
Showing posts from January, 2013

A Wedding, A relationship

Many women have dreams about getting married; being with the man they love. Even I have my own dream of a beautiful wedding. I actually want to get married on a perfect wedding day as I can’t resist myself imagining it. But also sometimes I get a thought to believe that there is nothing to think about the wedding day. When the day comes all factors for the perfect wedding will already be chalked out. Every girl in the twenties will have the biggest goal in finding the right Mr. Right and settling down soon. The most common deadline that we set for ourselves is to be married and have at least one kid by the time we hit the thirties mark. It`s the biological clock maybe that is ticking, or social norms or parental pressure. We tend to hit the panic button and tend to become desperate if hadn`t found the better-half in the mid-twenties. Typical of an Indian family and also an Indian girl’s life. Most of us even end up dating all those wrong guys while knowing that we may not have a futur

Changes seen obviously

My weight management is showing a tremendous changes in me. I have shed so much around my hips and abs obviously could see the changes. There not much of hidden secrets but just a control of food, munches replaced with healthy snacks. In my office at my table there will be some snacks and all my friends would come to share if feel hungry, I would have bread, buns or biscuits. Though lately all of if are changed and replaced with dry fruits and fresh fruits. And it keeps them away as I am strong with my mind and choices of my food. I am consume it as I feel full and I do not try to finish the whole plate forcing it down my stomach. I eat to my limit and never try to exceed more. Gym has occupying my time and now I need a personal trainner to help me with firm and target the important areas ti shed further. Looks like am enjoying if what am doin! Age is catching up and I need to take care of myself.

What I see....

I never knew I had a passion or a hidden talent in photography till I had my first digital camera - Fujifilem Compact camera, which was my companion on my trips and for everything. More or less my best friend that captures and freezes my best moments to be cherished. Once my passion and adventures towards photography increased , till I treated myself of getting an gift on my 28th birthday.I got myself a Olympus EPL1. I did wonders with it, my eyes were seeing more amazing things to be freesed in time. I clicked here, clicked there and clicked everything that my eyes could reach for. Soon and later my I started loving them more, photography was my newly found hobby. Later in 2012 I got myself a Canon 60D with 28-135mm lens. This gadget was much more amazing and I did wonders with it. These 2 camera's my EPL1 and 60D were my companion to Cambodia. It was an amazing adventure. Picture will be up soon with descriptions. Then I started to play more with my gadgets with different aspect

butterflies of Happiness

For the past several days I have been different, conversing conversations with the heart and mind within myself indulging in great happiness. I am finding the answer within me for the best of me and what makes out of me. Happiness knowing myself, inner soul, great thoughts and powerful mind At some point in time, I had to guide myself where I am of what and how I feel of a certain way about certain things regardless of my beliefs, core values, myself and people around me. I have been indulged into happiness. I see happiness in everything. Inside me, my mind, my soul, my excitement, people that I see daily. Happiness is surrounded me lately. The happiness that I could not explain in words has it needs to be felt. As the butterflies fluttering throughout me giving me the happiness that I have never felt before. I wonder what have changed me for this happiness. Is it Love? The love, which I have found after a long wait in my life. The love, which waited for me for the right tim

Well ..why bother what people say..!!!

Seriously sometimes somethings or certian question really gets up my nerves.Well, that’s just one of the questions I get from people.  Really, the curiosity ranges from the obvious like almost any topic I can think of from weight, my life, my job, my habits, my characters and also my dislikes and eventually leads to questions like “what about this?” or “what about that?”  And then over the course of a conversation I see people start coming up with less questions about why and how I will or could have done something taken into challenge but instead start suggesting and creating more and more ideas and content for my year with their own curiosities.  And you know what? THATs the way, I think to myself! NOW they are getting why I do the challenges I do! See even though there are a million reasons anybody can do anything the ego, popularity, discovery, benefit, or what ever so that is related to those questions that leave you with more questions instead . Those questions that eventually w

Well done..

neglected few months backs on my 90 days target. Now am back on my track. Start as I ushered New Year. Once again recruited into gym. Ok, weigh my weight different weighing machine different weight ..!!! crappy and annoying but very happy it shows the difference though. Big ones...!!! Weighed 3 months back on home machine (non digital) - 104kg. :( Weighed in doc's clinic during my check up on 27th December 2012 (digital machine) - 98kg - :) Weighed in gym before I started back on 02/01/2013 ( digital machine) - 102kg - :( Weighed in gym after 2 weeks today 15/01/2013 (digital machine) - 98.3kg - :)) Which is true and which is wrong ? nothing much I could argue or research but both are showing some difference somewhere. I will stick on with the second option and will follow up with it to record my next weighing next week.

