Weight Watching...

"Watch you weight, you are not married yet?", this is what I hear most of the time. As family are concern about me and my health, I need to buck up. Looking at myself in the mirror, I do seem to look good and I am not lacking anything extra on me except that I need to lose some of the excess chunks, ***sighs*** . Though I am not that fat, just on the obese side maybe slight crossing the border line of obesity. Ok! Ok! Well as others may still say is FAT, my frame is big so I may look that way. Anyways I am not such but still need to shed to get my ideal weight which is not tough though.
That was a rhetorical question, by the way. So yes, I am. And honestly, it is not a spectacular feeling as I always thought it would be. Not even close. Alrite times up, I better start to buckle up to do something about it. By the way it is just running of the treadmill, I have started regularly for 2 hours. You might discover so many more important and deeper things in life that such small things, which once seemed so important, ceased to matter at all.
Yeah, right! , Me on mills once again. It all started a long time back and then all got ceased after that. Now am back again for good and all. If I was not concerned about the fact that what the 100 odd people sitting around and thought about me , that now worry's me. Here I am considering, Hmmm..nope concenstrating !, Hmmm..nope ...DOING SOMETHING for bette.
I know, I know, shallowness personified. But what to do, we are like that only. And trust me, it hasn’t been easy. I mean, I look back upon myself, the last time I was working out and all, and I am like, 
‘Ah, look at that lucky girl! All the time in the world to work out, all the liberty to choose what she wants to eat, and at the end of the day, she will go home, glue her ass on the couch and eye stuck upon the TV shows. Beautiful dresses to fit and parties to go over the weekend.
And look at me now. Anyone who knows me even a little bit would also know that I’m not a morning person. I, cannot work out in the mornings because mornings are important for my beauty sleep. And I, after a long tiring day of work out, work - staring at the computer screen for 9-10 hours, I need my time off and more importantly, my sleeeeeeep!!!.What do I have instead? I only have a maximum of 8 hours of sleep each day which is standard hours that is sufficient for now. But sometimes I lose 2 hours of it,  if I sleep late spending sometime catching up with some movies.
So, the conclusion is that there just wasn’t enough time to work out. Till I got some advice from the adults at home, once they told me, in my situation there was time to do everything, all I need to do is  give up on sleep, prioritize each minute and discipline myself.
Bad as it sounds, I started to give up on that little by little. You see, that extra hours in the morning I could have for sleep I could at least burn 100 calories ***wink***. Well, I started using that already dragging myself on the mill. The plus here being, that my mind automatically wakes me up the moment the sun rises on the horizon, I don’t need to hit the snooze button on my mobile alarm. So, yep, for the one and half weeks, that’s been the routine. The aim is 5 days a week and thrice swimming.
The food is a whole different ball game. Given a choice, I would do the unhealthy thing of skipping meals for junk. You see, that’s my other habit, junk and sleep. So what do I have to do? Yep, cut down on the crap. Yes, poor I had to limit my intake of all delicious things, and by default harmful. The rest of the days are all about healthy meals. There is an occasional slip of the will-power, but if not for that, how would I be me? The will power is there so am gonna work it all out.
But it has not reached the bottom-line yet, still working on it. And it should work better than I thought it would. If I want to talk about numbers, let’s just say that last year, I gained weight in double digits, and though I lost almost few digits, what was left was still in double digits. Did I do the math, or did I just came with a new theory .Seriously, don’t. No, no, not proud of it, but come on, all those chocolates, ice creams, and sweets had to go somewhere.
Anyway, it is still not all done. I know it is tougher to ‘keep things this way’ than it was to ‘bring it to the level that I am targeting. And I am kinda making all kinds of promises to myself. For now, I am happy, really, really happy that I am moving my butt and dragging myself on to the mill to sweat myself off. And I want to enjoy the moment and celebrate it at the end of the day that I have achieved something for today. For all those reading this are welcome to encourage and give more ideas to accomplish my new game of health.


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