
Sometimes word drops when mind is not telling us what to say. Why is it tough to say what we need to say? Scared people are judging on us when we tend to say anything. There have been always questions what other people might think or judge us, who will think what we said and will say.
Pride , what is pride.Why should we bother what people think.Pride kills us.I prefer to be myself when ever I go out or meet people.Dress the way I like as long I look smart and presentable, especially
I should feel comfortable with what I am wearing. Why do people bother who you are unless they know you very well,especially when you come from a small town,big family and every Tom, Dick and Harry knows who are you.
What is wrong when we can say whatever we need to say? Why should we think what other might say or do about us? It our feeling, we have said what we felt like saying and did what we felt like doing?
There are no regrets about it and it’s also not easy to accept what we have said could be wrong or right or maybe it did not work out the way we expected it to work. Sometimes everything will not be right; perhaps we might have said something and might have regret to it, especially when there is embarrassing situation when we did something that most people could have not done but we are highlighted in the community that is so “Pride “high.
Hmmmm!, that's really too much to except ***sighs***.Maybe we did not have any idea of how things could be or we would have done something nonetheless.
Why do we bother too much about what the others would think when we did or said something even if that is one the things we want to say or do the most? Why don't we get to judge our own selves without anyone involving? We are living for ourselves and not for the society or community that’s out there.
An entire human life would not be interesting if there is no thinking for something and worrying about everything. No one is perfect and why do they bother on what others think or said? Everyone needs to be some use to others but there is no use at all about that.
Why do these people who are not a part of our life do not related with what we should say and do. Why do we need to bother of such peculiar people to affect our lives? We have a life and that's a gift of lifetime. So what a waste if we make of it sometimes. Of course sometimes we need to also worry about things we might do would affect the community that is watching us.
Why these people who are not our close friend or family have to dictate what are we doing and saying. No matter what you do, these people will find some time to give advices, so what! But if those people do really care for you, if they really wish well and mean well for you. Then we could at least consider a little but for those unrelated and just interfering. I won’t give a damn about them at all. And even, at times I might not be in agreement with everything that I hear. Why should I listen to everything they say, were they there for me when I needed them?
Why now! A question comes up.
We were in different paths of life and why suddenly they find my way and interrupting it.
Ridiculous! Whatever happens to me and my family is nothing for you to say. You people out there could mind your own life’s as life is only once in a lifetime, if it’s used correctly for some time and nevertheless at times. It is never used to oneself and it the only thing to do with me.
And here this is what I feel, other than friend and family, why should I listen to people who are so bothered and concern suddenly about everything. My lifetime is so special and why does it has to surround by these entire weirdo’s, which has the time to contradict what I say and do.
Your thought, your dream and your life is all yours, why bothering and thinking about others. Dream and keep chasing the dream that you always wanted. Don’t even try to fail if people have said such. You should know better to judge yourself. Looking at myself, accepting what I am and who I am,loving myself more, God has given me everything in this Universe. I live my life for me and my loved ones for others.


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