Note to MySelf

gave a pat to myself instead of giving a high five :) !! for the good job done. Started of New Year as its heading well as I have planned so far. In between some flaws but I pull myself to the gym though. Back on my track which I neglected few months back. Weight watching and weight lost , shedding , losing weight what ever so..!!! Big deal in my life though I never saw it as a problem. Now again I seriously need to buckle up and start back. Secret to it!! Haiya, you people always look for the simplest or easiest way out. Anyways there isn’t any secret that I have or hiding. If you need something please Google as there is much more out there that you could follow but strictly it depends on oneself how much efforts and care is needed to work your ass off. This time I need more supports and encouragement rather than telling me how to work out and what diet I need to follow. Inspirational support and encouragement is helping me every day to get my ass of the bed early to head t

Whatte ..Diet..!!!

I have been seriously reading on articles daily in between my work for healthy diets and any tips on healthy dietings. I came across an Article on Starbucks Diet. Alright, now I am really curious wondering how Starbacuks could influence in a dieting mission. Coffee and Ice blended ? How does these blend to a weight lost. I have heard Mr Subway working along diets but not Mr mcDonald nor Ms KFC. How does company or branding implies in dieting ? I have done GM diet which I still follow once a while to help in fast track shedding in between my weeks. STARBUCKs ...!!!! HOW ???

Ponggal Day

Today is the day we Hindu's celebrate the first harvesting of the year with a big celebration called Ponggal. “Ponggal” is celebrated on the Thai month as per the Indian calendar. Ponggal is celebrated to thank the farmers and cows. “Ponggal” is a South Indian celebration predominantly celebrated by people of Tamil origin. It more known as “Thai Ponggal”.It is a harvest festival to thank the sun god as the crops that they have harvested successfully. “Ponggal” is actually the sweet rice that is cooked on the celebration. “Ponggal” is usually celebrated over a course of three days and are divided into “Thai Ponggal (main celebration)”, “Maatu Ponggal (Cow Ponggal)”, and finally Kanni Ponggal” or “Kaanum Ponggal” (More of a day of thanksgiving for youngsters) “Ponggal” for some of the Tamils is a day that is more important than Deepavali. Ponggal is held closer to the hearts of Tamils because it is more of local customs. In Malaysia this is celebrated is big scale. Previous day of

90 days Challenge...

Count down starts..

New Resolution on Go

got myself into the gym finally after months of delays. Finally registered and started my New Year with new begining for good health and watch my body weight. It's a big challenge but I have my supports that encourges me to do it every day without any hesitation and neglecting one day. Though without me knowing I have lost about 8kg's as when I checked my weight on the 27th December 2012. I was so suprised as my last weight I checked couple of weeks ago was 104kg. How did I do that ? I myself still wondering about this big change and aimed to make it a bigger change for this coming New Year. I thought to myself in a short span of time it happened somehow, why not if with more efforts of workouts and food controls will work better and with more results. Not only myself though others could also see the difference in me. I could fit into some of my old pants that I could not earleir. A little has made a lot of difference. This little as encourged me seriously to make the big diffe

New Year 2013

I was at work on the eve of New Year. Planned to view the fireworks to usher the New Year at the Putrajaya/Cyberjaya Lake near my work place. Why lake many might wonder or many of you'll who do not know the Putrajaya Lake from Cyberjaya view. It is a man made lake that links Cyberjaya and Putrjaya, and why ushering New Year there, because Putrajaya is hosting the countdown and the fireworks are displayed near the lake. And from across the lake in Cyberjaya the view will be great.So I decided to avoid getting stuck in mid night traffic and watched the fireworks. After finishing my work at 11pm, I went over to the lake thought there would not be many people but I was wrong.There were a quite number of people with families to usher the New Year. Everyone were gather at one place unity of 1Malaysia. Everyone were counting for the count down and at stroke of 12 mid night, the quite bright sky was litted with colourful fireworks. There were many shapes and sizes that just brighten the mi

Just for laugh


Techy joke


Just a Quote - 9


Re-play of moments

 Its 2013 , rewind back my memory lane...!!! When I was a baby; The day I was born. My first walk. My first birthday. My first kiss. My first hug. When I was a kid ; My first kinder days. My first bicycle. My first trip to the zoo. My first day in school. My first speech in assembly. My early teenage life; When I was in high school. When I was a prefect. When I got first in class. Teenage-hood; My first time driving a car. My first day in college. My first prom nite ( without a boyfriend :) ) My first university exam. My graduation day. Adulthood : My First job, My first Salary, My first iPhone, My first Car, My first trip, My first Cocktail drink, Now: My life, My love My future Hubby Sri.

Welcome 2013

Hello 2013 We survived 2012 to see you too. hope you will bring good health, good wealth and happiness to everyone in this world that we eager to see you. World didn't end as 2012 revived it and brought us towards you. Give us more challenges we will face it and we will fight it. But we know you will give a better year than 2012.