is interpreted as we thought.  Our mind would give us the thoughts that comes from a certain point of time. I always write them in my blog about something that truly needs to be written from my thoughts, it could be anything that I felt like sharing .It also makes me understand how my mind and thoughts evolves with each another to bring some points that I never even imagine that I could interpret my own thought. Most of my writings are inspired by me and also from others. I do think carefully what to write as my thought gives me the words and  as my fingers would type every words to be read by others. These are just my views and opinions of understanding some factors.It could be right or wrong but th

Wild Things of my Life !!!

The year has just taken a long leap and it has only 3 more months left. Wow! Time just flew too soon. It’s already end of the year. Time does not either sleep or wait for us. It keeps ticking and the earth keeps moving on the axis. Nothing goes on halt unless we halt the time which is not possible J ! So many people have so much time to waste that they do not use it wisely. I wish I could add those extra times in to my daily life if it was ever possible. People could share their time with me :P ! My mind is already filled with all those thoughts of something’s, everything’s, anything’s and also nothing’s. These thoughts sometimes can be something’s that is all about everything in my life. For a while I kept my self in silence to re-surface everything of anything in my life. And another time it re-surfaces when there was calmness with everything else maybe because everything else decides to take a turn to nowhere. I really could escape my mind and thought to somewhere, elsewhere, and


Sometimes word drops when mind is not telling us what to say. Why is it tough to say what we need to say? Scared people are judging on us when we tend to say anything. There have been always questions what other people might think or judge us, who will think what we said and will say. Pride , what is pride.Why should we bother what people think.Pride kills us.I prefer to be myself when ever I go out or meet people.Dress the way I like as long I look smart and presentable, especially I should feel comfortable with what I am wearing. Why do people bother who you are unless they know you very well,especially when you come from a small town,big family and every Tom, Dick and Harry knows who are you. What is wrong when we can say whatever we need to say? Why should we think what other might say or do about us? It our feeling, we have said what we felt like saying and did what we felt like doing? There are no regrets about it and it’s also not easy to accept what we have said could be wrong

Lost friends

Have been catching up with a couple of friends lately, people I have lost touch for several years now. When I was younger I really did not do everything that everyone did. For most people I was too driven. Which is why when people tell me of friends they have grown up with, best buddies and things like that, all I can do is smile and wonder what is like. I didn't have a group of close friends.  I sometimes wonder why and all but I don't regret it. I have met several people along the way, have silently watched, listened to or learnt from them. Some have left a mark. Some have left bruises. Some scars. But a mark nonetheless. And this week I finally met with friends after ages really. Now I cannot help but smile when this flashback happens, in a film style :) and to see the changes, to see the evolution. The wisdom in the words and in the eyes. And how some endearing mannerisms thankfully stay.

Light to Lead me...!!!

Interestingly I do see some things moving and coming in easily lately in my life.My thought that I have been looking out for a solution are being answered when I don't required it now. Conscious mind is still locked, but I left my questions with the Universe to seek the answers.But I didn't get them as when I need it.But things are coming in so easily now but I could not use it. Why! so , Why now ? Is it the time ? Does it need to happen now or this way ? Is it the one ? Am I giving the chance again to consider. The same proposal that was I ignored as come back again, as they have not given up with me.What's happening ?I thought of it to return back when I wanted, then I rejected , felt dejected on my action but was it right I was not sure. But now it has return when I didn't expect.Is it for good now ? What am I to do ? ***sigh*** Is this my sign for good ? Should I consider ? Why not this could be it ? Is this my turn and my path.It's time I should look back of wh

Secured and security...

Marriage life is to secure yourself . Women are stronger than men as the men need women to secure their life. "Behind every men achievement there is a women",well known fact.How many men or women find security within themselves. Security is important in life and I need a security for life with a companion that I have to choose.Life will not wait for me, time is ticking.Opening my eyes wider, looking around me as everything is changing but am still in one place.I tried to move out of my circle but am dumped back into it. Its time I get out of my circle and move on with my life.I don't need to depend on others as they too don't expect much from me.Let me think and make my decision, I the one would be responsible to decision of my life. Time is ticking more and its coming to an end.I at a dead end and need to find my way out of this darkness.Everything is bright out there, I don't have the light in my hand to lead my path.I need a security , a secured life to move on


My uncle was giving me a pep talk as usual on my future plans building a family and settling in life. As he said this , people will tend to blame others and keep on blaming to the fact the don't not blame themselves.They do not realize they are at the fault.Blames will never fade and it will always be there. We need to move forward, blames or blaming others will never end. Stop blaming others, and look at your life and blame yourself if it needed.You are responsible to yourself and not others.


I have to give a chance to myself as no one else will be give me the chance of life.Time is running and I'm stuck here, not sure what is my next move or would it be right.Making decision is so complicated and requires fully open mind. I'm still closed and can't open my mind further.I need to clear them and except the factor chances are only once.If I let this chance I will regret my life forever and no one else would bother to give me another chance. I shall make my own move and secured my path..!!!

Chinmayi !

Out of blue, a message on the twitter blinks, "Am coming shall we meet , gather some gals and make plans for 'Gals day out' ". This is what was said by a person that I most adore as a person and also her achievements. She is non-other than the famous singer from India, Chinmayi.I had been following her on twitter and was sharing something on baking too.  But since I got least replies, I never thought one day I will be meeting her in person and spending some precious time taking her for baking supply shopping.   The reason I followed her on twitter because of who she is. One of India’s women entrepreneurs cum singer. I admire her for where she stands today and she is an example role model for other women to look up for. She is a famous singer though, I admire her for her success well known among the younger Indian women generations.It's always not the what you want to be but where you want to be factor.She has made it and still making it possible more.Her voice is

Nobody, your alone!

One of my friend reasonly lost his mother suddenly.It was not expected too soon but it was a suprised taken back though.She was the only family he had and now she is gone.I don't know what it would feel like that when your only family has left and you are all alone in this world.The only one left in your family.What type of a feeling or experience one could go through? I would go mad thinking about it, while all of them looking down at the one soul left on the physical world. **sigh **!!! :(


--> Life in school was good. It was carefree. Happier. Then we all grow. Grow up to be what? Big sigh.


I didn't know I have admires.Some people have told me that I look beautiful and look good.In my office I always get compliments from my colleagues. Hold on , not from guys but girls.But I do also have guys admires who appreciate me. I always believed myself that I looked good and its reflecting back on me.I'm proud of myself.Despite my weight as a burden I get these many compliment , what if...!!!!  Wow , I can't imagine that.... PS: now I need to shed more of my weight to look more gorgeous :D !

Still in Draft...!!!

There are so many write ups sitting in my Draft . I have written a lot but requires spell check and error corrections and also the sentences to re-constructed correctly. Need to find my precious time to publish each of them soon..!!! Long waited blogs coming soon.! : )

Judging myself – change and recontruct

--> Too much for me to bear.. Or to think of.. What happened to this whole concept of give and take and everyone wants to be on the receiving side and none on the giving? How will you receive happily if you dont know how joyous it is to give? Why is it that the grass is always greener on the other side? If it is, then why dont you try and grow some greener green grass on yours? Lot of questions.. sometimes I like being alone.. listen to whatever is around me.. look at nothing in particular.. and watch my thoughts scream by, shout by, and talk by, ...softly by .. I am still to reach that stage where they will whisper and then finally they stop happening.. thats supposed to be a high altitude to reach in your personal evolution. Thoughtless .. literally.