
Showing posts from 2016

Iron Lady Of Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu lost their one and only Iron Lady Jayalalitha Jayaram. Being the 4th time Chief Minister for Tamil Nadu is a history she has created and furthermore being the only woman in the political world of men. She was once a beautiful actress turned into influential political idol. A formidable leader and a strong woman that has also marked the end of an era. Despite all odds and struggles she remained her stand and fought her way out and through the crowd of men to achieve something much better than any have done in Tamil Nadu. Her mentor was always MGR. She is known for her versatility, boldness, being dynamic, intelligent, very charismatic, positive attitude, fearless. Her has earned a name of being a woman legacy, iconic woman leader, great leader, even an inspiration to all woman in Tamil Nadu and the most influential Indian Woman around the world. I have seen few interviews of her with NDTV and you know on the spot, from the way she carries her self and how she tal

Super Moon 2016

 This year there were couple of astronomical events of the moon and meteor showers. Best of all is the Super moon on the 14th November 2016. It was a great hype in the social media as everyone were only posting and sharing about the super moon occurrence for this year and the next of this such event will take place after 18 years. So the hype was on and everyone were anxious to capture their best shot of the year, but unfortunately in Malaysia the weather was not to our favour as it was the monsoon month and we had rains every morning and evenings. So due to the great weather, the moon was hidden ever since the peak time of viewing and raised lots disappointments for many who were ready with their gears to capture the moment.  As like others, I also got my baby (Canon 60D) ready for the moment and obviously the moon was too shy. But it didn't disappoint me much as the moon will be up later so I waited. The below is the picture as I got of the moon somehow to mark

Me within Myself...

I was never a good listener but I listened to everything and to everyone. I was never a good reader and I don’t know if I will be ever. I can be a good writer  and I don’t aspire to be either. What did I ever wanted to do, but I never aspired myself I could be tough I know I can. But now, I have been much more and I have found myself in many. Every day, I wake up; I tried to find reasons to live. Every night, when I slept, I tried to find reasons to not die. Every moment, I tried to find reasons to hope, dream and love.  But I never found them. Until I met you. I saw chaos, confusion, and fear all around me in my life all these years.  But not within me, after I met you, everything changed. Time decides our fate, our journey. And when time changes, everything changes. Everything! Sometimes for bad, sometimes for good, I just except it.  And sometimes, for the best. I never believed that. Until you happened to me. It’s not a story and maybe it's not to be told. it's love

Demigod in Me...

I believe strongly in my religion of Hinduism and am proud to be one in this life.  Spirituality is a guidance of our subconscious mind connecting to the super powered Universe above us. I believe in Universe, the Universe is God, the Universe is the Energy and the Universe is also the Matter. Everything that is being created around us is by the Universe. I did wonder what was the Universe made off. Particles and dusts with atoms and protons that are combined which does create vibrations and energies. Alright, lets just leave the scientific part of the God and Universe and lets get into the beliefs and believes. Demigod.... Wow....was I said to a Demigod..!!! hmmm....Demigod of whom.... Demigod being a minor deity, a mortal who is the offspring of a god and human being, or a figure who has attained divine status after death. Seriously, how true can it be ?

I know what I have Learnt....

Sometimes when make a move in life either in career or life itself, we tend to have new things along the way and we need to learn them to know it well. In my situation same exact thing is happening. After my life incident I have become more bold and confident with myself. That very minute of the that turning point in my life taught me a lesson to stand up and fight as I need to survived in this whacky weird world which I would say as "WWW", not "World Wide Web". So these changes has mold me into a new person and given me the opportunity to develop myself to stand high along with all the others. I do feel confident with myself as I know I am a capable person. My capabilities are what I have learnt and learn to make myself a better person. I have learnt to be calm in heart and mind. I have learnt to be positive of everything. I have learnt to be quite. I have learnt to listen to my heart and mind. I have learnt to see straight and not the sides. I have learn

Paralympians Our Hero....

Sunday morning, we Malaysian woke up for the greatest news ever in Malaysians Paralympic history. Even though the Olympic for ordinary people ended 2 weeks ago, the Olympic fever hasn't finished yet.We still have the Paralympic going on for the extraordinary athletes. This very Sunday the 11/9 which is also the remembrance for 9/11 has made a new history for Malaysia in 24 hours. Our fellow Paralympians won 3 Golds and the National song was played 3 times in a day in Rio Olympic. They are extraordinary but they are the true hero Olympians. If they can achieved it , why not others. They have shown us, their fellow Malaysians their dedication and handwork in wining big. It is not easy to win gold even by the able bodied athletes but these para-Olympians have proven it that they too can do it. Yes, I know there are many para-Olympians have won medals in the past Olympics, but this very special of this Rio Olympic, that our fellow para-Olympians have won Gold medals

The Spirit of Olympic

This year has been the best Olympic game. First, as Malaysia this game brought in and thought the other Malaysian what is a true Malaysians are. We can be divided by different colours of our skins, different mother tongue and religion. But we do eat the same Nasi Lemak, Char Keuy Teow and Thosai, because we are Malaysian. Now since the Olympics games are over, the game had new lesson of life and Olympians. We saw courage, we saw heart and we also saw passion in every Olympians. Firstly , we Malaysian saw the determination of each and every one of them. We didn't get any Gold but we showed the best ever performances that indeed showed all of us the true meaning and power of UNITY and United Malaysia for many night for the support of their fellow. Our leaders have to build a better Malaysia without negativity and race conflicts. Our roots may not change as we are born Malaysians. For one night, we the Malaysians, the hearts united leaving everything behind

The Malaysian Olympians...

