The Voice - Part 1

I heard the voice of a man calling my name. I was in a meditative mode and immediately, it felt like someone had grabbed my hands and pulled me upwards and as I opened my eyes everything seemed strange, I was floating in the air, I was grabbed by my hand pulled higher than the ground. I could see myself below  still in the meditative position. I was levitating; I could see my dog as it stared at me as I passed through the door.

I could see my house disappearing in the distance below me. I tried to look up but still nothing visible, I was taken very fast passing through the clouds. Everything was clouds, white fogs and nothing or no one can be seen. Actually I was sort of ‘levitating’ in to the sky.

It seemed like I was taken far away and suddenly I landed on the smoky place as like on clouds I guess. Everything looked like it had a bit of a glow to it. I heard my name again and it seemed like the voice was coming from beside me. I could recognise that voice, I have been missing that voice for a long time.

Tears filled my eyes as I know it was my uncle who pulled me here. I felt the hand assuring me I am safe. I lost the touch of the hand from me.

I stood up and walked around trying to find something. When my hands went through the white clouds, I pulled my hand back for a moment because it startled me, but then I just assumed it was a dream and I gathered the courage to walk through it.

I remember looking up at the stars and they seemed more bright than usual, I knew I was levitating. Then, I noticed what I thought was a star above me that was glowing much brighter than the other stars. I stared at it for a moment and the light grew bigger and brighter. 

All of a sudden, everything around me was starting getting brighter and brighter until I literally couldn’t see anything. I was surrounded by intense white light. 
Then, I heard my name again.

After I heard my name once again, everything started coming better into focus.Then, I noticed someone walking over to me. She was draped in a red saree, she also had a big red circle on her forehead and with a huge smile on her face. I recognised her immediately and it was  my grandmother. 

I remember asking her,"Is it a dream?

"No, this is not a dream", she said.

"I called your soul because there were things I need to tell you".

"You are the only one I can communicate for now in the family".

to be continued....


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