
Showing posts from July, 2012

Same story never ending.

Out of frustration when bad people are living happily while the good people suffer so much in life to live happily. What is happening? Is God watching all this and allowing it to happen. Karma is what we say, but karma for the bad people seems to be on good side as they tend to enjoy life more than those good ones. Health, financial and other difficulties for those preach God and follow all the rules of life are in bad shape. But these bad people who don’t preach, pray or follow rules are on the loose. I don’t understand why? Is God playing “hide n seek” to find him or he knows what he is doing. By the time the bad people have their bad luck, the good people may not a live to enjoy anything. Karma continues for next life or no re-birth to continue what is left in last birth. Life is not satisfied at all.

Trust the Inner

I believe we all have experienced the the inner self of our talking to us. As seen in the movies where a devil in red with its red horns sits on the left and an angel with a wing and   halo on its head on the right shoulders. It is actually our inner self, which is how it is potraited in the movies explanation in a layman language. Most people are not aware of these inner voices that decide what things that we need to do and how we need to do? Sometimes it also helps us in preventing from getting into troubles or alerts us from any treat. The angel is our conscience and the devil represents the temptation. Both always show a inner conflicts in our mind and thoughts. We can control them from taking over of our thoughts. Though the wisest guru is our inner. Always trust our intuitions, they will guide us alway on the right path.

Day 22 : Sweat Wet

Today I sweated a lot , real dripping sweat. All the access water drainned totally. Heheheh..!!!! Today more running- more to jogging though I would say. I only spent a little time on the trek mill today. 36 minutes 1.8 km 55.1 calories I did more yoga steps and worked out for my lower abs-hips-thighs.

Rules for everything, never give up

 never give up....   there are rules in everything including in happiness.To achieve a proper happiness we need follow few rules that will make us live happily. 

Day 21 : back on Track

48 minutes 3.4 km 98.5 calories

Day 20 : back in hometown

Still was in Hometown over the weekend.

Day 19 : Planed trip

Planned a sudden trip to drive back to hometown.

New Family

Being a girl is totally different . Our controlled life styles and habits with some femine touches brings out our character. As I grew in this life there are so many stages of life and consequences to standby strong.It's not easy though and I think every women or girl should see their life in a different perspective. Maybe we could see something different. Marriage is one of the phases of life for a girl. As she attains to be a woman she falls into this stage. She needs to prepare herself for a total new life with new group f people around her. Ok! Into the big picture, "Let meet the in-LAWS". Actually many women think of mother-in-law as monster-in-law. Because mothers are always mothers when comes to their children doesn't matter even if you are married or you are 50 year old. They still care. So not all mother-in-laws are bad, we can still meet some good hearted one who will love their daughter in- laws too. Maybe you could win her heart being the favourite

London Olympic 2012

I stayed awake just to catch the glimpse of the Live show of the Olympic opening on last Friday 27 th July (in UK) as for me it was 28 th July, 4am. The most anticipated opening of the Olympic was held with a stunning show filled with the British’s history, art and culture. United by Wales, Scotland and Britain, London hosting the Olympic 2012 for the 4 times England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland came together. The stadium was themed with traditional and typical British country side atmosphere with rivers, rural idyllic with grassy meadows, fences, animals. The set seems to be real. After the green pleasant view of an English village, came the Industrial Revolutions of steel. It was magnificent opening with themes and great stories and achievements , histories in UK. The ceremony kicked off with its 16 days of sporting thrills as more than 10,000 athletes from 204 countries. Since the Queen was celebrating her 60 th year in throne this year, the Queen played a smal

Just a Quote - 6


Day 18 : Nothing

Couldn't do as there was prayers in morning to participate.

my Blunder

Been trying to lose weight. Rather than saying dieting which am not strictly following but instead controlling my food to lose weight. Still I'm not sure why I am not losing any or sheding any pounds off but some inches have reduced. I don't have any fitness or dieting plan. Which at times does not work for me ? Am I doing something wrong somewhere ? Reasons maybe I could say it's not working for me. 1. overcompensate for exercise Sometimes rewarding my workouts with an edible treat (well, i know I've just burned off all those calories, right?), however, I think I often overestimate the calories I have burn through exercise, and taking in more than I have actually worked off, leading to weight gain rather than loss. 2. Eating large portions I know am not dieting guess my portions are large. Even though I eat on the right time. It is worth remembering that although the food you’re eating may be healthy, it should still be eaten in moderation, as eating too much of an