The last week has been a tremendous week of challenges for our country men and women at the RIO Olympic 2016. We Malaysian are proud to know our fellow Malaysian Olympians have won 4 silver and a Bronze. Whatever it is we still have our own world-class Olympians. We can't deny that, we should be proud of that. Congratulation to our synchronized divers, our badminton team, and the surprising Keirin cyclist. Malaysia has won the 1st Silver from the Diving team; Pandelela and Dhabitha in synchronize diving which made us all proud in achieving Malaysia's first medal. They were even qualified for the Semi Finals of 10m diving and together again into the Finals. It is proud to know they have competed among the best or best for the Final. It was a great game indee. though they didn't win in the finals at least we Malaysia were very proud as they reached the highest level of the game among the world's champions. Then unexpectedly we got a bronze kei

How I like my book..

How you like your book? I just love the crisp of the new pages, the smell of a new book  and flipping through the pages and reading every word is fascinating. Books are the perfect entertainment not like the online books or eBook. As you may hold a book and flip through the pages, it's a bond I create with the book. The cover that attracts me to read the content, the typed words of the author's imagination is simply brilliant as you can feel it on every page. Rather than the eBooks, you are looking at the same very words on a screen and that are just untouchable. I build a fond relationship with my books as I read them, I keep the pages clean from folds and damages. As for the old books, after years kept in a box or the shelves they take me back on the journey when I bought them the very first. As the smell of the old pages reminds me the time when I read the book last. This is how I like about books. What about yourself ?

Science of Our Indian Food

I read an article on the science of our Indian food. First of all ,Indian foods have its gastronomic history of flavors that are complex, oscillating between sweet, savory, and spicy. F or many people, Indian food is love at first bite. As the wonderful combination of vibrant colors, invigorating aromas and bold yet perfectly balanced spices are enough to drive anyone into sensory overload. But what is it about Indian food that makes it so irresistibly divine? That's true, as an Indian I would say.  It turns out that there’s a lot more to it than simply dreaming up cocktails of spices and ingredients that seem to go well. We are not talking about ingredients in modern day, I mean these have been there centuries ago. Every ingredients of the herbs and spices do play a heavy roles in medicinal aspects. Turmeric being one of the strongest anti-bacterial elements for inflammation and bacteria infections, here we use basically in every food we cook. Each herb and spices from c

Fun fair with mommies

Fun fair was the only entertainment those days in 80's. I used to go when I was small, now I had been taking my niece for the fun fairs. It's the best moment in childhood days to create memories of these moments. I am giving as much memories as I could for my niece to remember her childhood. So this time her fun fair trip was with her grandmother's. My mom and my aunt, came along so they could create a memory for her when she grows up she would remember they have taken for a fun fair. Meanwhile, I was there my mom was talking about her times in a fun fair. They would get the porcelain coin boxes as a gift for the games and it was their best moments in their childhood. The fun fair was the only amusement park for them, not like I see these days. So this time, my mom wanted to play a game and she got hooked to it till I had to spend almost RM50 ringgit. I looked at her and I was thinking to myself, sometimes we still have those child character in us. Even though m

A Note of A Minute of My Life....

I don’t know where this thought came from but I never saw myself as someone who would entered the second third phase of the life successfully. I could see my younger adult years clearly but I couldn’t envision being at this age that I am now as someone I would be. I used to think that I would be married with kids though, t hat all has change now, it is not the same as what I thought. In addition to that, the more I learned to embrace the fullness of who I am and I get to focus on being successful in life as in health, self confidence, intelligence, talented and job. In many ways, my life has gone in different direction that I never could have imagined and for now that I am very grateful to myself. I also never thought I would make it to see myself where I am today somewhere else from where I am standing now. My life was worth waiting to see what it has for me. So here I am now, being a new person on the second third phase of my life cycle with new challenges of being som

Be Wiser than Being Just Wise

Life is a great teacher as we never really ever stop learning from our experiences in life. There is a quote that goes as below by Otto Von Bismarck; This is how I would quote it and I would add that the world is full of simply “ wise people ” and not so many “ wiser ones ” , as we tend to have to learn things through our own experience. I would agree that if we are really smart, we would have certainly learnt from our life experiences and learn to avoid the same mistakes through again. But unfortunately it just doesn ’ t seem to go this way most of the time.      This why it is said that experience is the best teacher, in fact we were born to learn and it never stop us from learning and experiencing every bitter and sweet of life has for us. Our child-like curiosity can get the best of us and we will just have to see for ourselves if it will work out or not whatever it is.   While growing up it seems to be essential to not take people ’ s word for granted


So much is happening the sine you left us and I know in some frustrations of hearing voices in my head I disconnected you. Now the time and situation has not been to good. The family are shattered is all ways, I know I need to do something about it.I decided to reconnect with you, find an answer for all and what is blocking you from communicating with us. Even though I disconnected your from me but you were visible to others though you can't communicate as what you can with me. If you were still around us, you will not let these take place and put us all in a misery of life. We need to be under your umbrella once again,open your umbrella and shelter us all. The decision of reconnecting within the 9 days. The interesting part is that, the last 3 days were coincident that it was the superstitious days that were for the souls. This "No moon" day was to be the last day of the prayers to connect with you back, the day before was Maha Shivarathri which indeed was a pow

3 C's of Life


Eye Through a Camera


Not too Late to Learn Tamil


Size not the Matter...


