Predictions and Believes...Guidance to your Life

Fortune tellers are they saying the truth...
If so how true?
Different religion believes in their own kind of fortune tellers.
Tarot cards reader, hand palm readers, finger print reading, and many more methods.
But seems like all are based on your date of birth based and day or night. That's how your time starts the minute you have arrived into this world.
Today I had a question from my Hayday(Facebook) friend. She asked me if I believed in fortune tellers.
But it depends though. They are many kind of fortune tellers and some are liars and some are true, though we can't differentiate them and as its all based on prediction only.

As for the Hindus, they follow the prediction to guide their lives. Astrology and Astrologer play main a role in a Hindu's life.

But how many do believe in it just because some of it brings negative thoughts and disturbs their minds for the whole life.

They are people who live their life based on these daily horoscope predictions, they use horoscope in everything with their daily life. They make it a habit to watch or read horoscope before they start their daily life.

I don't not believe in fortune tellers though, it's all about predictions. I had an experience once in India. 

India is famous for all types of fortune telling. They can instead predict from your thumb prints, palm reading or the famous ancient method " Palm Leaf Manuscripts".

My experience was with the ancient palm leaf manuscripts. Actually, I am aware of the ancient leaf but after this time I got to know they reproduced and some of the original facts are rewritten.

See all the time, the guy asked me questions most of it were probability 1:1.

Every answer and head nodes I give is the answer for him. They start with my thumb print, they say the thumb print is the manuscript's index which will identify the correct bundle of leaf I belong too.

Obviously they ask the typical question of your name, date of birth and place of birth. They will bring the first bundle. Each bundle might have about 20 leaf sheets example of a picture shared below.

Ancient Palm Leaf
The questioning process starts with, as your father's name is same with Lord Murugan.
I said,"Yes".
Murugan, Murugesan...;
Your mother's name is Skathi Devi (which is common for Tamils as our names derive from the deities 1000 names);
Then you have 2 siblings;
Correction made: You have 3 siblings;
First Question , all are boys;
OK, I have found your Palm Leaf bundle categorized, let me get it from the library.

Waited for about 1/2, he came back.
"Sorry Madam, your bundle is not here as it's on a rotational basis to another place".
I was profounded and asked him, "how come?".
"We have limited of these leaf manuscripts which have been preserved for 1000 years, so it is shared among all astrologers".
I wasn't quite happy with that answer.
Same thing happened to my mom, they couldn't find hers either. We were disappointed as they charged us a sum for just a few questions and answers.
Anyways since than I never ever trusted these astrologers. There was another incident, they will predict all the negativity in your star and you will need to do all the offerings to clear your karma.
Alright, I do believe in Karma though. I went on doing all those offerings by visiting some temples an prayer to be done. I did also followed some procedures too. End of the day, the negativity was the over taking my thoughts than positiveness. 
God created us for a purpose in this world and we have to live to what we are born for. While do we need to live a life by controlling our own life when God has given the freedom.
As our life unfolds , we often tend to see that more often our life is not what we see and way beyond our control. We are merely the spectators on the web of life. Life we live is always predicted before hand before we can live the future but why we should predict our future to live.
Astrology works as moment of the time and those moments cannot be the same.
Example when you drive your car to your destination, you are not sure of the consequences that might come along the way till you reach destination. So this what astrology should do to, help us to steer our lives instead but it does not work that way nowadays. People are more to predict their future and than living in the present life.
Knowing the forecast has a big impact on our mind for the rest of the day till the next sun rise. It influences our actions in both positive and negative manner. Our thought are disrobed, mind unstable and we get very fussy and agitated.
A majority fail to understand that the forecast is not a precise prediction but rather a statement of probability. Furthermore, there isn’t any multiple horoscope can be exactly the same as each human beings are unique.
This might come as a surprise to the true believer and may sound disappointing. God has a good reason; He chose not to reveal the future to us. He has allowed us to see the past and the present. Hat behold the future is all in his hand only. The reason is also straight forward as the future is pre-determined, whole life you will be living in constant dread.
If it is something positive was predicted, you would live to for it to happen instead, believe me I have seen these kinds of people.
But end of the day, you will not experience the immense joy of the living in the present moment and it brings the excitements has faded.
On the other hand, if these predictions are taken with a sound of judgement, the positive will change the circumstances, astrology could be wrong.
Astrologers with wide knowledge in this field can help to identify the good and bad of our lives with health, wealth, career, family and etc. but all these predicted based on our star charts only. Astrology takes our free will away from us but it is how you use this information depend on our own free will to live our life.
I know some people who are living and guiding their own life with astrology prediction rather than the way to live life with your own willingness. They are bounded to the astrology to forecast their future and live with it.  


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