Facebook Just For Laugh


Just a Quote - 5


Just a Quote - 10


Reasons for all


Day 17 : Short Run

3.8 km, speed 5, 110 calories , 48 minutes

Love Quote -1


Smile n me

Anyone admires my smile. Without me truthfully knowing my secret weapon of my beauty is my smile. Some my friend had been reptitively said this. Most have posted their comnent on ny facebook when I update a new picture. My smile talks and describes me and my character. It has also attracted people and they come to me to be my friend. My smile has also win my hearts to get my way on something. No demanfing, no bargaining and no worries. One smile frim plays the role well and I get what I wanted.

Know your language

My cousins were playing a game where they name fruits and vegetables in Tamil. Not bad my Tamil is still could be used and needed some improvements though. Manage to guess a lot of the words. I always belief to preserve your own mother tongue language. It describes all about who you are and where are you from. Your anchestor and your existance. Tamil being the oldest language in the world and also also hold a lot of histories. I'm proud to be one who can speak this language.

Day 15 : unproductivity

I was unproductivity on this day.

first US woman in space dead at 61

WASHINGTON: Sally Ride, the first American woman to journey into space, died on Monday after a 17-month battle with pancreatic cancer, her foundation announced. She was 61. Ride first launched into space in 1983 aboard the Challenger shuttle, taking part in the seventh mission of US space shuttle program. US President Barack Obama called her a "national hero and a powerful role model" who "inspired generations of young girls to reach for the stars." "Sally's life showed us that there are no limits to what we can achieve and I have no doubt that her legacy will endure for years to come," he added, in a statement offering condolences to Ride's family and friends. NASA administrator Charles Bolden said in a statement Ride "literally changed the face of America's space program" and that "the nation has lost one of its finest leaders, teachers, and explorers." The agency's deputy administrator Lori Garver added that the

Day 15 : Walked

3.5 km 1 hr 115 calories

Day 14 : never give up

Had a terrible leg cramp and couldn't walk. Though I went for a swim to work with my hips and thighs. Did ten lapse and really got myself tired but at least I did something.

Not bad

My aunt said I look beautiful in that saree I wore in the evening and asked me maintain most weight lost.

Day 12: stairs

Thought of using the stairs for today. Up and down from 10th floor. Good workout after long break past 3 days.

Day 11: Friday

One week inactive !!!

Day 10 : still...

nothing done, on my pain off day. You can't blame me,I go through this pain every month tha lasts for 3 days at least. Women nature, God has created us to go through this.

Knowing the Trance...

Honestly , I never knew what trance music was, I have notice some of my friends uploading music videos on Facebook with the word “Trance” in the description but I never had a peep into those , till reasonly there was a talk in office among my colleagues about some music’s genre and I was lost in that conversation as I was not aware, “What the hell is it?”, So I didn’t want to make myself a fool among them, silently went on the World Wide Web, the best place to find anything. I started to Google for my search found a link to the Trance music site, heard a couple of songs from there. “Oh!, this is what trance music is all about, fast music that gets your feet tapping and your head moving”. Interestingly, I did come across this type of music and heard them before but I never knew it was called “Trance”. Pity me, less of music influence. **sighs** Trance in my translation or knowledge as I know is a word I find in philosophical books. Otherwise, trance an ecs

Weight Watching...

"Watch you weight, you are not married yet?", this is what I hear most of the time. As family are concern about me and my health, I need to buck up. Looking at myself in the mirror, I do seem to look good and I am not lacking anything extra on me except that I need to lose some of the excess chunks, ***sighs*** . Though I am not that fat, just on the obese side maybe slight crossing the border line of obesity. Ok! Ok! Well as others may still say is FAT, my frame is big so I may look that way. Anyways I am not such but still need to shed to get my ideal weight which is not tough though. That was a rhetorical question, by the way. So yes, I am. And honestly, it is not a spectacular feeling as I always thought it would be. Not even close. Alrite times up, I better start to buckle up to do something about it. By the way it is just running of the treadmill, I have started regularly for 2 hours. You might discover so many more important and deeper things in life that such small th

Day 9 : ........

Since am in my PMS grumpy mood and with lots of cramps. I decided at least to do some upper body workouts rather than strainning my lower abs. Hand and shoulder workout to work around the arm and chest. Still something little than nothing.... :)

Rewind back….