Simple Life Recipe to Life...


Life Quote...


Memoirs of Childhood....


I'm A Strong Woman...


The Truth of Words...


Memories with Hiddine in Songs...



A powerful word is Change. Change of everything personally or politically but still change never happens or not expected. I read an article on a blog on Change. Change is a common word but there is a big differences behind it. "It is not the strongest of the species that survive nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change" - Charles Darwin What is Change? If given a serious thought about it, great changes have come through great wars, technology, nature and science. Change is eventual and natural , the change can be also within us. As the world demands for a change ,but it's within us and not by the world.If one can change towards what needs to be changed , the world would be a better place to live in. One's existence shall be replaced by it's extinction. Get ready for the change to as it's time for it has come. Except the change and live with it, nor if you don't nothing changes. For ages it's evident that people always

"24" the Tamil Movie

After a long time, a good Tamil movie with a good story line and furthermore it is a Sci-Fi movie. Wait !, yeah you heard it right. A Sci-Fi tamil movie. Kollywood ( Tamil Movie Hollywood version ) has been making a couple of Sci-Fi movies. They are adding some trends in their movies similiar to Bollywood style ( Hindi Movie Hollywood version ) and Hollywood concept. Mother's day movie outing with my big family. The ever hyped movie for this year, thought of giving my review after watching it. I normally do not review Tamil movies and I am more of a English movie fan. But this time, I got myself wrong as I enjoyed this movie. There are many good Tamil movies directed but somehow somewhere this movie, it was not appreciated because it was not a commercial movie that the viewers expected. Anyways, this is my review of this movie. Picture taken from Google search. Alright, back to this movie review in my own thoughts. Suriya’s own production " 24 " is a brilliant
Make love to your partner without having sex , yes why should we all think make love is only one thing.  Why not we look at it differently?  Change the perception of your thoughts and make the difference. Make Love doesn't mean it has to be SEX. It also could mean being closer in a relationship and making is sweeter. I have shared the link above to read.

Book Journal Again

I have started back to write my book journal once again. I was reading one of my journals dating back on 2003 and 2004. Lots of bitter and sweet memories. It was nice to read my own journal of past years. One thing I thought to myself, journal is totally different from blogging. Journal preserves my hand writing has it changes all the time ,and every page of my journal retains the history of the moment I write in them. My blogging will be general on my thoughts and views. My journal would be personal of my life and incidents that I want to remember.
Memories that I could rewind once again ! The day I was born ! My first birthday ! Kinder days My first day at school ! The moment I was a little girl ! Those memorable moments with my grandparents ! Back to school era ! The day I got graduated obtaining my BSc ( Hons ) Degree ! When I turned 21... The day my niece was born... When I crossed 30....

ARR 2016 Live In KL

Yesterday, I went for the "Nenje Yezhu" ARR 2016 World Tour. The last AR Rahman show I went for was in 2004, that was a big event and for the first time AR Rahman was on his world tour. I have been AR Rahman's biggest fan ever since the very first time when I heard "Roja", while on a family trip to Cameron Highland in 1992. Since then whenever his songs comes on the radio, I would not miss listening to them. My mother taught me how to record the songs on a cassette player while it's being played on the radio. So I had a cassette with my collection.Later on, my mother got me the cassettes to listen. My first cassette ARRahman was Roja and Uzhavan. Even since then, I never missed getting a copy of his new releases. After few years, CD was released but those were very expensive initially. A CD would cost RM50, but my mother got me the very first CD on Minsara Kanavu and Iruvar. She also bought than the latest VCD player cum radio with huge speakers

Another year old...

This year birthday I wanted to do something extra special and thought of giving either an old folks home or an orphanage some treat. So amma prepared so much on on birthday as what she wanted to give. She got some party packs for her kinder children and I celebrated my birthday with them all in morning. After that headed to work and in the afternoon all the staffs in the office got a meal for the day "Mutton Briyani". Then I went to the Old Folks home near my hometown Teluk Intan. There is one in Langkap. There were only 11 of them living there. I handed them some food (fish curry, fish fry and vegetable with watermelon, not only food, they even got a goodie bag with a "Sarong" and biscuits. I had my 2nd cake in the office along with the staff. End of the day it was a beautiful day indeed. Amma got me a bouquet of flowers. Simple celebration made some souls happy. My birthday was on a Thursday, I took off on Friday, So the weekend I met my bestie , s