A Wedding, A relationship

Many women have dreams about getting married; being with the man they love. Even I have my own dream of a beautiful wedding. I actually want to get married on a perfect wedding day as I can’t resist myself imagining it. But also sometimes I get a thought to believe that there is nothing to think about the wedding day. When the day comes all factors for the perfect wedding will already be chalked out.
Every girl in the twenties will have the biggest goal in finding the right Mr. Right and settling down soon. The most common deadline that we set for ourselves is to be married and have at least one kid by the time we hit the thirties mark. It`s the biological clock maybe that is ticking, or social norms or parental pressure. We tend to hit the panic button and tend to become desperate if hadn`t found the better-half in the mid-twenties. Typical of an Indian family and also an Indian girl’s life.
Most of us even end up dating all those wrong guys while knowing that we may not have a future with any of them at all. Many other women are lucky right from the start as though it seems that they were born with special detectors to nose out the right guy and hit it off. We often hear couples telling stories that they were floored the very first time they met.
I felt as though was I missing out something in my list. I always saw my marriage life in a different perspective. I waited for a long years of 32 till finally I decided I am settling down. Yes, indeed it took me a while to look for my soul mate.
Contrary to the popular belief, discovering the better half is not about falling in love. Neither does it guarantee `living happily ever after`, a concept most women falsely believe in. Women find certain qualities attractive and seek those in their better half. This often results in disappointment. Rather than sticking to the media-inflicted beliefs, one should leave a lot of room for possibilities and have an open mind about better half. 

In its purest essence, discovering the better half is like discovering the true self. It`s not finding a person who cares her whole in any way, but when the two come together, both will complement each other so perfectly well that it actually feels like finding the better half that completes her. Discovering the better half is a journey, a long process wherein the two grow together. It means facing challenges, sticking together through ups and downs, and putting in the best efforts to make the relationship work.

Communication is the key. Other important things are, trusting the significant other and being honest with him, respecting him and oneself for being the people they are individually and what they are when they are together.
Marriage is the purest relation defined by the creator above as the duo tying knots not only bond for the present life but for the next seven births they vow to be together and shield each other as soul mates. The tradition may show a difference; the vows and rituals may be in different lingual but the purity of every religion binding the lifelong wedded relation, and the strength bestowed by the creators themselves help the couple to stand victorious over any evil. The blessings with spell of rains from heavens fall and two individual souls turn into one. I finally found a beautiful caring and kind soul that will lead me through the life together with full happiness.
By taking each and every tread mutually with equally participating in every levels of life together and vitally controlling the life’s reins by own self rather being just influenced by immaturities. Marriages are made in heaven, each one of us has a partner crafted specially to drive the vehicle of relationships on the right path together, apart from love, calm state of mind, patience, maturity in analyzing life in all actions, perseverance to strive for the best to undo in life and be geared up for all worries, with all these virtues too hold the importance of life called marriage. 
I know very well I will very happy with my soulmate from now and forever.


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