It’s time I should realize what is going on around me. Things don’t seem to be the same and can't be the same always either. I have no doubts with growing older that's human nature,n ot that I can do anything about it. I know nobody can eitherdo anything for me as it all depends on me only. I got never worried about how the years were just slipping away in my life towards the rushing time. I wondered more but to not to worry or complaint s I never thought I never had anything to worry for but now I do realize.I need to worry with a lot of everything with me and around me. Infact, the fact that I have experienced for last 31 years of my life. That’s really sounds like a grown up, right?Yeah, indeed I am not realizing am a grown up, still living in my childhood and teenage world. And in this world of mine, there were so many years to do so many things. I am more in surprise of all that I have done in all this time, than being just disappointed about what I haven’t or regretting.

Day 8 : None

Having my tummy cramps so couldn't do my workouts.

Feel your pain...

Merely a second to breath and feel the love . The tiny newborn who can barely support its own head weight  does not get to live forever in this dangerous world. What is happening to this world ? New borns found dead in bins and toilets. Where is one's consciences ? Where would all this ? Never ending news every day on the newspapers. It's becoming a trend of this era, baby threwn. It's not their mistakes to deserve such a wasted life. Who made them has to be blamed ?

Day 7 : Week 2

Monday and working day, tiredly got up from bed but was active for the work out. Burned : 130 cl Distance : 4km Pace : 4 - 5 with 10 incline stage. Breakfast : Oats Lunch : 5 tablespoon of rice and vege. Dinner : sandwich

Day 6 : Sunday Swim

No worked but went for a long swim and was tiring.

Day 5: Weekend mood

Weekend was my movie day out so work out was on rest :P

Day 4 : Never gave up

Jumped from my bed and hopped on the treadmill for an hour and half. Burned : 115 cl Distance 2.0 Pace : 4 -5 speed Evening went for swimming for an hour .

Day 3 : Thoughtful day

I woke up with a fresh mind to start my day with my work out. Burned : 113 cl Distance : 1.8 km Pace : 4 - 4.5 speed.

Day 2 :Increase Pace

I increased the pace in my walking for one hour and targeted the calorie count. I've targeted for 500-550 calorie per week. I have to increase my daily count to reach that target. I need to sweat more and burn more to get a result very soon. Walking: Burned : 100 cl Distance : 1.5km Pace 3-4 speed

90 days to go....

Started my routine of workout once again with more seriousness though. Time isn't waiting for me but I need to catch up the time otherwise I would be regretting when the time once waited for me but I never realize. Though things has to change soon, it can't be going on this way. I'm not a kid neither a teenager nor a youngster. I'm a grown up adult that needs to take some self responsibilities. It's time I need buck up and lose some weight. First week started on low pace to catch up with my body stamina. My weight has not been a barrier to me at all all this while. I may look big as I'm big built, though I have strong legs and I am flexible too. Working out doesn't not drain my energy totally. Since I'm active always I feel much more fresher nowdays. Despite work out , I am also controlling my cravings and the munches in betweens meals. I make sure I take my 3 meals with a portion equalled for every servings. But sometimes with our Indian food it's d

Day 1 : Catching up

First day was just catching up my pace and stability of my mind for the moment. I need to workout my mind and soul to help my body to cope. I am doing walking on the tread-mill with some added worked outs. Planned to do swimming over the weekend and availability weekdays too.I need to organize my time wise to weekdays though. Since I look at the computer screen for 9-10 hours daily I need to have at least 8 hours of eye rest rather to say a good sleep. Sometimes when I have least hours of rest my eyes do give me a lot of problems. Day 1 one for just another day with 1 hour walk and some tummy trim exercise.

No Safety anywhere

The crime in Malaysia is increasing day by day, especially robbery. We ladies have no security anywhere as the jobless robbers are robbing us in broad day light . What ever we have is just a little of what we have earned. That also these people rob from us and our lifes becomes disasterous from the mark they leave behind on us. Just take what you want without harming us. Why do they harm us ? If we don't have, we are telling the truth. Why not rob the rich ? What we have is our hard earned ? Even if we do voice out, how much of security can be given to each women here. We can't depend on police all the while. At times they are help-less. I guess we need to hire our own guard soon. At least jobless people will have some job to guard us. No safety anywhere even to go for shopping or walking in a place filled with people we are robbed. Where is the hero ? Where are the super heroes ?